

July 22nd · Hong Kong China
Cityplaza ZEEKR Gallery Grand Opening!
2024 年 7 月17日,ZEEKR携手锦龙汽车集团于丽思卡尔顿酒店举办品牌发布会,正式官宣ZEEKR进军港澳市场,活动现场星光熠熠,各界来宾共同见证品牌里程碑。自 2021 年 4 月成立以来,极氪在短短三年内便推出了五款车型,持续展现其强劲的产品研发能力。凭借 37 个月即实现IPO的卓越记录,极氪已在全球交付超过 28 万台车辆,不断刷新新势力品牌的交付记录。这一系列的成就,不仅彰显了极氪在技术自主创新方面的实力,也体现了其精准的市场竞争策略。
In July 17th 2024, ZEEKR partnered with Kam Lung Motor Group (KLM) to host a brand launch event at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, officially announcing ZEEKR's entry into the Hong Kong and Macau markets. Since its establishment in April 2021, ZEEKR has launched five models in three years, continuously demonstrating its strong product development capabilities. ZEEKR has delivered over 280,000 vehicles globally which record is still breaking, and IPO in 37 months. This series of accomplishments not only showcases ZEEKR 's strength in independent technological innovation but also reflects its precise market competition strategy.
随着ZEEKR极氪汽车正式踏入港澳市场,极氪X 与极氪009两款右舵车型将为港澳消费者带来前所未有的驾驶体验,其灵活的城市驾驶体验与卓越性能,无疑将在港澳地区脱颖而出,成为市场新宠。位于香港太古城的ZEEKR Gallery以及湾仔的ZEEKR Space现已开幕,7月19日的极氪009全球发布会更邀请了星级车主郭富城和佘诗曼出席,分享ZEEKR带来的极致出行魅力,直播结束后极氪009更凭借“四座顶奢移动总统套房”、“超豪华旗舰MPV”、“陆地头等舱”等关键词在各大社交平台引起话题讨论。
With ZEEKR officially entering the Hong Kong and Macau markets, ZEEKR X and ZEEKR 009 right rudder models will bring unprecedented driving experiences to Hong Kong consumers. Their flexible urban driving experiences and exceptional performance will undoubtedly stand out in the new regions. ZEEKR Gallery in Cityplaza and ZEEKR Space in Wan Chai have already opened. The global launch event for the ZEEKR 009 invited celebrity car owners Aaron Kwok and Charmaine Sheh to attend and share their ZEEKR stories. After the live broadcast, the keywords such as "supernova flagship MPV", and "first-class cabin on land" have been heated on social media.
自2021年极氪汽车成立以来,Cityinno意创与ZEEKR保持深度合作,作为优质设计服务合作伙伴,从零售空间标准设计SI 1.0到3.0以及全球各地的极氪零售门店设计,彼此启迪,共同成长。2024年7月,ZEEKR与锦龙汽车集团携手Cityinno意创共同打造了多个位于香港及澳门的极氪零售体验空间。延续ZEEKR品牌基因,体验空间始终呼应“零边界,不设限”的品牌主张,运用开放式空间打破边界限制,向用户传递品牌理念。
Since the establishment in 2021, Cityinno has collaborated with ZEEKR, from retail stores SI 1.0 to 3.0 and global retail stores design, we inspiring each other and growing together. Therefore ZEEKR and KLM Group have partnered with Cityinno to co-create experience spaces debuting in Hong Kong and Macau. “Stay Zero Stay Cool” is always the core concept of all the ZEEKR spaces, we aim to make the physical spaces as a medium to convey the brand's philosophy.
综合我们近年对海外市场的研究成果,沿用1+4 Smart Combo模型,为每个品牌定制可控成本内效果最大化的灵活落地方案,我们建立了更精准化的成本控制体系,发挥意创的国际化渠道资源网络核心优势,力求在可控成本内达到更极致的效果,让品牌更有力开拓新市场。港澳地区的极氪零售空间,在ZEEKR最新品牌视觉形象的指引下进行了在地化创意设计,带来更强烈的视觉冲击、传递更独特的品牌印记。位于太古城的ZEEKR Gallery从品牌视觉提取曙光盒子为设计理念,打造吸睛的能量橙曙光盒子,期待与香港地区品牌车友迎着曙光、彼此启迪。
Based on our research results of overseas market in recent years, we have adopted the 1+4 Smart Combo model to customize flexible implementation solutions for our clients, which maximize effect within controllable costs. International resource network is one of the core advantages of Cityinno, we aim to empower our clients explore new markets efficiently.We have made localized creative adjustment under ZEEKR latest brand visual guildance, bringing stronger visual impact and conveying a more unique brand imprint. The ZEEKR Gallery in Cityplaza is designed with the concept of a "ZEEKR Energy Box", creating an eye-catching energy orange box to present the spirit from ZEEKR.
ZEEKR Gallery位于香港太古城中心临街位置,我们需要利用好通透的玻璃幕墙做出视觉引导,制造足够聚焦点吸引人流,室内空间既需要符合品牌定位,也利用现有的条件与周边品牌拉开差异化。
The first ZEEKR Gallery is located in a street-facing position. We need to leverage the transparent glass curtain wall to create visual guidance to attract pedestrian. The interior space needs to not only align with the brand positioning, but also differentiate itself from the surrounding brands by utilizing the existing conditions.
门头以极氪品牌印记“ZEEKR Energy Box”的大型装置吸引眼球,大面积“能量橙”结合香港城市元素临街露出,提升品牌沿街影响及店铺独特性。ZEEKR Energy Box从极氪品牌视觉“曙光徽标“中提取,轮廓为正方形的大门造型,我们身处未来的入口,用不断探索和突破的精神,打破边界,踏入极氪生态,给未来以启迪。
The large-scale "ZEEKR Energy Box" installation is super eye-catching, beyond a box it is also extracted from ZEEKR’s brand visual, which looks like a square-shaped entrance archway. As we stand in the entrance of future and no limitation can stop our steps to explore more, stay zero stay cool every moment.
ZEEKR 的设计从不仅局限于车型本身,更会深入考虑与之相关的整个生态,极氪空间也如是。定制区与洽谈区在呼应“零边界,不设限”的品牌主张之余,也要平衡一定的私密性,我们采用半开放式设计去营造开放且舒适的空间,也使得空间与周边环境融合度更高。
ZEEKR's design goes beyond just the vehicle themselves, delving deeper into the entire ecosystem, the spaces as well. While the customization and consultation areas follow the rule “breaking limitations”, they also need to balance privacy needs. We have adopted a semi-open design to create an open yet comfortable space, which also enhances the integration of the space with the surrounding environment.
The display cabinets utilize a flexible modular system and feature upgraded "mushroom" colored metal panels. The dawn orange decoration lines and furnishings light up the space.
The customer lounge area has been redesigned to utilize the existing space, creating a distinct color contrast with display zone. Silent and elegant area allows users feeling relax and comfortably to enjoy personalized consultation and services.
整个项目当中,我们提取曙光徽标构建成ZEEKR Energy Box,材质和灯光方案围绕“新奢之美”重新定制,期望通过空间视觉加强用户对极氪品牌印象,在可控成本内放大视觉效果,用高品质的细节为新市场定调,吸引更多用户加入极氪生态。
In this case, we extracted brand visual to construct the ZEEKR Energy Box, and customized the materials and lighting scheme around the concept of "new luxury elegance". The goal is to reinforce user impressions of the ZEEKR through the spatial visual, and set the tone for the new market with high-quality details within controllable costs, attracting more users to join ZEEKR family.
深耕亚洲,放眼全球。随着全球化进程的不断加快,极氪品牌现已拓展至超过 25 个国际主流市场,并计划在 2024 年进一步扩大版图,目标覆盖 50 个全球市场.
As the globalization process continues to accelerate, ZEEKR has already expanded to over 25 major international markets, and plans to further expand its footprint by 2024, aiming to cover 50 global markets.
携手共创,共同成长。Cityinno意创与极氪品牌携手共创标准设计SI 1.0到3.0版本,更在极氪进行全球化战略布局时凭借多元背景的专业团队及全球化资源网络,进一步彰显优秀的交付能力,为极氪提供了强大助力,使得Cityinno意创成为极氪卓越品牌的优秀设计服务合作伙伴。期望未来有更多高品质的极氪零售空间面世。
Cityinno collaborated with ZEEKR to co-create the SI 1.0 to 3.0 standards. And as ZEEKR pursues its global expansion strategy, Cityinno's diverse professional team and global resource network have further demonstrated their excellent delivery capabilities, providing strong support to ZEEKR. This has made Cityinno an outstanding design partner for ZEEKR. We look forward to the launch of more high-quality ZEEKR retail spaces in the future.