

这是脚本建筑研究室的办公空间扩建项目。这里曾是北京胡同里的一个老国营机床车间,在城市更新的大背景下,老厂区被改造成了一个融合了办公与消费的创意园区。原来开敞的车间空间基于柱跨被分割成了一个个 4.2 米 x 8.5 米的空间单元,供一些小规模企业使用。脚本建筑研究室在初创的时候仅仅占据了一个单元,随着人员数量的增长,研究室租下了相邻的另一个空间单元。这种变换在这些单元间来来回回发生过许多次,在租户不断更替的过程中,空间几经改造,经历了多次合并、拆分与再合并,使得东西隔断墙呈现为由红砖和轻钢龙骨结构拼贴而成的结构。空间单元的南侧是一个 2.9 米宽,2.3 米高的大窗户,窗外是一棵十几米高的臭椿树,春夏时节,从北侧楼道进入这个空间,满眼都会充满绿色。
This is the office expansion project for Script Architecture Studio. Previously, it was an old state-owned machine tool workshop located in a Beijing hutong. Amid urban renewal, the old factory area was transformed into a creative park combining office and commercial spaces. The original open workshop was divided into 4.2m x 8.5m units based on column spans, intended for small businesses. Script Architecture Studio initially occupied one unit. As the team grew, the studio rented an adjacent unit. This pattern of expansion and retraction has happened many times, leading to multiple renovations. The east and west partition walls are now a collage of red bricks and light steel keel structures. On the south side of each unit is a large window, 2.9m wide and 2.3m high, outside of which stands a tall Ailanthus tree. In spring and summer, entering from the north corridor, the space is filled with green.
▼室内概览,overview of the interior space©立明
▼办公室概览,overview of the office©立明
这个空间挑高 4.4 米,上一个租户从南到北搭建了一个接近 7 米长的夹层,上下两层都很压抑,我们拆除了三分之二,仅保留了入口处的一小部分夹层结构,并以此为界将水吧台、衣帽收纳、材料收纳展示、冰箱及 3D 打印等服务功能放在夹层下。南侧大面积的高挑空空间则作为更加开敞的办公空间。
The space has a height of 4.4 meters. The previous tenant built a nearly 7-meter-long mezzanine from south to north, making both floors oppressive. We removed two-thirds of it, retaining only a small portion at the entrance. This area now houses a water bar, coat storage, material display, refrigerator, and 3D printing services under the mezzanine. The large, high-ceilinged area on the south side serves as a more open office space.
▼夹层设计,mezzanine level©立明
▼上层空间,upper level©立明
▼上层休息空间,upper level rest area©立明
▼夹层下方的储藏收纳空间,storage space under the mezzanine©立明
Firstly, we aim to introduce the extensive greenery from outside into the interior. Workstations are arranged along the east and west walls, leaving a green visual corridor in the middle. The outdoor green can pass through the entire office area, through the view frame between the service space and the office space, and further permeate the entrance door’s textured glass, infusing the corridor with a lush green hue. This ensures that every passerby or newcomer to this space is greeted with a touch of green.
▼将中间留作绿色的视线通道,leaving a green visual corridor in the middle©立明
▼幕布降下时效果,after the curtain closed©立明
▼服务空间与办公空间之间的玄关取景框,the view frame between the service space and the office space©立明
▼场景剖面,scenario section©脚本建筑研究室
Secondly, we want this space to adapt to various activity scenarios. During office hours, designers work quietly back-to-back facing their desks; during discussions, employees face each other; when announcing important matters, the speaker stands on the mezzanine, with the audience facing the mezzanine; for lectures, a projection screen drops down from the window, and the audience sits facing the screen, with some also on the mezzanine; during leisure time, designers can sit upstairs to watch a movie or chat over tea at the window-side bar. By shaping the spatial relationships, we have crafted the users’ activity scripts, creating diverse office modes and scenarios.
▼办公桌前,in front of the office desk©立明
▼办公环境,Office environment©立明
Lastly, we preserved the history of this space. The exposed red bricks and rough concrete surfaces bear the marks of the old state-owned factory. The new parts are constructed with interlocking and riveting birch plywood, providing a warm contrast to the cold, rough bricks and concrete. This clear and reversible construction logic, compared to the heavy and permanent original structure, brings a light and pleasant atmosphere to the office space, creating a vibrant and creative workshop for the architects.
▼桦木多层板细节,riveting birch plywood detail©立明
▼材料细节,material detail©立明
项目地址:北京市方家胡同 46 号院
Project name:Multi-Scene Workshop
Project type:The Regenerative Script of an Old Factory Cell
Design year:2023
Completion Year:2023
Leader designer & Team:Ming,Yuexi Chen,Yao Li, Yidi Wang(engineering management)
Project location:No. 46 Fangjia Hutong, Beijing
Gross built area: 36 ㎡
Photo credit: Liming Fang
Partner:Zhangfan Studio (Lighting Design)
Materials:red bricks , rough concrete, interlocking and riveting birch plywood