Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group

2024/08/16 09:42:13
总部纽约且于马德里和洛杉矶设有工作室的建筑和设计事务所Rockwell Group,为西班牙马略卡岛的Posada Terra Santa酒店进行了重新的室内设计,并开启了小型精品酒店的新时代。为了给这座历史建筑注入新的活力,Rockwell Group的设计理念从四个关键层中汲取了灵感:传统、后奢华、慢设计,以及层次。
Rockwell Group, the architecture and design studio based in New York with offices in Madrid and Los Angeles, has reimagined the interiors for Posada Terra Santa in Mallorca, Spain, marking a new era for the small boutique hotel. To breathe new life into the historic building, Rockwell Group’s design concept draws inspiration from four pillars: heritage, post-luxury, slow design, and layers.
▼露台,terrace ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-3
▼泳池,pool ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-5
“Posada”酒店位于帕尔马德马略卡岛的中心地带,在英语中翻译为“Inn”,由Hidden Away酒店的联合创始人Ignacio Jiménez和Carmen Cordón于2014年创立。他们爱上了这座具有历史意义的建筑,不幸的是,这座建筑已经年久失修。建筑的历史可以追溯到1576年,当时它曾是这个受欢迎的地中海岛屿上的商业和贸易中心。近年来,Posada Terra Santa已经成为帕尔马历史街区一处古色古香的隐藏宝藏。2023年,Ignacio和Carmen委托Rockwell Group位于马德里的工作室为他们心爱的共26间客房的酒店进行全新的设计。
Located in the heart of Palma de Mallorca, the “Posada”, which translates to “Inn” in English, was founded in 2014 by Ignacio Jiménez and Carmen Cordón, the co-founders of Hidden Away Hotels. They fell in love with this historically significant building, which had unfortunately fallen into disrepair. The original building dates back to 1576, when it once served as an epicenter of commerce and trade on the popular Mediterranean island. Posada Terra Santa has become a quaint hidden treasure in Palma’s historic quarter in recent years. In 2023, Ignacio and Carmen commissioned Rockwell Group’s Madrid-based studio to revitalize their beloved 26-bedroom hotel with a fresh new look.
▼室内概览,overall of interior ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-9
在酒店的各个区域中,Rockwell Group巧妙地向建筑的传统纹章致敬,该纹章以雄伟的鹿为特色,客人们仍然可以在主立面上看到它。在改造之前,空间保持了坚实的历史形象。然而,对Rockwell Group来说,这里仍然有足够的空间来重新诠释和重新想象建筑的未来。工作室巧妙运用了光线,专注于家具、固定装置和设备的选择,并谨慎地重塑了建筑的饰面,以避免减损空间原始特征中固有的美和遗产价值。
Across various areas in the hotel, Rockwell Group subtly nods to the building’s traditional coat of arms, which features a majestic deer and can still be spotted by guests on the facade of the main elevation. Before the renovation, the space maintained a solid historical presence. However, Rockwell Group had ample space to reinterpret and reimagine the building’s future. Taking a delicate approach with light intervention, the studio primarily focused on enhancing the furniture offering, fixtures and equipment and sparingly implemented new architectural finishes to avoid detracting from the inherent beauty and heritage of the original features in the space.
▼回应建筑历史的鹿头挂饰,deer head ornaments in response to the building’s history ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-13
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-14
Rockwell Group始终秉承着一种理念,即,当今的奢侈体验将是围绕着回归健康状态、独特的定制体验、永恒的空间以及与朋友和家人的联系展开的。因此,在Posada Terra Santa的设计中,该工作室又回到了这种思维方式,以柔和的纹理和材料渲染空间,为客人提供了一种舒适感。Rockwell Group决定采用“慢设计”,以确保酒店的地方感和原创性不会丢失。更可持续的奢华方式意味着室内需要保持与周围传统、文化和环境的联系。工作室从巴利阿里群岛固有的当地工艺和艺术中获得灵感,并将这些元素转译在了Posada Terra Santa的新饰面以及新家具中。
Rockwell Group embodies the notion that luxury today centres around returning to a state of well-being, unique, tailored experiences, timeless spaces, and connections with friends and family. The design and architecture studio has circled back to this way of thinking with Posada Terra Santa by organising its rendered spaces with soft textures and materials that exude a sense of comfort for guests at the establishment. Rockwell Group decided to practice slow design to ensure the hotel’s sense of place and originality wasn’t lost. A more sustainable approach to luxury means that the interiors maintain their connection to surrounding tradition, culture, and context. The design studio took inspiration from local craftsmanship and art inherent to the Balearic Islands. It translated these elements into the final finishes and furnishings for its reimagination of Posada Terra Santa.
▼新旧材料的结合,combination of old and new ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-18
在整个项目中,Rockwell Group不断重新审视层次的概念:历史层次、体验层次,以及空间呈现的层次。在Posada Terra Santa的旅程中,客人们将经过哥特式拱门,在那里偶然发现几个世纪前的遗迹,进而在不经意之间与当地和历史建立了丰富的联系。工作室通过建筑形式、材料和颜色等建筑语言将这些层次完美地表达了出来。当客人穿过入口拱门进入露天庭院时,他们将看到充满活力的陶土色石膏墙,蜿蜒的楼梯和传统的百叶窗。并从外观联想到酒店内部的辉煌。Rockwell Group重新设计了酒店的户外庭院以及接待空间的照明和家具,以确定整体酒店的基调。中性的色调使其他家具材料的丰富性脱颖而出,例如原木材接待台和天然石材桌子等。
Throughout the project, Rockwell Group continued to revisit the idea of layers: Layers of history, experiences, and discovery. Guests’ journey through Posada Terra Santa takes them under gothic arches, where they can stumble across relics of centuries past, subconsciously creating a rich connection to place and the past. The studio’s design language expresses these layers through architectural forms, materials, and colours. As guests cross the entry and enter an open-air courtyard, they sense the splendour of the hotel’s interior, with its vibrant terracotta-coloured plaster walls, a winding staircase, and traditional shuttered windows. Rockwell Group readdressed the lighting and furniture in the exterior courtyard and interior reception to set the tone. The design studio maintained a neutral colour palette, allowing the richness of the other furniture materials to stand out, such as the raw wood reception desk and natural stone tables.
▼花园拱门,arch passage ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-22
▼楼梯,staircase ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-24
Inglés沙龙由三个多功能厅组成,从早上的早餐到会议,再到晚间的活动都可以在这里进行,为游客们提供了各种体验。多用途、模块化的家具灵活性、适应性强,可以很容易地移动,以回应各种功能需求。在沙龙中,Rockwell Group选择了自然纹理的地毯、石材,以及原始木材来延续Posada Terra Santa主要接待区的风格。
The Salón Inglés is a series of three multifunctional rooms in which various experiences can take place, from breakfast in the morning to meetings and evening events. Multi-purpose, modular furniture is flexible and adaptable and can easily be moved around for various functions. Rockwell Group chose naturally textured carpets, stone, and raw wood to continue Posada Terra Santa’s main reception area.
▼Inglés沙龙 ,the Salón Inglés  ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-28
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-29
▼休息室,lounge ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-31
▼书架作为空间分隔,bookshelf as partition ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-33
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-34
通过增加空间层次并精心组织空间序列,Rockwell Group为酒店餐厅注入了更多的色彩和质感,将该空间与接待区以及沙龙区分开来。餐厅的色调,从中性过渡到更丰富多彩的陶土色调,并引入了几种编织纹理。天然原始的材料将空间与当地的手工工艺联系在一起,例如陶瓷桌面;而精心挑选的艺术品则向传统的天然草编工艺和建筑饰面表达了致敬,例如粗糙的无釉赤陶入口墙面以及厨房区域的屏风。
Rockwell Group has injected more colour and texture into the hotel restaurant by adding layers and moments of discovery, which distinguishes the space from the arrival area and Salón. The restaurant transitions into a more colourful terracotta palette, introducing several woven textures. Raw materials tie the space to local artisanal craftsmanship, such as ceramic tabletops, and selected artwork pays homage to traditional natural grass weavings and architectural finishes, such as the rough, unglazed terracotta entrance wall and privacy screen by the kitchen area.
▼餐厅,restaurant ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
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Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-39
▼不同座位区,different type of seating ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
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Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-42
▼办公室,office ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-44
▼餐厅内的拱门,arch in the restaurant area ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-46
▼餐厅细部,details of the restaurant ©︎ Manolo Yeller
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Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-49
The hotel’s bar area immerses guests in saturated terracotta tones. Various woven seating options are available, providing ample opportunity for relaxation. The bar’s styling highlights clay pottery displays, including large clay planters, similar to the large clay jars original to the building, and bold, bright blue bar lamps that nod to vibrant, traditional local fabrics.
▼酒吧,bar ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-53
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-54
床头板是Posada Terra Santa酒店客房的中心元素,它将层次、慢设计和编织元素交织在一起。图案丰富的编织软垫进一步突出了床头板的视觉中心作用。Rockwell Group 还使用了中性色调且富有质感的墙纸来更新墙面,重新装修了壁橱,并在所有浴室中添加了一座豪华的石灰华梳妆台。客房的色彩大胆而饱和,标志着客人在整个酒店空间中的最终目的地。
The headboard acts as the centrepiece of the guestrooms at Posada Terra Santa by intertwining the ideas of layers, slow design, and woven elements. A neutral, richly woven upholstered tapestry screen frames the headboard. Rockwell Group also played with a neutral, textured wall covering, refinished the closets, and added a luxurious travertine vanity to all bathrooms. The colour in the guestrooms is bold and saturated, marking the ultimate destination of the guests’ journey throughout the hotel spaces.
▼走廊,hallway ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-58
▼客房,guest room ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-60
▼loft式套房,loft guest room ©︎ Manolo Yllera
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▼温馨的室内氛围,comfortable interior ambiance ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
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▼客房,guest room ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
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Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-67
▼客房细部,details of the guest room ©︎ Ricardo Labougle
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Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-70
屋顶重新设计包括三个区域:餐厅、带顶棚的座位区,以及游泳池/休息室。该区域与酒店的其他赤陶色区域彰显出不同的风格,并引入了马略卡岛的传统伊卡编织品色彩。这种特殊的面料主要由三种原始颜色组成,分别为蓝色、红色和绿色。在本项目中,Rockwell Group则选择了钴蓝色,并以黑色金属框架和精心设计的家具为重点。
The rooftop redesign comprises three areas: Dining, covered seating, and the pool/lounge. Rockwell Group diverged from the terracotta colour throughout the rest of the hotel and referenced the Mallorca Llegües, a traditional ikat weaving. These particular fabrics can be found primarily in three original colours: blue, red, and green. With this project, the design studio chose to celebrate cobalt blue, accented by black metallic framing in umbrellas and carefully considered pieces of furniture.
▼屋顶泳池,rooftop pool ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-74
▼泳池,pool ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-76
▼泳池休息室,pool/lounge ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-78
▼休息室可供客人淋浴,the shower in the lounge ©︎ Manolo Yllera
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-80
Address: Carrer de la Posada de Terra Santa, 5, Centre, 07001 Palma, Illes Balears, Spain
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-82
Posada Terra Santa酒店室内设计丨西班牙丨Rockwell Group-83
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