

Studio Goss,由David Goss于2014年创立,是一家国际知名的跨学科设计事务所。David凭借在建筑和工业设计领域的深厚背景,领导团队在建筑、室内设计、家具和产品设计等多个领域进行创新探索。工作室以其深思熟虑的设计方法,追求清晰、永恒的美学理念,平衡大胆创新与细腻干预,为澳大利亚及全球客户提供卓越的设计服务。
Armadillo - Sydney
悉尼 – 澳大利亚新南威尔士州
The project includes a brand new retail showroom as well as the headquarters of Australian carpet brand Armadillo. The previous Spaces were disjointed and visually chaotic, so the focus was on streamlining items and bringing clarity to the interior. This required careful adjustments to the wall and ceiling linings to simplify the connection of key materials and introduce a new palette of natural materials and textured surfaces. Dramatic deep wooden Windows create a sense of depth in the new facade, bringing a warmer, more tactile threshold to the street. A heavy concrete bar leaning against a striking double-height handmade tile wall acts as an anchor to the space, creating an active atmosphere on the street.
Cape Schanck
沙恩克角 – 维多利亚,澳大利亚
Cape Schanck 的这座房子是一处家庭住宅,意在抵御恶劣的沿海环境。一系列庭院空间的存在,让房子能够全年畅享。此项目在大胆的造型与一系列更为安静的姿态之间实现平衡,旨在将建筑嵌入其所处环境,营造宁静之感以及与景观的紧密联系。
This house in Cape Schanck is a family home meant to withstand the harsh coastal environment. A series of courtyard Spaces allow the house to be enjoyed throughout the year. Balancing a bold form with a series of quieter gestures, the project aims to embed the building into its environment, creating a sense of serenity and a strong connection to the landscape.
The kitchen is at the centre of the house and the main living area radiates from this central area. The second living area in the North/West wing (family) can be closed on demand. Rooms are accessible via a dramatic, dimly lit corridor that also contains powder rooms and dramatic staircases leading to the wine cellar, garage and laundry. The master bedroom wing on the southeast side offers views from both directions. The interior features a wood-lined study that takes advantage of hidden doors to add a layer of privacy and required concealment.
Throughout the project, simple forms blend with finely polished materials to create a series of interior Spaces that evoke a sense of serenity. The material palette seamlessly connects the interior and exterior Spaces, creating a sense of timelessness through a range of natural materials and textures that have been carefully chosen to age and weather gracefully. All surfaces the user touches or interacts with in the project are wood, metal, stone or leather.
The interior design creates an atmosphere of refuge, connecting with the natural environment while comfortably balancing dual use, both as a quiet escape from the city and a social place to gather, celebrate and embrace family life.
The project presents a cohesive force in terms of design language, which is reflected on a range of scales. From the architecture and interior design, to custom door hardware, dining tables and light fixtures, all were designed specifically for the project. This gives the project a unique sense of clarity and further reinforces the calm atmosphere that pervades the interior.
Huntingtower 公寓处于墨尔本 Armadale 的一个全新多住宅开发项目内。宽敞的起居与娱乐空间位居公寓的核心位置,中央脊柱将两端的私人卧室套房相连接。书房与中央休息室相接,部分被中央砌块墙遮掩,以此营造出私密感与亲密感,同时夸大了主要起居空间的规模。餐具室和洗衣房也采用了相似的方式,将视线从主厨房区域转移开来。材质交界处经过精心细化与精简,营造出一种明确的目的感和清晰感,材质之间的所有过渡均从地板延伸至天花板,以塑造出大面积、整洁的单一材质空间。空间之间的门槛被延展或深凹,从而营造出一种厚重感与稳固感。
The Huntingtower apartments are located in a new multi-residential development in Armadale, Melbourne. Spacious living and entertainment Spaces are at the heart of the apartment, with a central spine connecting the private bedroom suites at either end. The study is adjacent to the central lounge and is partially concealed by a central block wall to create a sense of privacy and intimacy while exaggerating the scale of the main living space. The pantry and laundry are similarly designed to divert the view away from the main kitchen area. Material boundaries have been carefully refined and streamlined to create a clear sense of purpose and clarity, and all transitions between materials extend from floor to ceiling to create large, uncluttered single material Spaces. The threshold between the Spaces is extended or deeply recessed to create a sense of weight and stability.
克利夫顿山 – 维多利亚,澳大利亚
This split-level apartment sits in the remains of a 1970s brutalist commercial building that was recently redeveloped into a collection of apartments and townhouses. The first floor was excavated 1.5 meters below street level to create space for mezzanine bedrooms, walk-in closets and ensuites, with the kitchen, laundry and powder rooms sinking into the ground. The living area is defined by a striking double height space. The design of the apartments parallels the brutalist aesthetic of the existing building, accentuating the texture through poured in situ concrete stairs and shaped concrete walls. The material palette is solid and simple, and the floors and joinery are made of textured white oak.
项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Studio Goss project collection
位置LOCATION : Australia
设计DESIGN : Studio Goss