Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer

2024/08/10 22:26:58
Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer-0
Hawthorne Siblings are densification project consisting of an existing house relocation, renovation, and construction of a new pair of freehold three-story, three-bedroom houses on a 600m2 site that formerly housed a single home. This project created three new homes where the code traditionally would have allowed only for one.
Hawthorne Siblings 是一个致密化项目,包括对现有房屋进行搬迁、翻新,以及在一块 600 平方米的场地上建造两栋新的永久业权三层三卧室房屋,该场地以前是一栋独立住宅。该项目创建了三栋新住宅,而传统上法规只允许建造一栋。
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Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer-4
The micro-lot dwellings have modest footprints, yet they are spacious and generous, thanks to careful design, siting, planning, and landscaping. This development illustrates how small footprint projects can offer densification solutions in our cities through re-evaluation of town planning policies and clever architectural interventions and provides a contemporary interpretation of the detached ‘Queenslander’ that fits the housing needs of the 21st century.
这些微型住宅占地面积不大,但由于精心的设计、选址、规划和景观美化,它们宽敞明亮。这一开发项目展示了小占地面积项目如何通过重新评估城镇规划政策和巧妙的建筑干预措施,为我们的城市提供致密化解决方案,并为符合 21 世纪住房需求的独立“昆士兰人”提供当代诠释。
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Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer-8
The houses created are products of innumerable constraints (setbacks, local area plan, character overlay, programs - budget) resolved in built form. However, to describe the architecture as a simple result of these constraints would be to overlook the architectural thinking that has balanced complex planning, privacy and environmental concerns with a careful economy of construction. The simplicity of the architectural language in this project has been distilled though a rigorous design and construction process that is infused with humble delight, modesty - appropriateness. Therein lies its beauty.
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Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer-12
Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer-13
The final outcome is a reflection of a progressive regulator and a developer who innovates, that results in an architecture that takes selective elements from the traditional homes in the area and leaves other behind – ultimately re-writing the rule book for what small lot urban-living in Brisbane can be.
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Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer-18
Hawthorne Siblings 致密化项目丨澳大利亚昆士兰丨Pioneer-20
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