


Architectural design
volume 2
I was commisioned to design the pier on the slight pond - for forestry administration - to use in educational and recreation purpose.
The goal was: it need to be simple (low-tech wooden construction) and possible to bulid (building-site pond is in the middle of the mountains).
After the research I decided to build it completly on the bank - with no use of the heavy (and costly) floating and pilling machine. The hanging 'bridge-like' construction from massive wooden logs, seems to fit exactly for this job.
^ A hanging pier made from wooden logs ^
^ A hanging pier - building process ^
However the contractor have no technical abilities to install the pillars in the ground - the pond's bank was too rocky. We need to fix the project quickly...
I designed... a floating 'like-ferry' bark. Project has been saved :)
^ A floating bark in a 'cable-ferry' techique ^
^ A floating bark in a 'cable-ferry' techique - building process ^
^ A floating bark in a 'cable-ferry' techique - technical specification ^
^ A floating bark in a 'cable-ferry' techique - construction details ^
Architectural design - volume 2
Sometimes designer need to see things 'out of the box'.
Also sometimes it's good to 're-invent' own strategy and ideas.
Thankful for utterance.