

在莫宁顿半岛的索伦托,有一座充满魅力的住宅——Kona Kahlua,它宛如一个来自中世纪的梦幻存在。
In Sorrento on the Mornington Peninsula, Kona Kahlua, a charming house, is like a dream from the Middle Ages.
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这座住宅最初建于 1970 年代,是原业主的周末度假胜地,并以他们在夏威夷最喜欢的度假地命名,承载着娱乐、聚会与放松的使命。当 Siobhan Blewitt 和 Chris Hanson 夫妇发现它时,立刻被其原始的中世纪特色吸引,那些原始的木镶板、灯具以及明亮的纹理墙纸仿佛诉说着过去的故事。
Originally built in the 1970s as a weekend retreat for the original owners, the house was named after their favorite vacation spot in Hawaii, with a mission to entertain, party and relax. When Siobhan Blewitt and Chris Hanson discovered it, they were immediately drawn to its original medieval features, with original wood panelling, lamps and bright textured wallpaper that told a story of the past.
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尽管在将其作为短期住宿开放前需要更新,但 Siobhan 和 Chris 选择以保留原始特征并恢复昔日辉煌的方式进行修复。从设计和创意美学角度出发,确保 Kona Kahlua 的原始特征得以留存,延续了本世纪中叶澳大利亚房产的遗产。这不仅仅是一次修复,更是一门艺术,始终保持着美学与建筑及其故事的一致性。
Although it needed to be updated before opening it as a short-term accommodation, Siobhan and Chris chose to restore it in a way that retained the original features and restored it to its former glory. From a design and creative aesthetic point of view, the original character of Kona Kahlua is preserved, continuing the legacy of mid-century Australian property. Its not just a restoration, its an art that always maintains an aesthetic consistency with the building and its story.
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Kona Kahlua 最多可容纳 10 位客人,分布在五间卧室中,所有卧室都因房屋得天独厚的位置,享有卡梅伦湾和菲利普港湾的迷人海景。走进屋内,一种平静的感觉扑面而来,仿佛能席卷每个房间。
Kona Kahlua can accommodate up to 10 guests spread over five bedrooms, all of which are ideally situated with stunning sea views of Cameron Bay and Port Philip. Entering the house, a sense of calm hits you, as if it could sweep through every room.
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Not only that, the house also has convenient facilities. The beach is just minutes away, and the outdoor shower is easy to wash off the sand. The private game room is like an exclusive beach box with a TV, drinks fridge, dart board and comfy sofa. For those who want to explore, local shops, restaurants and events are also within easy reach, such as Sorrentos Sao Paulo grocery store and the nearby Fingal Spa and Spa.
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如今,Siobhan 和 Chris 延续了原有的理念,为度假者打造了一个诱人的休憩之所,让人们能在此尽情欣赏美景,充分享受海洋的魅力,放松身心,享受家的舒适。
Today, Siobhan and Chris have continued the original concept, creating an inviting retreat for holidaymakers where they can take in the views, fully enjoy the charm of the ocean, relax and enjoy the comforts of home.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Kona Kahlua
位置LOCATION : Melbourne, Victoria Australia
设计DESIGN : Siobhan Blewitt,Chris Hanson