El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所

2024/08/06 15:45:30
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-0
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-1
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-2
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-3
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-4
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-5
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-6
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-7
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-8
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-9
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-10
El Dorado 住宅丨墨西哥丨Susan Marinello 事务所-11
这座度假屋专为西雅图的Brady Bunch八口之家设计,位于El Dorado俱乐部内,坐落在圣何塞-德尔卡波(San Jose del Cabo)和卡波-圣卢卡斯(Cabo San Lucas)两镇之间。对于西北太平洋地区的居民来说,巴哈半岛已经成为一个近在咫尺、备受青睐的避暑胜地。
Designed for a Seattle-based, blended, Brady Bunch family of eight, this getaway home is located in the El Dorado Club, nestled between the towns of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas. For residents of the Pacific Northwest, the Baja Peninsula has become a close and much appreciated sun respite.
这座占地10,200 平方英尺的住宅位于度假村开发项目的山顶,是一个名为“Hilltop Villas”的多户住宅区的一部分。每栋楼有四层,分为两处住宅。客户的住宅位于三楼和四楼,有一个屋顶室外空间。
The 10,200-square-foot home is located at the top of the hill within the resort development and is part of a multifamily block called the Hilltop Villas. Each building is four floors, split into two residences. The client’s residence is on the third and fourth floor, with a rooftop outdoor space.
通过使用天然暖色调的木材来保持基础家具的中性色调,Susan Marinello事务所能够创造出各种空间,使其成为反映该地区文化的纹理、材料和元素的结合画布。艺术品、纺织品和特殊工艺品均来自美国和墨西哥。大部分软装和家具都是定制的。现代的白色空间就像一个画廊,突出了长凳、抱枕和卧榻等辅助用品明亮、大胆的织物图案。为座椅选择了中性织物,作为鲜艳、现代织物图案和艺术品的画布。
By keeping the foundational pieces neutral with natural warm toned woods, we were able to create spaces that became the canvas for marrying textures, materials and elements that reflected the culture of the region. Art, textiles, and special artifacts were sourced both in the US and Mexico. The majority of soft goods and casegoods were custom.and lamps. The modern, white space acts as a gallery to emphasize the bright, bold fabric patterns of the supporting pieces, such as the benches, pillows and ottomans.  We selected neutral fabrics for the seating to act as a canvas to the vibrant, contemporary fabric patterns and art selections.
客户孜孜不倦地寻找当地或与墨西哥有叙事联系的艺术品。客厅里的那件大件作品是当地艺术家Frank Arnold的作品,Susan Marinello事务所与他们的客户一起参观了他在圣何塞德尔卡波的工作室,欣赏并挑选了他大量的作品。从墨西哥城和瓦哈卡等地的熟练工匠所表现出的广泛创造力中获得灵感,因此事务所选择了手工制作的灯具,为整个家庭增添了手工制作的特点。厨房里的土著编织篮子和铺位间里的动物面具集合庆祝了该地区的文化。
Susan Marinello’s client was diligent about hunting for artwork that was either local or had a narrative tie to Mexico. The large piece in the living room is by a local artist named Frank Arnold and they were able to visit his studio in San Jose Del Cabo to view and select from his vast array of work. They were inspired by the breadth of creativity shown by skilled artisans found in places like Mexico City and Oaxaca and selected handmade light fixtures to add the character of hand-touched work throughout the home. Indigenous woven baskets in the kitchen and a collection of animal masks in the bunk room celebrate the culture of the area.
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