

Lo Scoglio,意为“岩石”,是一个位于拜伦郡腹地的豪华住宅项目,其设计灵感源自于意大利的石头建筑,融合了200年历史的再生材料和现代设计元素,创造出一个既尊重历史又展望未来的居住空间。
Lo Scoglio, which means The Rock , is a luxury residential project in the heart of Byron County, inspired by Italian stone architecture, blending 200-year-old recycled materials with modern design elements to create a living space that respects the past while looking to the future.
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故事始于Angelica Arnott和她的家族。起初,他们居住在拜伦湾的Wategos海滩,但随着家庭的成长和对更宁静生活环境的向往,他们决定迁往Coopers Shoot的一处房产。Angelica和她的丈夫Charlie Arnott对这所房子进行了精心设计,旨在实现与周围景观的和谐共生。
Lo Scoglios story begins with Angelica Arnott and her family. Initially, they lived on Wategos Beach in Byron Bay, but as the family grew and desired a more peaceful living environment, they decided to move to a property in Coopers Shoot. Angelica and her husband Charlie Arnott carefully designed the house to achieve a harmonious symbiosis with the surrounding landscape.
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The core concept of the design is to respect nature and history while providing a luxurious living experience. European oak salvaged from abandoned docks was used for flooring and cabinetry, adding warmth and texture to the interior Spaces. Most of the stone used to build the walls was recycled from the property, which not only shows respect for the environment, but also echoes Angelicas Italian stone architectural tradition. The use of steel-framed Windows adds a modern touch to the natural elements while maintaining harmony with the surrounding environment.
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Lo Scoglio offers a range of high-end facilities and services to meet the needs of its high-end customers. Four bedrooms and a separate guest house ensure the comfort and privacy of guests. A fully equipped gym, sauna, ice bath and spa provide a comprehensive leisure experience. The swimming pool and spacious outdoor Spaces provide a place for guests to relax and enjoy the natural beauty. Customized experiences include cooking by celebrity chefs, coaching by celebrity fitness trainers, and medical beauty and biodynamic osteopathy.
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该项目的成功得益于一个专业团队的共同努力。Skyline Projects的负责人Nicolas Lenders以其设计洞察力和对细节的关注,为项目增添了专业的色彩。同时,Angelica的朋友Louella Boitel-Gill在基础规划中提供了协助,而来自Tigmi Trading的Danielle McEwen则参与了完成造型的工作。
The success of the project is due to the joint efforts of a professional team. Nicolas Lenders, principal of Skyline Projects, adds a professional touch to the project with his design insight and attention to detail. Meanwhile, Angelicas friend Louella Boitel-Gill helped with the basic planning, while Danielle McEwen from Tigmi Trading helped complete the styling.
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Lo Scoglio是一个将历史与现代设计完美融合的住宅项目。它不仅提供了一种奢华的居住体验,更是对自然和历史的一种深刻致敬。通过精心选择的材料和周到的设计,Lo Scoglio成为了一个能够经得起时间考验的居住艺术品。
Lo Scoglio is a residential project that blends history with modern design. It not only provides a luxurious living experience, but also a profound tribute to nature and history. Through careful selection of materials and thoughtful design, Lo Scoglio becomes a living artwork that will stand the test of time.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Lo Scoglio
位置LOCATION : Byron shire, Australia
Angelica Arnott
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
撰文 WRITER :L·xue 校改 CORRECTION : W·zi
Angelica Arnott