

1924 年,西铁城推出第一款产品——一只怀表。之所以选择 “CITIZEN “这个名字,是为了体现公司的愿景,即打造一款让尽可能多的人在漫长岁月中珍爱的钟表。在这一创始理念的激励下,公司在过去的一个世纪中不断追求进步。
In 1924, CITIZEN introduced its first product—a pocket watch. The name “CITIZEN” was chosen to embody the vision of creating a timepiece that would be cherished by as many people as possible for years to come. Inspired by this founding philosophy, the company has spent the past century continuously striving for improvement.
▼展厅概览,exhibition overview© William Mulvihill
▼展览标题和前言,title and caption © William Mulvihill
为纪念创立100 周年,西铁城推出了一本纪念册,并在多个城市举办了为期一周的快闪式展览。我们受委托在纽约市西村地区的中心地带设计并举办展览。距离预定的开幕时间仅有两个月,我们面临紧迫的时间、交通不便的工作环境,同时还要满足客户对功能性和工业美学的要求。
In celebration of its 100-year anniversary in 2024, CITIZEN has launched a commemorative book and hosted a week-long pop-up exhibition across several cities. We were commissioned to design and erect the exhibition in the heart of New York City’s West Village. With just two months before the scheduled opening, we faced a tight timeline, working within a space that had limited access, while adhering to the client’s desire for a functional, industrial aesthetic.
▼展厅体现工业美学, exhibition room reflects an industrial aesthetic © William Mulvihill
Our approach focused on utilizing readily available materials that required minimal labor for installation. Collaborating closely with the client, we developed the layout and renderings, proposing display solutions alongside graphic design elements. Once the design was approved, we prepared detailed technical drawings and worked hand-in-hand with the contractor to ensure an efficient installation process.
▼展厅一角, a corner © William Mulvihill
We maximized the exhibition space by incorporating the existing metal columns into the design. A central table, designed to appear as a floating element, displays a third of the collection, while the remainder is arranged at the back of the room, around an impressive skylight. All carpentry was painted black, providing an elegant solution that conceals imperfections and highlights the collection.
▼金属柱、木制品和天窗, metal columns, carpentry and skylight © William Mulvihill
展览有呈现了 12 个不同的标题和类别,每个类别都采取特定的颜色。专门的壁架展示了原版和最新的怀表,彰显了西铁城的百年工艺。此外,一个定制设计的霓虹灯公司logo被安装在了现有砖墙上,强化了展览的工业调性。包括文字和图像在内的墙面图案以及座位区都经过精心设计和有意布置,与整体体验完美搭配。
The exhibition features 12 distinct titles and categories, each following a specific color code. A dedicated wall shelf showcases both the original and the latest pocket watch, marking 100 years of CITIZEN’s craftsmanship. Additionally, a custom neon company logo was designed and installed over an existing brick wall, enhancing the industrial tone of the exhibition. Wall graphics, including texts and diagrams, as well as seating areas, were carefully designed and strategically placed to complement the overall experience.
▼霓虹logo, neon logo © William Mulvihill
▼展品细节, displayed objects detail © William Mulvihill
▼平面布局, plan layout ©Miguel Quismondo AIA
Architecture: Miguel Quismondo AIA
Team: Gloria Saá García, Ignacio de Silóniz
Strategic Consultant: Vittorio Calabrese
Location: New York
Completion Date: July 2024
Photography: William Mulvihill