科克之家丨英国丨Studio Shand

2024/08/14 17:25:08
科克之家丨英国丨Studio Shand-0
创始人,本杰明·杰伊·尚德(Benjamin Jay Shand)
Studio Shand 是一家成立于 2020 年的澳大利亚建筑、物品和艺术工作室。由本杰明·杰伊·尚德(Benjamin Jay Shand)创立,他毕业于悉尼大学建筑学专业。该工作室采用综合设计方法,通过基本材料、几何形状和构造来实现创意。其业务广泛,涵盖单一住宅、商业项目、私人客户和零售物品设计,乃至公众展示的雕塑。Studio Shand 以跨学科的方式,将物体、室内和建筑完美融合,形成有凝聚力的设计成果。短短四年,已展现出强烈的身份特征和清晰的愿景,作品注重细节,饱含热爱。
Cork House
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Cork House(科克之家)由 Studio Shand 精心设计而成,展现了创新与精湛技艺的完美融合。这座建筑在材料的选择上独具匠心,以软木作为主要建材,此决策不仅体现了对可持续性的深刻考量,更赋予了建筑独特的外观和性能特质。软木出色的隔热和隔音性能,为居住者营造了舒适且节能的室内环境。
Cork House has been carefully designed by Studio Shand to showcase the perfect blend of innovation and craftsmanship. The choice of materials for the building, with cork as the main building material, not only reflects a deep consideration of sustainability, but also gives the building its unique appearance and performance characteristics. Corks excellent thermal and sound insulation properties create a comfortable and energy efficient indoor environment for occupants.
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在设计风格上,Cork House 遵循简洁而优雅的原则。线条流畅,几何形状的运用精准且富有韵律感,营造出一种和谐且富有秩序的美感。建筑的空间布局经过精心规划,功能分区明确且相互连通,满足了居住者多样化的生活需求。
In style, Cork House follows the principle of simplicity and elegance. Smooth lines, precise and rhythmic use of geometric shapes create a sense of harmony and order. The spatial layout of the building is carefully planned, and the functional zones are clear and interconnected to meet the diverse living needs of the occupants.
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The lighting design is a highlight of the building. Large areas of Windows subtly introduce natural light, making the interior bright and transparent, while allowing residents to maximize the beauty of the outside, incorporating natural elements into daily life.
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室内装饰与整体设计风格相得益彰,注重细节和品质,每一处角落都经过深思熟虑,体现了 Studio Shand 对完美的不懈追求。
The interiors complement the overall design style, with attention to detail and quality, and every corner is well thought out, reflecting Studio Shands relentless pursuit of perfection.
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Cork House showcases the architectural excellence of Studio Shand and is an outstanding home that combines functional, aesthetic and environmental values.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Cork House
位置LOCATION : Berkshire, United Kingdom
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