知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   咖啡店

Grid Coffee 成都店丨中国成都丨笑脸蜘蛛|Spider Creative

2024/08/19 10:52:36
01. 品牌理念
Brand Identity
Grid 是格子的意思。灵感来自平面设计里的网格系统「Grid System」。它常见于包豪斯,或者瑞士平面风格的海报,也是常用的互联网交互设计技巧。从二十世纪初开始,这些纵横交错用于对齐的细线和格子,让平面设计从一个单凭灵感和手感的领域,开始建立逻辑和规则,逐渐形成一套可以被称为专业的东西。这也是我们想在咖啡上做的.–From Grid Coffee
Grid means lattice. Inspired by the grid system “Grid System” in graphic design. It is commonly seen in Bauhaus, or Swiss graphic style posters, and is also commonly used for Internet interactions design skills. Beginning in the twentieth century, these crisscross lines and grids for alignment, Let the graphic design start from a field of inspiration and touch, and start to establish logic and rules, gradually formed a set of things that can be called professional. This is what we want to achieve with coffee.
Grid Coffee 专注单一产地咖啡。我们寻找全世界最优质的咖啡豆,通过专业规则之下的反复打磨,让它变得可靠,并且负担得起,让更多人能享受得到。与此同时,我们也选择了高品质的牛奶与之搭配,并用最简单的方法冲煮咖啡,不再添加其他原料,尽可能保留咖啡的自然之美。用好原料,关心基本款。
We search for the finest coffee beans worldwide, refining them through repeated processes under professional standards to make them reliable and affordable, so that more people can enjoy them. At the same time, we pair these beans with high-quality milk and brew the coffee using the simplest method, without adding any other ingredients, to preserve the natural beauty of the coffee as much as possible. We prioritize quality ingredients and focus on the basics.
▼项目概览,Overall view© 图派视觉
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Store Design
成都香港置地光环购物公园,该商业空间以公园式空间格局,打造了逛玩一体的顾客体验。人文,生态与商业相融合,是成都城市理想的栖息地。Grid Coffee 门店位于两个商业体之间,在人流和景观的最佳位置。
▼项目区位分析,Store Location © 笑脸蜘蛛
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Chengdu The Ring Shopping Mall by Hong Kong Land, designed with a park-like spatial layout, offers customers an integrated shopping and entertainment experience. Blending culture, ecology, and commerce, it serves as an ideal urban oasis in Chengdu. Grid Coffee’s outlet is situated between two commercial buildings, occupying an optimal location with high foot traffic and picturesque views.
▼门店立面,StoreFacade © 图派视觉
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Grid Coffee 的室外外立面采用了品牌标志性的绿色,这种色彩设计旨在增强品牌辨识度,让人一眼就能认出。外立面选用了超薄钢板材质,并巧妙地设计成弧形,其独特的质感仿佛让人置身于轻松的露营氛围中,营造出一种都市中的悠然自得感。
The exterior facade of Grid Coffee is adorned in the brand’s signature green hue, a color design that intentionally enhances brand recognition, allowing people to instantly identify it. The facade is constructed from ultra-thin steel panels, artfully shaped into a curved form. Its unique texture evokes a sense of being immersed in a relaxed camping ambiance, fostering a serene and carefree feeling amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.
▼标志性的绿色,The brand’s signature green hue © 图派视觉
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此外,外立面上还特别安装了单一产区咖啡豆指示装置,这一创意元素不仅增添了趣味性,更凸显了 Grid Coffee 对单一产区咖啡豆的专注与执着。这些指示装置如同小小的向导,引领着顾客深入探索每一款咖啡豆背后独特的风土故事,展现了品牌对咖啡品质的不懈追求和深厚底蕴。
Furthermore, the installation of single-origin coffee bean indicators elevates the overall experience, imbuing the space with a playful touch while underscoring Grid Coffee’s dedication to and expertise in the specialized field of sourcing beans from distinct regions. These indicators serve as a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality and authenticity, inviting customers to explore the nuances of each origin’s unique flavor profiles.
▼咖啡豆指示装置,Single-origin coffee bean indicators © 图派视觉
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▼入口绿植,Greenery at the entrance© 图派视觉
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Grid Coffee 的室外外立面设计完美融合了品牌特色、自然元素与咖啡文化,打造了一个既现代又充满情调的咖啡空间,吸引着每一位咖啡爱好者的目光。
Furthermore, the installation of single-origin coffee bean indicators elevates the overall experience, imbuing the space with a playful touch while underscoring Grid Coffee’s dedication to and expertise in the specialized field of sourcing beans from distinct regions. These indicators serve as a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality and authenticity, inviting customers to explore the nuances of each origin’s unique flavor profiles.
▼从橱窗看向室内,Looking inside from the window © 图派视觉
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笑脸蜘蛛巧妙的将 Grid 网格概念融入室内外立面设计中,通过精心设计的、高低错落的网格图案,巧妙地再现了咖啡种植区那连绵起伏的山脉景象,同时赋予每个网格单元以独特的肌理,以网格绿为主色调,展现了设计的独特韵味。这一设计不仅强化了品牌的绿色标识,更仿佛将大自然的鬼斧神工引入都市空间,让人们在繁忙的都市生活中也能感受到一丝来自远方的宁静与自然之美。网格的高低起伏如同大地的呼吸,而不同的肌理则像是诉说着每一颗咖啡豆背后的故事,让人在欣赏设计之美的同时,也能深刻体会到 Grid Coffee 对咖啡品质的极致追求和对自然之美的无限向往。
Spider Creative ingeniously incorporates the Grid concept into Grid Coffee’s indoor and outdoor facades, recreating the rolling hills of coffee plantations through meticulously designed, staggered grid patterns. Each grid cell boasts a unique texture, and the dominant grid green hue showcases the design’s distinctive charm. This design not only reinforces the brand’s green identity but also brings the wonders of nature into urban spaces, offering a glimpse of tranquility and natural beauty amidst the bustle. The undulating grids mimic the earth’s breath, while the textures narrate the stories behind each coffee bean, allowing patrons to appreciate the design’s beauty while deeply understanding Grid Coffee’s unwavering commitment to coffee quality and its boundless admiration for nature’s beauty.
▼立面橱窗,Facade window © 图派视觉
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这一设计不仅是一次视觉上的盛宴,更是一次心灵的洗礼,它让 Grid Coffee 的室内外空间成为了一个连接自然、品牌与消费者的独特桥梁。
In summary, this design is not just a visual extravaganza; it’s also a purifying experience for the soul. It transforms Grid Coffee’s indoor and outdoor spaces into a distinctive bridge, connecting nature, the brand, and its consumers.
▼立面细部,Facade detials© 图派视觉
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03.基于品牌 DNA 基础上的设计创意
Design Based Brand DNA
▼轴测分析图,axo© 笑脸蜘蛛
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In the coffee space, the bar counter is not only the heart of coffee making, but also a stage where art and function seamlessly intertwine. Through our unique design concept, we have skillfully transformed the bar area into a professional yet inspiring venue, where every coffee enthusiast who steps in can sense an extraordinary atmosphere.
▼吧台概览,Bar area© 图派视觉
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▼客座区,Guest seating area
© 图派视觉
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▼平面人流,traffic flow© 笑脸蜘蛛
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The ingenious lighting design, featuring adjustable illumination, stands out as a major highlight of this concept. It serves not merely for illumination, but also to create ambiance and narrate stories. Depending on different time periods, festivals, or event themes, the lighting can gently shift in color and brightness, adding a touch of mystery or warmth to the process of crafting each cup of coffee. This design not only enhances the customers’ experience but also transforms the bar area into a versatile space for socializing and events.
▼灯光设计,Lighting design © 图派视觉
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核心空间 DNA 的传承:Grid Coffee 在吧台设计中延续了其品牌的核心空间 DNA 元素,这种连贯性和一致性让顾客在享受咖啡的同时,也能深刻感受到品牌的独特魅力和文化底蕴。无论是材质的选择、色彩的搭配,还是整体布局的考量,都透露出品牌对于细节的精雕细琢和对品质的不懈追求。
Inheritance of Core Spatial DNA: Grid Coffee has seamlessly incorporated its brand’s core spatial DNA elements into the bar counter design. This continuity and consistency allow customers to deeply appreciate the brand’s unique charm and cultural depth while enjoying their coffee. From material selection, color schemes, to overall layout considerations, every detail showcases the brand’s meticulous attention to detail and relentless pursuit of quality.
▼核心空间 DNA,Inheritance of Core Spatial DN © 图派视觉
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可拓展性的考量:在设计之初,Grid Coffee 就充分考虑到了吧台区域在未来可能承担的多重角色。可调节灯光、灵活的布局设计以及预留的接口和空间,都为后期的活动拓展提供了极大的便利。无论是举办小型音乐会、艺术展览,还是咖啡品鉴会,吧台区域都能迅速转换角色,满足多样化的需求。
Scalability Considerations: From the very onset of the design process, Grid Coffee took into account the potential multiple roles that the bar area might assume in the future. The use of adjustable lighting, flexible layout design, and pre-allocated interfaces and spaces provide significant convenience for future event expansion. Whether it’s hosting small concerts, art exhibitions, or coffee tastings, the bar area can swiftly transform to cater to diverse needs.
▼吧台区域,Bar area© 图派视觉
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Grid Coffee 的吧台设计是一次成功的尝试,它不仅仅是一个咖啡制作的空间,更是一个集艺术、功能与社交于一体的多功能舞台。在这里,每一杯咖啡都承载着咖啡师的热情与匠心。另外,我们通过平面将室外和室内空间上做了联通,更增强了室外的咖啡氛围感受,同时后期可以将功能区做拓展,而吧台的设计则让这份热情得以更好地传递和展现。
The bar counter design of Grid Coffee represents a successful endeavor, as it transcends being merely a space for coffee making into a versatile stage that integrates art, function, and socializing. Here, every cup of coffee embodies the passion and craftsmanship of the baristas. Additionally, we’ve created a seamless connection between the indoor and outdoor spaces through our layout design, further enhancing the coffee ambiance outdoors. This also allows for future expansion of functional areas, while the design of the bar counter ensures that this enthusiasm is conveyed and showcased even more effectively.
▼吧台近景,Bar area close view© 图派视觉
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Table Block,我们尝试用格子的表达方式,设计可以灵活应变的 coffee table,适应不同的顾客人群。
▼咖啡桌分析图,Coffee Block Table © 笑脸蜘蛛
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Table Block, We are trying a coffee table that can adapt flexibly to different customer groups.
▼格子桌,Table Block © 图派视觉
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▼桌椅分析图,Table Design Process © 笑脸蜘蛛
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Details in furniture design: To fully integrate with local culture, elements of Shu Brocade looms are incorporated into the space. These elements are applied and carried through in the design of the single table legs of the booth seating and the overall design of the communal tables, not only embodying the characteristic elements of Shu Brocade looms but also connecting with traditional Chinese mortise and tenon joints.
▼家具设计,Furniture design© 图派视觉
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▼家具设计细部,Furniture detials© 图派视觉
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04.蜀锦艺术装置 Local Elements Art Installation
▼蜀锦&Grid Coffee,Shujin &Grid Coffee© 笑脸蜘蛛
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▼蜀锦装置设计过程,analysis© 笑脸蜘蛛
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This spatial art project draws inspiration from Chengdu’s Shu Brocade, aiming to integrate the aesthetic essence of this traditional craft into contemporary spaces through modern design techniques, thereby creating an artistic environment that is imbued with rich historical and cultural heritage while remaining modern and up-to-date.
▼蜀锦融入空间,Shu Brocade Integrates into Space © 图派视觉
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▼蜀锦融入空间,Shu Brocade Integrates into Space © 图派视觉
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The core of the design revolves around “Inheritance and Innovation.” Firstly, we extract elements from Shu Brocade’s diverse patterns and vibrant colors, such as traditional motifs like auspicious clouds, mythical creatures, and flowers, as well as its harmonious and striking color schemes, all of which are unique identifiers of Shu Brocade culture. These elements will be skillfully deconstructed and recombined, appearing in abstract or figurative forms across various interfaces within the space, including walls, floors, ceilings, and furniture arrangements, fostering a visually coherent and delightful experience.
▼平面图,plan© 笑脸蜘蛛
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品牌:Grid Coffee
设计: 笑脸蜘蛛|Spider Creative
摄影: 图派视觉
鸣谢:特别感谢 Grid Coffee 团队在设计过程中给予的支持和帮助
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