Joe Louis 绿道框架规划丨美国底特律丨SmithGroup

2024/08/06 09:45:15
Joe Louis Greenway Framework Plan|SmithGroup
Project Statement
Joe Louis绿道是底特律一条长27.5英里的非机动步道和线性公园,设计重新利用了空置的工业空间,为所有底特律人提供了亲近自然、娱乐和休闲的机会。规划过程由社区主导,通过共享创造者的身份建立了信任。它颂扬了这座城市独特的历史、文化和社区身份,提供了一处安全的娱乐体验,促进了当地的经济发展,连接了社区和人们,并恢复了自然环境。创意和吸引人的活动使整个城市的不同利益相关者和社区成员都能参与到这个过程中来。建成后,46,000名底特律人重新回到这里,居住在距离Joe Louis绿道步行不到10分钟的范围内。
The Joe Louis Greenway is a 27.5-mile planned non-motorized trail and linear park in Detroit that is reclaiming vacant industrial spaces to improve access to nature, play, and recreation for all Detroiters. The community-authored planning process-built trust through shared authorship. It celebrates the city’s unique history, culture, and neighborhood identity, provides a safe recreation experience, promotes economic development, connects neighborhoods and people, and restores the natural environment. Creative and engaging activities made the process accessible to a diverse group of stakeholders and community members from across the city. When completed, 46,000 Detroiters will live within a 10-minute walk to the Joe Louis Greenway.
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▲美化:通过大量的清理工作,绿道将以前被忽视的街区变成了美丽和谐的街道,The Beautification: Through significant clean-up efforts, the greenway transforms previously neglected neighborhood sites into beautifully coordinated pathways ©︎ SmithGroup
Project Narrative
这条27.5英里的环线绿道重新利用了曾经服务于城市汽车工业的空置铁路走廊。这些曾经对底特律经济至关重要的交通系统,现在却成了过去生活的伤疤。Joe Louis绿道(JLG)通过由社区主导的计划来治愈这些创伤,改变这个未充分利用的网络,它团结了23个不同的社区,并通过设计特色、公共艺术、标牌、文化目的地和节目活动来彰显底特律强大的文化并为人民带来福祉。绿道的名字是为了纪念出身底特律的Joe Louis,他是美国黑人社会和种族正义的不懈倡导者,他将城市的集体主义进程推向更公平的未来,这也是JLG使命的中心。
由此激发的社区赋权感促使中西部社区成员成立了非营利组织绿道遗产保护协会(Greenway Heritage Conservancy),与居民分享有关第一阶段建设的信息,并倡导重新规划,以鼓励更公平的小企业和住宅开发。底特律市、Joe Louis绿道合伙公司和底特律滨河保护协会确立了统一的绿道合作关系,并已经筹集了1.78亿美元,最终将完成筹集3.5亿美元的目标,未来将捐赠给JLG以保障绿道的后期维护。
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▲简介:本项目创造出联系紧密、公平和吸引人的空间,旨在为当地带来更多的权利、团结统一与治愈,同时纪念Joe Louis,The Introduction: The plan provides connected, equitable, and engaging spaces to find opportunities for empowerment, unification, and healing in honor of Joe Louis ©︎ SmithGroup
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▲传承:居民的意见集中在七个重点领域,反映在整个项目中,并传承了Joe Louis的精神,The Legacy: Resident input coalesced around seven key areas of focus that are reflected throughout the plan and capture the spirit of Joe Louis and his legacy ©︎ Graphic: Studio Incognita, Images: Getty Images
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▲路线:由社区需求和优先事项塑造,路径穿越各种生态系统,社区,文化,城市和环境,The Route: Shaped by community needs and priorities, the path traverses a variety of ecosystems, neighborhoods, cultures, cities, and environments ©︎ SmithGroup
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▲类型学:本项目针对绿道沿线的各种条件提出了建议,以指导未来的设计和实施,The Typologies: The plan provides recommendations for the wide range of conditions found along the greenway to guide future design and implementation ©︎ SmithGroup
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▲参与:社区的积极参与塑造了指导框架规划发展的愿景,并始终处于规划过程的最前沿,The Engagement: Active participation from the community created a vision that guided the framework plan development and was at the forefront of the planning process ©︎ Graphic: SmithGroup; Image: James Brown
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▲工具:研究和设计过程的每个阶段都围绕鼓励输入、反馈、参与和设计的扩展和研讨会活动展开,The Toolkit: Each phase of the research and design process centered around outreach and workshop events that encouraged input, feedback, participation, and design ©︎ SmithGroup
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▲艺术:通过贯穿绿道的视觉识别,本项目为公众提供了表达和创造的平台,The Arts: The plan provides the platform from which expression and activation may occur while creating a visual identity that flows throughout the greenway ©︎ Map: SmithGroup; Branding: Studio Incognita
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▲弹性:在丰富的绿色、弹性设计实践下,每一种绿道类型都保证了对用户友好,而且安全、可持续,The Resiliency: Each typology was looked at to not only make the path user friendly, but safe and sustainable through various green, resilient design practices ©︎ SmithGroup
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▲设计:规划方案研究了经常使用绿道的群体,并制定了响应他们共同和独特需求的指导方针,The Design: This plan identifies groups who will commonly use the greenway—and provides guidelines that are responsive to both their shared and unique needs ©︎ SmithGroup
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▲可达性:绿道将利用新的和现有的接入点为所有居民提供了空间、视觉和听觉上的便利,The Accessibility: The greenway will utilize new and existing access points for all residents through ADA compliance with physical, visual, and auditory accommodations ©︎ SmithGroup
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▲微型交通:本规划方案以同类型城市的最佳交通模式为基础,以连接性和安全性为中心,重新审视了微型交通的新影响,The Micromobility: The plan reviewed the emerging impact of micromobility centered around connectivity and safety based on best practices in comparable cities ©︎ SmithGroup & Toole Design
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▲分阶段:本项目进行了重要的市场研究,以分析绿道沿线哪些地区最脆弱,以及如何优先考虑他们的需求,The Phasing: Significant market studies were conducted to analyze what areas along the greenway were the most vulnerable and how to prioritize their needs ©︎ HR & A
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▲研究:收集的数据显示了绿道周围的各个社区在现实生活中是如何运作的,以及它们将如何从未来的绿道系统中受益,The Study: Data was collected that showed how each section of the greenway has operated in the past, and how it would benefit from the greenway in the future ©︎ SmithGroup; Median Household Income Graphic: HR & A
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▲实施:积极的实施首先关注受影响最严重的社区,2023年已落成两公里,预计2027年全部完成,The Implementation: Aggressive implementation focuses on the hardest hit neighborhoods first, resulting in two miles completed in 2023 and estimated completion in 2027 ©︎ Construction Images: City of Detroit; Plan Images: SmithGroup; Logo: Studio Incognita
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▲影响:由于规划方案已完成,社区因此获得了战略规划资金,并处于重新分区工作,创建社区组织的阶段,The Impact: Since the plan has been completed, the neighborhoods have received strategic planning funding, rezoning efforts, and created community organizations ©︎ Images: City of Detroit; Spirit of Detroit Image: Getty Images
Project Narrative
This 27.5-mile loop greenway reutilizes vacant rail corridors that once serviced the city’s automotive industry. These transportation systems that were once so critical to Detroit’s economy are now scars of a former life. The Joe Louis Greenway (JLG) heals these wounds through a community-authored plan to transform this underutilized network, unite 23 distinct neighborhoods, and celebrate the powerful cultures and people of Detroit through design features, public art, signage, cultural destinations, and programming. Its name commemorates Detroit’s Joe Louis as a tireless advocate for social and racial justice for Black Americans, putting the city’s collective journey toward a more equitable future at the center of JLG’s mission.
Using geospatial and data analytics combined with community input, the team established an understanding of existing economic conditions, demographics, connectivity, mobility, accessibility, open space, and cultural destinations, and adapted routing and design decisions accordingly.
Design standards for cross-sections, intersections, and amenities apply and improve on best practices for non-motorized systems and have resulted in new standards for pedestrian safety across the city. Analysis of existing stormwater systems, environmental conditions, and legacy land uses led to extensive green infrastructure and re-naturalization within the greenway corridor.
The JLG’s planning and design reflects extensive community input and celebrates the cultures, histories, and lives of those living in the city. The JLG Framework Plan had significant impact well before breaking ground. The process brought community voices and perspectives to the table while fostering citizen advocacy. In partnership with the City, the planning team identified a working group of approximately 100 community leaders across the greenway impact area. The group tested innovative engagement activities, provided suggestions for larger meetings, and assisted with outreach to hard-to-reach populations.
Overall, there were 17 planned events with over 600 attendees, with translators and fliers in Spanish, Arabic, and Bengali. City staff attended 44 additional community events to gather input. The planning process advanced critical dialogue on topics around equitable economic development such as job creation, ensuring benefits remain in the community, and preventing resident and business displacement.
The resulting sense of community empowerment led to Midwest neighborhood members forming the nonprofit Greenway Heritage Conservancy to share information with residents about phase-one construction, and advocate for rezoning that will encourage more equitable small businesses and residential development. The City of Detroit, Joe Louis Greenway Partnership, and Detroit Riverfront Conservancy formed the Unified Greenway Partnership, and has already raised $178 million of its goal of $350 million for the completion and endowed maintenance of the JLG.
The City of Detroit has also committed $3 million annually for operations and maintenance. An inclusionary and regenerative philosophy guided every step of the planning process, including the prioritizing of improvements in areas of city that haven’t seen significant public investment for decades. The first two miles will be completed in 2023 with another six miles completed in 2024. In his 2023 State of the City address, the Mayor of Detroit set ambitious targets for the completion of the full greenway by 2027.
Project Credits
Studio Incognita, Identity, Branding, Messaging, and Wayfinding
Sidewalk Detroit, Public Engagement and Arts & Culture
HR & A, Housing & Economic Development
Toole Design Group, Greenway Design
Brian Charlton, ASLA, SmithGroup Landscape Architect
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