manzanilla 服装工作室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计

2024/08/09 13:32:07
manzanilla 取自西班牙语,意为“雏菊”,旨在将肆意、慵懒、自然的个性融入服装,展示从容自我。
受品牌委托,Unknown design 设计完成了 manzanilla 杭州工作室。
设计以“Soft Minimalism(温柔极简)”的视觉语言切入,在闹市中,我们希望置一处静谧沉缓的空间,以回应时装浪潮的瞬息变幻。
Manzanilla is a Spanish word meaning “daisy”, aiming to integrate the reckless, lazy and natural personality into the clothes, and show the self-contained. Commissioned by the brand, Unknown design completed the manzanilla Hangzhou studio. The project is located in the Jiangnanan Art Park, Binjiang District, Hangzhou. The design is based on the visual language of “Soft Minimalism”. In the midst of the downtown area, we hope to place a quiet and calm space to respond to the rapid changes of the fashion wave.
project overview
© Act studio
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白色“盒子”体块,将檐廊与外墙简化整合,塑造出“high-identifiable(强识别性)”的立面外观。米色莱姆石地砖,从庭院向内一路铺设至展厅末端,视线也随之延展;10m 玻璃长窗,进一步模糊了室内外界限,引导人们将目光集中于玻璃透出的纵深框景。
The white “box” blocks simplify and integrate the cornice and facade, creating a “highly-identifiable” façade appearance. The beige lime stone floor tiles are laid from the courtyard to the end of the exhibition hall, extending the sight lines; the 10m long glass windows further blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor, guiding people to focus on the deep framed views through the glass.
▼夜间的橱窗,window at night© Act studio
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▼空间概览,overall view of the space© Act studio
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▼办公桌,office table© Act studio
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Roller blinds and curtains, which become the “uncertainty” factor that disturbs the order grid, clearly define different functional areas, and flexible fabric partitions also make the space suitable for more scenarios.
▼拉下卷帘,围合成展厅,pull down the roller blinds to enclose the showroom© Act studio
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▼入口走廊,entrance corridor© Act studio
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▼入口走廊旁的办公室,office by the entrance corridor© Act studio
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The core of the layout is based on the workflow to establish a clear line interface. In addition to this, the potential needs of the brand at different stages of growth needed to be taken into account.
Warm white wall paint, with sparse rows of warm-toned lighting, laying a gentle narrative.
▼从展厅望向办公区,view from showroom towards office© Act studio
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▼空间概览,overall view of the space© Act studio
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manzanilla 服装工作室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-32
The original stucco surface of the load-bearing columns has been removed, revealing a sandstone texture with traces of hand-hewn chiseling, and the desks are arranged around the columns, mirroring the textural contrast between refinement and roughness.
▼环绕布置的办公桌,arrangement of desks around a column© Act studio
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▼细部,close-up© Act studio
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At the back of the office area, we used the original gap in the wall to create a whole surface of hidden storage cabinets, well organized office and living items are stored in them, galvanized sheet material with silver-gray finish, strengthening the minimalist aesthetic of the space.
▼办公区后部,back of office area© Act studio
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▼隐藏式储物柜,hidden storage cabinets© Act studio
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▼水吧台,water bar © Unknown design
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The stainless steel water bar integrates the functions of a sink and a worktop, embedded with a “pull-out” wood-grain tabletop, which can be pulled out to accommodate multiple diners.
▼水吧台,bar area© Act studio
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▼水龙头细部,tap detail© Act studio
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▼扣锁示意,clasp diagram© Unknown design
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“God dwells in the smallest details” – not only do we balance the proportions of beauty with simplicity and reality, but we also focus on the details to find a balanced expression of the brand and the space.
▼设计细部,design detials© Act studio
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▼场地平面图,site plan © Unknown design
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▼平面图,plan © Unknown design
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设计公司:Unknown design 非知名设计
完成时间:2024 年 7 月
摄影:Act studio·Li Hao
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manzanilla 服装工作室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-75
manzanilla 服装工作室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-76
manzanilla 服装工作室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-77
manzanilla 服装工作室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-78
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