

From the world to Vila do Conde. The intersections of the path, that lead in a single direction. A couple who travelled the world and chose Vila do Conde to live. Multiculturalism, individual experiences and tastes that intersect and find a common place.
The main challenge of this project was to design a space based on the personal references of its owners, where a new common identity could be projected. Therefore, we sought to create environments of emotional comfort, that evoke memories and past experiences, while creating a new narrative about them.
Each room was designed as a unique space, but part of a whole, interconnected by transitional elements, such as the ceiling, which guarantees uniqueness and a welcoming environment.
The common spaces, such as the living room and office, were designed to convey a feeling of comfort, harmony and lightness and also to anchor the connection to the place, Vila do Conde, a city surrounded by beaches and pine forests. Travertine, in sandy tones, and wood are the preponderant elements in the interiors, combining the robustness and timelessness of the stone with the elegance and naturalness of walnut wood.
客厅和办公室等公共空间的设计旨在传达一种舒适、和谐和轻盈的感觉,并巩固与孔德镇(Vila do Conde)这座被海滩和松树林包围的城市的联系。沙色的石灰华和木材是室内的主要元素,将石头的坚固和永恒与胡桃木的优雅和自然相结合。
Alongside the minimalism of shapes and materials, objects with a striking identity were created, such as the Moon lamp, designed to represent the full moon, a symbol of prosperity, in Japanese paper, country of choice of one of the owners, that also inspired the design of one of the rooms, whose wooden panels and white canvas create an intimate and welcoming environment, which the couple favors.
The colour shades of the furniture interact with the materials, in a subtle but predominant balance, accentuated by the dim lighting. The aim is to create a neutral and serene environment, a blank page for the story that now (re)starts.
Team: 团队:
撰文: 豆宝宝
建筑 | 室
内 | 设计 | 艺