Grand Junction 公园与广场丨美国丨DAVID RUBIN Land Collective

2024/08/21 10:03:48
Grand Junction Park and Plaza|DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
Grand Junction 项目将战略基础设施与公共设施叠加在一起,在印第安纳州的 Westfield 创造了一座具有社会目的、环境弹性和包容性的公园。在 500 年一遇的风暴事件之后,原本占地 7.8 英亩的城市公园急需一个可行的雨水基础设施解决方案。为了应对洪水的威胁,将场地一分为二的 Cool Creek 溪流需要稳定并修复其沟道化的河床。如今,公园再次以生机勃勃的绿色环境而闻名,市民们可以在这里聚会交流,并与小溪进行亲密接触。
Grand Junction overlays strategic infrastructure with communal amenity, creating a socially-purposeful, environmentally-resilient, and inclusive park in Westfield, Indiana. Following a 500-year storm event, what was to be a 7.8-acre civic park suddenly required a stormwater infrastructure solution. To resolve the threat of flooding, Cool Creek, which bifurcates the site, required stabilization and repair of its channelized profile. The park is now once again celebrated as a verdant setting where citizens can engage with the creek and each other.
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▲丰富的景观:Grand Junction 广场设有咖啡馆和滑板租赁亭,以及供夏季玩耍的喷泉和冬季滑冰的冰环,A Program Rich Landscape: Grand Junction Plaza features a cafe and skate rental pavilion, as well as engaged fountains for summer play and an ice loop for winter skating. © Hadley Fruits
在淹没城镇的重大洪水事件后,不断升级的气候危机进一步增加了生态的脆弱性,为了应对这些问题,印第安纳州 Westfield 市以超前的设计将战略基础设施与公共目的地叠加在一起,创造出了一座具有社会意义、环境弹性和包容性的公园,并重点关注了人在其中的参与。作为印第安纳州现代主义圣地北部的新生城市,Westfield 市以 Grand Junction 项目解决了气候变化、雨水管理和河岸走廊修复的问题,为全世界提供了一个以人为本的公园新范本。
在景观设计师被委任设计这座占地 7.8 英亩的城市新公园的两周后,一场 500 年一遇的风暴淹没了这个新兴的城镇,在这种情况下,城市公园急需一个有效的雨水基础设施解决方案。为了应对洪水的威胁,将场地一分为二的 Cool Creek 小溪需要稳定并修复其沟道化的河床。如今,这条小溪再次成为了城市的特色,就像 1850 年以前的文献记载的那样,它为市民们带来了交流聚会的场所以及与自然亲密接触的机会。
Grand Junction 项目的弹性之美不仅在于新修复的河岸走廊,还在于静态工程系统通过设计完全集成的方式。例如,在日益严重的风暴事件中,能够调节溢出水的堰坝既是一种有效的工程设施,同时也是一座具有游乐功能的标志性结构。当 48 英寸的管道将 Grassy Branch 支流引入公园时,水就会填满南部的水库,直到溢流,穿过堰坝倾斜的像素化表面,进而减缓水流的速度,并将其引导至公园南部集水口中。无论是在暴雨期间还是在日常,这座结构装置都展现出既高效又美丽的特质。
Grand Junction 公园与广场的社会覆盖面为基础设施增加了额外的弹性,使其成为了城市的中心目的地。持续的社区参与保证了公园的可达性,并为其赋予了独特的身份象征。为了证明该公园的设计在全国范围内的先锋地位,项目不仅聚焦在公园本身,还聚焦在如何伸出象征性的问候之手上,以承认该市的贵格会(基督教教派)根源,并邀请所有人参与到公园的建设与使用中。
这种独特的方法,为 Westfield 的市民和他们的朋友创造了一座全新的公园,市中心的发展也将围绕这座公园发展。这座坐落于 Cool Creek 的五条步道汇合处的 Grand Junction 公园,不久之后就成为了人们聚会、吃饭、放松、工作和探索自然的场所。这里将容纳咖啡馆、冬季滑板租赁设施、溜冰场、儿童游乐场,并在适当的时候,加建引人注目的户外舞台和景观亭。本项目重新定义了应对洪水的基础设施,Grand Junction 已经开始拥抱它的新使命:一座充满活力的城市中心公园。如今,Westfield 的居民们可以在这个充满当地特色的独特无障碍公园里相互交流互动。在这一设计愿景下,Westfield 的市民们将共同参与到更加积极、体验和人性化的未来中。
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▲气候危机恢复能力、雨水管理和河岸走廊修复与社会覆盖面:Grand Junction 解决了 1850 年沼泽法案导致的严重生态退化问题,并将印第安纳州 Westfield 的公民与自然资源重新联系起来,Climate Crisis Resiliency, Stormwater Management, and Riparian Corridor Reparation Meets Social Overlay: Grand Junction resolved severe degradation due to the Swamp Act of 1850 and reconnects citizens of Westfield, IN, to their natural resources. © Alan Karchmer
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▲河岸恢复满足社会需求:通过将 Cool Creek 小溪恢复到沼泽法案之前的样子,Grand Junction 公园在改善社会福祉的同时减轻了气候挑战带来的危机,Riparian Restoration Meets Social Overlay: Restoring Cool Creek to its pre-Swamp Act profile, the park mitigates climate challenges while supporting social wellbeing.
© Photography – Alan Karchmer; Diagram – DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
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▲河岸恢复满足社会需求:在自然洪水来袭时,湿地圆形剧场能够抵御洪水,防止场地被淹没,堪称一项支持社交参与并具有生态弹性的设计,Riparian Restoration Meets Social Overlay: Able to withstand inundation during natural flooding processes, the Wetland Amphitheater is a resilient feature that supports social engagement. © Alan Karchmer
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▲舞台设计:阶梯座位将 Cool Creek 作为“河流剧院”,将水道作为每场演出和聚会的特色。Setting the Stage: Tiered seating focuses on Cool Creek as “river theater,” establishing the waterway as a character in every performance and gathering. © Alan Karchmer
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Holistic Stormwater Solutions: Designed for performance and aesthetics, the weir overflow slows water during severe floods while incorporating identity rich pixelated limestone.
© Photography: Alan Karchmer; Diagram: DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
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▲整体雨水解决方案:桥下通道作为社交和聚会的场所,为人们提供了沿着小溪边探索边发现的休闲之旅,Holistic Stormwater Solutions: The bridge underpass serves as social conduit and matriculation point, allowing gathering along the creek edge for exploration and discovery. © Alan Karchmer
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▲社区设施:曾经的沟渠变身为美丽迷人的水利设施,Cool Creek 翠绿的河岸是鱼群,麝鼠和充满好奇心的年轻人的天堂,A Community Amenity: What was once a ditch is now an engaging amenity. Cool Creek’s new verdant riparian edge is home to schools of fish, muskrats, and youthful curiosity. © Alan Karchmer
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▲新中央公园:Grand Junction 项目将五条步道统一为公共设施节点,以对话、团结与友情为社区进行了全新的定位,A New Central Park: Grand Junction unifies five trails into a common amenity node, positioning the city’s neighborhoods in dialogue and uniting neighbors and friends. © DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
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▲步道与公园的相遇:作为未来的 Trailhead Pavilion 的所在地,灵活而受欢迎的 Meadow Overlook 为人们提供了休息、观景、玩耍的理想场所。Where Trail Meets Park: Home to the future Trailhead Pavilion, the flexible and welcoming Meadow Overlook provides opportunities for rest, people-watching, and active play. © Alan Karchmer
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▲巩固身份:Grand Junction 标志性的展馆采用了该地区北部的石灰岩,该展馆既作为公园的中心也容纳了丰富的活动功能,Making Identity Visible: Grand Junction’s signature pavilions express the region’s northern limestone extents and serve as folly focal points and program rich content. © Alan Karchmer
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▲巩固身份:展馆的建筑表达植根于 Jeffersonian Grid 网格构图与石灰岩矿床的自然形态。Making Identity Visible: The architectural expression of the pavilions is rooted in the Jeffersonian Grid and the natural outcrops of limestone deposits. © HWKN and DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
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▲巩固身份:在表演草坪的边缘,亭子与河岸走廊相遇。两者都代表着 Westfield 日益强大的身份象征。Making Identity Visible: At the edge of the performance lawn, pavilion meets riparian corridor. Both work on behalf of Westfield’s growing identity. © Alan Karchmer
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▲巩固身份:展馆以及所有功能区域都是整个广场的一部分,独特的建筑表达彰显出不同的功能,Making Identity Visible: Each of the pavilions is part of a larger implied square, pulled apart to inform pavilion expressions and their distinct programming. © Alan Karchmer
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▲丰富的景观:每到夜晚,咖啡亭宛如一座灯塔,作为代表了本项目公园的标志性语言,为社交活动提供了机会,A Program Rich Landscape: The cafe pavilion is a beacon of light through the evening hours for social engagement establishing a signature language emblematic of the park. © Alan Karchmer
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▲贯穿四季的社会参与景观:Grand Junction 体现了 21 世纪的公民理想,通过综合基础设施和弹性景观保证了公众在社区中的参与,A Socially Engaging Landscape Throughout the Seasons: Grand Junction reflects 21st century civic ideals, safeguarding social engagement through integrated infrastructure and resilient landscapes. © City of Westfield
In response to a significant flood event that inundated the town, increased vulnerability from the escalating climate crisis, and an aspiration for recognition as a design-forward town, the City of Westfield, Indiana, has overlaid strategic infrastructure with communal purpose to create a socially-purposeful, environmentally-resilient, and inclusive park focused on human engagement. Grand Junction acknowledges Westfield as a nascent, northern complement to Indiana’s modernist mecca, Columbus, as it addresses climate change, stormwater management, and riparian corridor reparation with design excellence for a new people-forward park.
Two weeks following the landscape architect’s selection to design the city’s new 7.8-acre downtown park, a 500-year storm event flooded the burgeoning hamlet. What was to be a civic park for citizens to gather suddenly required a stormwater infrastructure solution. To resolve the threat of flooding, Cool Creek, which bifurcates the park site, required stabilization and repair of its channelized profile. Today, the creek is once again a feature of the City as it once was celebrated in documents pre-1850, which described a town where citizens could engage with the creek and each other in a verdant setting.
The beauty of Grand Junction’s resiliency is not just in the newly repaired riparian corridor, but also the ways in which the static engineered systems are wholly integrated through design. For example, the weir which tempers any overflow water during increasingly significant storm events is as much iconic play structure as it is efficient engineering. Now, when the 48” pipe which funnels Grassy Branch into the park is over capacity, the water fills the southern reservoir until it overflows, cascading across the weir’s pixelated, sloped surfaces, creating additional turbulence to slow the flow of water into the park’s southern aperture. It is both efficient and beautiful in its character with or without cascading stormwater present.
Grand Junction’s social overlay adds additional resiliency to the infrastructure that makes this central park possible. Repeat community engagement ensuring identity and accessibility were woven into the park’s composition. With an aspiration to be recognized nationally for a design-forward park, gatherings focused not just on park partis, but on how to extend the symbolic hand in greeting – an acknowledgement of the City’s Quaker roots, and an invitation to participate to all.
With this unique approach, a new park was created with and for the citizens of Westfield and their friends around which downtown development will grow. Built where five trails converge alongside Cool Creek, it has not taken long for Grand Junction to become a place for people to meet, eat, relax, work, and explore. It is home to a café and winter skate rental facility, an ice rink, children’s playground, and in due course, an eye-catching outdoor stage and trailhead pavilion. Redefining an infrastructure project needed for the mitigation of flooding, Grand Junction has come to embrace its new mission: a lively town center park with social overlay. Now, residents can engage with each other and identify in an accessible park uniquely Westfield. Thanks to this design vision, the citizens of Westfield can participate in a more active, experiential, and human-engaged future, together.
Project Credits
HWKN Architecture, Design Architect
RATIO, Architect of Record
Bruce Mau Design, Graphics, Wayfinding, and Identity
Flatland Resources, Stream Restoration & Hydrology
Tillett Lighting, Lighting Design
KJWW, MEP Engineer
Lochmueller, Civil Engineer
Laufs Engineering Design, LLC, Structural & Facade Engineer
Fink Roberts & Petrie, Inc., Structural & Site Engineer
ETM Associates, Maintenance and Operations
Wilson Consulting, Specifications
RTM, Code Consultant
Stantec, Fountain and Ice Rink
Landscapeforms – Studio431
Maglin Site Furniture
ACO, Inc.
Precast Specialties, Inc
JAG Metal Solutions
Border Concepts
Parks/Recreation Equipment
Empire Quarry
Hanover Pavers
Vermont Structural Slate CompanyKafka Granite
Lithonia Lighting
Ecosense Lighting
Beachside Lighting
Skatestoppers – Skate Deterrents
Deckmaster – Deck Fastening System
Permaloc – Asphalt Edge
ISF Signs – Signage and Wayfinding
Wundercovers – Paver Trays
Plant List
Smooth Hydrangea
Common Witch Hazel
Winterberry Holly
Northern Spicebush
Northern Bayberry
Fragrant Low Growing Sumac
Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac
White Meadowsweet
American Black Elderberry
Mapleleaf Viburnum
Japanese Anemone
Wild White Indigo
Sideoats Grama
Blonde Ambition Blue Gramma Grass
Yellow Fox Sedge
Bur Sedge
Pennsylvania Sedge
Dixiewood + Hay Scented Fern
Virginia Wild Rye
Daylily ‘Citrina’ + ‘Hyperion’ + ‘The Jury’s Out’
Bottlebrush Grass
Hellebore ‘Snow White’
Poverty Rush
Ostrich Fern
Green Bulrush
Tall Verbena
Chinese Trumpet Creeper
Boston Ivy
Jack In The Pulpit
Clayton’s Sweetroot
May Apples
Wood Lily
Virginia Iris
Common Yarrow
Switch Grass
Sweet Black-Eyed Susan
Great Burnet
Little Bluestem
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