草木宅心丨中国上海丨MUKA ARCHITECTS 木卡工作室

2024/08/12 11:57:00
日本设计师吉冈德仁说,“设计可以引导出像感情般没有形体的细微感知,设计师是为设计感觉和情绪而存在的.” Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka said, "Design can lead to subtle feelings like emotions without physical form. Designers exist to create feelings and emotions for design."
The owner is a combination of an architect and a fashion designer.The understanding of space and design adheres to the concept of restraint and simplicity
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结构之隐/[The Hidden Structure
我们将原始空间中轴的梁体做了部分包裹与消隐. 但又恰到好处的体现出了结构的力与美. 致敬金贝尔美术馆的屋顶天光反射,利用灯光反射与镜面消隐,创造出屋面连续的视错觉. We partially wrapped and hidden the beams of the original space's central axis, yet still managed to showcase the structural strength and beauty. We pay tribute to the roof skylight reflection of the Kimbell Art Museum, using light reflection and mirror hiding to create a continuous optical illusion on the roof.
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The treatment of the shallow arched wooden ceiling, based on the ambiguous intention of Nordic forest houses, allows users to feel a gentle and primitive sense of containment that is not oppressive.
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The public space and balcony are fully open and circulated, and the unmanageable shear walls are reshaped into tree-like bookshelves, which together with the arched wooden roof abstract a harmonious architectural relationship.
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功能之隐/The Hidden Function
We reorganized the original layout of four bedrooms into a completely independent bright cloakroom, a master bedroom suite with a bathtub and a sliding mirror cabinet, a multi-functional tatami storage room with an electric lifting tea table, and a standard and practical guest bedroom space.
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公共区域则尽可能秉承“少即是多”的理念,做了如下关于“藏”的设计,如将设备、灯光、收纳等做足额隐藏. 而克制的软装与大量的留白,把城市中更为珍贵的空气与阳光留给主人、无障碍线性排水及内外开淋浴房的处理、预留榻榻米下方的地暖“呼吸口”、预埋感应踢脚灯方便夜间出行等等很多以人为本的小设计。
The public area adheres to the concept of "less is more" as much as possible, and has done the following design for "concealment",Conceal the equipment, lighting, storage, etc. in full. The restrained soft furnishing and a large amount of white space leave the more precious air and sunlight in the city for the owner,All the corner walls that pass through high-frequency daily traffic should be made into arcs to avoid collisions,barrier-free linear drainage and treatment of internal and external shower rooms,Reserve a "breathing hole" for floor heating under the tatami,Embedded sensor-activated skirting lights for nighttime travel and many other small, people-oriented designs.
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我们将原本餐厅与厨房完全打开,面对好的采光面做回型连续台面. 中间无法处理的剪力墙垛进行柔性处理,并通过适应性的台面包裹出一个小的中岛分割中西厨逻辑,也间接创造出下方开放式收纳格,便于日常餐具的存放与拿取. 而石材形体上的一处预留处理,让原本独立的大餐桌,可以更恰如的楔入整体,视觉协调的同时简化日常打理面.
We completely opened the original restaurant and kitchen, facing the good lighting surface and making a continuous countertop. The shear wall buttresses that cannot be processed in the middle were flexibly treated, and a small island was wrapped around the countertop to adapt to the logic of the Chinese and Western kitchens, indirectly creating an open storage compartment below for easy storage and retrieval of daily utensils. A reserved treatment on the stone shape allowed the original separate large dining table to be more appropriately integrated into the overall design, simplifying daily maintenance while maintaining visual harmony.
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精神之隐/The Hidden Spirit
我们通过观察窗外城市最佳景观角度与通风要素,重新设计了阳台外窗,通过麻质帘调节日光状态.再将几株大叶热带植物置入其中,迅速让原本简洁有力的空间柔软和轻盈. 配合空间的形体与材质、灯光,相信任何置身其中的肉体会感受到情绪的松弛和安逸.
We redesigned the balcony window by observing the best view angle and ventilation elements of the city outside the window, adjusting the sunlight status through hemp curtains, and placing several large-leaf tropical plants inside to quickly soften and lighten the originally simple and powerful space. With the shape, material, and lighting of the space, we believe that any body placed inside will feel relaxed and comfortable.
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Therefore, the bottom layer of residential design is to consider the expression and functional arrangement of the material level, such as structural issues, equipment plumbing, functional flow, storage and use, etc;The middle level takes into account people's family and social attributes, such as
ifestyle, parenting education, social scene, etc;The highest level should be an atmosphere design that fully embraces human emotions, spirits, memories, and feelings.
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We simulate a natural and comfortable environment through the naturalness, uniformity, and weak contrast of colors used in the materials.The warm, layered, and unidirectional simulation of the color temperature of the lights creates a more comfortable early morning, dusk, and soft moonlight in nature.
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Within the minimalist collocation system, add some accessories and tropical plants that have a sense of indigenous culture and folk customs, allowing the visual and tactile experience to reach a certain primitive and ideal living environment as much as possible.
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试想,盛夏时节,一抹蒲扇,一壶好茶,一本好书,一桌鲜果. 有挚爱相伴,有绿意满眼,有猫仔牵绕,有美好的气味与自然声音环绕着这个属于自己的小木屋…
Imagine, in the height of summer, with a fan, a pot of good tea, a good book, and a table of fresh fruits. With the company of loved ones, surrounded by greenery, with cats playing around, surrounded by beautiful smells and natural sounds, this small wooden cabin belongs to you…
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分解图 /Exploded Views©MUKA木卡工作室
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平面图 / Plan©MUKA木卡工作室
项目名称 草木宅心
项目地址 上海 静安
主创及设计团队 张英琦 顾斌 徐帆
完工时间 2023 品牌 AKARI,JOLOR,SUN AT SIX,ZARA HOME,B&O,Carlhansen&Son,ECHO
项目面积 140㎡
设计时间 2021
施工方 上海木卡建筑设计有限公司
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