

▼建筑外观,external view of the church ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
▼入口处的十字架,cross at the entrance ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
MA AN Christian Church is located at 35 Fu Dong Keng Alley, Cnr of Ma An Shan Park Natural Reserve. Gross Floor Area of the church is approx. 335㎡. Jesus cross is the central of the overall architecture and interior space. There is a Jesus Cross sculpture situated on the exterior of the building, while natural lights are widely utilised around interior space. The skylight from the roof is like the holy light from god pouring on the worship altar, wooden furnishings, and the very corner of the church and deep hearts of the worshippers.
▼入口处的储物柜,storage at the entrance ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
▼入口,entrance ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
▼礼拜堂,hall ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
▼台阶与木质座椅,steps and wooden seats ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
▼阳光透过立柱照入空间,sunlight illuminates the space through the columns ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
▼细部,details ©福州造美室内设计有限公司
▼平面图,plan ©福州造美室内设计有限公司