

Montana Burnett Design是一家位于加拿大多伦多的全方位服务设计公司,以其清新、不拘一格的设计风格著称。创始人Montana Burnett,曾是《Canadian House and Home Magazine》的编辑,拥有丰富的经验与对各种风格的独特见解。她通过定期旅行汲取灵感,将原创视角与个性融入每个项目,创造出精心策划且独具魅力的空间。
Project Grey
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在多伦多,室内设计师蒙大拿州伯内特(Montana Burnett)以其受过编辑训练的独特眼光,打造了众多视觉上引人注目的空间。其中,Project Grey 这一家庭住宅独具特色,不仅展现出优雅的特质,还营造出轻松宜居的氛围。
In Toronto, interior designer Montana Burnett uses his editorially-trained eye to create visually striking Spaces. Among them, Project Grey is a unique family home that not only displays elegant qualities, but also creates a relaxed and livable atmosphere.
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蒙大拿州伯内特(Montana Burnett)的职业旅程别具特色,起初设计只是她的爱好,而后在《Canadian House - Home》杂志担任市场编辑的经历,为其奠定了深厚的基础,使她得以接触众多供应商,并了解房屋造型的关键。在进入设计行业后,她从同行如米歇尔·劳埃德(Michel Lloyd)和凯利·韦斯特勒(Kelly Westler)那里汲取了大量灵感,同时拥有的一群优秀设计师朋友也为其解决了诸多商业相关问题。
Burnett, Montana, began her professional journey as a hobby, then as a marketing editor at Canadian House - Home magazine, which gave her a deep grounding in a wide range of vendors and the keys to home styling. After entering the design industry, she drew a lot of inspiration from peers such as Michelle Lloyd and Kelly Westler, and had a group of excellent designer friends to solve many business-related problems.
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For Project Grey, the design concept is to create a comfortable and feminine space for the family. The use of red and pink throughout the house, the kitchen as a starting point, both practical cooking function, but also have a beautiful aesthetic characteristics. The designer also deliberately injected plenty of vintage design and a slight wooden color palette for contrast and interest. Taking into account the actual needs of family living, avoid using too valuable items in areas with high traffic.
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In this project, the client had a clear need to have enough seating to entertain guests and host large dinners, but also to have a comfortable and livable resting space. The pieces selected by the designer for the project are also unique, such as the chairs from the French Alps chalet in the corner of the formal living room, adding a retro atmosphere to the living room.
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In terms of the storage solution of the house, the existing structure of the house is fully integrated, and the length of the corridor is transformed into additional lockers, achieving a balance between function and decoration. In the kitchen, for example, everyday cutlery is stored in closed storage Spaces, while beautiful items are displayed on shelves on top of the work counter.
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对于希望为自家空间增添独特物品的人,蒙大拿州伯内特(Montana Burnett)建议遵循直觉,不必事先预定物品的摆放位置,若某一物品吸引人,就应拥有它。旅行也是她获取灵感的重要途径,有助于保持其在室内设计及其他方面的创新与活力。
For people looking to add unique items to their space, Ms. Burnett, Montana, advises following your gut. Dont pre-order where things will go. If something is appealing, you should own it. Travel is also an important source of inspiration for her, helping to keep her innovative and vibrant in interior design and beyond.
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Project Grey House showcases the design prowess and unique creative ideas of Burnett, Montana.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Project Grey
位置LOCATION : Toronto, Canada
Montana Burnett Design