

SWATT + PARTNERS事务所是公认的当代现代建筑设计著名事务所之一,其丰富的作品中将建筑与地形巧妙的结合在一起。SWATT + PARTNERS事务所的作品遍布加利福尼亚、夏威夷、加拿大、印度和西班牙的200多座豪华住宅和庄园,设计的独特之处在于设计者致力于用充满诗意的方式展现建筑结构,常常给人一种浑然天成的感觉。
Widely recognized as among the contemporary virtuosos of modern architecture and design, SWATT + PARTNERS masterfully orchestrates a symphony of architecture and topography within its wide-ranging body of work. The studio’s portfolio, which includes more than 200 luxury residences and estates across California, Hawaii, Canada, India, and Spain is unique in its focus on structures that poetically embrace the land on which they sit, often seeming as though they were always there.
▼Kojima住宅概览,Kojima House exterior © Nils Timm
▼Kojima住宅泳池,Kojima House swimming pool © Nils Timm
▼Kojima住宅室内概览,Kojima House interior space © Nils Timm
“我们在工作中将现代主义、创新和传统结合在一起。”建筑和设计工作室合伙人Phoebe Wong-Oliveros(美国建筑师学会会员)以及 Miya Muraki(美国建筑师学会会员)和Robert Swatt(美国建筑师学会会员)说道。
“Modernism, innovation, and tradition meaningfully come together in our work,” observes Phoebe Wong-Oliveros, AIA, a partner at the architecture and design studio, along with Miya Muraki, AIA and Robert Swatt, FAIA. Principal Lars A. Nilsson rounds out the leadership team.
▼Kojima住宅起居空间,Kojima House living room © Nils Timm
▼Kojima住宅餐厅,Kojima House dining area © Nils Timm
SWATT + PARTNERS’ one-of-a-kind commissions can be described as hand-crafted from start to finish: At the onset, a 3-D computer modeling study provides unparalleled information about architecture and its relationship to a site. The 3-D computer modeling process is then translated into physical design study models—a design tool which borrows from the sculptural tradition. The scale and complexity of the studio’s work means that the construction period can be lengthy, and intensely collaborative among the studio, client, builder, and the rest of the project team. The payoff for Muraki is “helping clients realize their dream environment.”
▼Kojima住宅卧室,Kojima House bedroom © Nils Timm
▼Kojima住宅浴室,Kojima House bathroom © Nils Timm
▼Kojima住宅夜览,Kojima House night view © Nils Timm
Robert Swatt认为,事务所作品中常有体量大而造型独特的项目,是设计者经过深思熟路后呈现的“建筑与土地同为一体”的效果。无论项目背景是欧洲的悬崖还是郁郁葱葱的葡萄酒之乡,建筑都能与周围环境相得益彰,这一点在事务所最近的三个项目中尤为明显:
The studio’s characteristically expansive architectural volumes are thoughtfully “knitted into the land,” as Swatt sees it. Whether the setting is a European cliffside or the lush wine country, the result is architecture that feels embodied by and reflective of the surrounding landscape. This is most evident in three of the firm’s most recent projects, including:
▼Athena住宅近景,Casa Athena close view © Jose Hevia
▼Athena住宅入口处,Casa Athena entrance © Jose Hevia
Kojima住宅 – 设计者在本项目中融合了美国中西部以及东亚、东南亚文化的影响,还结合了中世纪现代建筑的风格,在加州郁郁葱葱的山谷中打造了这栋俯瞰海湾与山脉景观的住宅。
Kojima House – The team melded influences from the American Midwest, as well as East and Southeast Asia, with mid-century modern architectural iconography dialogs to transform this residence situated amongst a lush, Northern California valley, surrounded by bay and mountain views.
▼莫斯岩概览,Moss Rock exterior © Jose Hevia
莫斯岩 – 设计者从葡萄酒产区的岩石山脊中得到灵感,在一处完全自然的环境中设计了一个极其简约的建筑形式,为业主打造了一个被精致景观所包围的家庭办公空间。
Moss Rock – Taking their inspiration from a rocky ridge overlooking an undulating wine region, the team created strikingly minimalist architectural forms for this home office that is surrounded by untamed nature, and refined, man-made landscapes.
▼莫斯岩室内空间概览,Moss Rock interior space © Jason Liske
Athena住宅 – 这是一座由新住宅和两层相邻的四层公寓楼组成的减租,设计者将其布置在悬崖之上,希望能够将蓝天与深海相连。
Casa Athena – Consisting of a new home and two levels of an adjacent four-story apartment building, the team designed this residence to sit atop a steep cliff and purposefully connect blue sky to the deep sea.
▼莫斯岩住宅书房空间,Moss Rock reading space © Jason Liske
尽管SWATT + PARTNERS的许多作品都充满雕塑之感,Swatt用“舒适宜居”来评价事务所的作品。他强调,居住在这些空间中的人和他们的活动,在历经长久的时间之后,会使建筑呈现出美丽的光泽。这些作品不仅有居住之用,更能够经得起时间的考验。
Despite the analogousness to large-scale sculpture of many of SWATT + PARTNERS’ work, Swatt considers the studio’s work “comfortably livable.” He emphasizes that it is the human activity of the people dwelling within these spaces that will, over time, give the studio’s work the beautiful patina of structures that are not only well-lived in, but which stand the test of time.
▼莫斯岩浴室,Moss Rock bathroom © Jason Liske