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今年夏天,西班牙-几内亚艺术家奇迪·韦恩(Chidy Wayne)的艺术作品在比利时布鲁日附近历史悠久的马累城堡(Male Castle)展出,此次展览由位于布鲁塞尔的著名格雷格画廊(Grège Gallery)举办。
This summer, art by Spanish-Guinean artist Chidy Wayne went on display at the historic Male Castle near Bruges, Belgium, in an exhibition organized by the renowned Brussels-based Grege Gallery.
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奇迪·韦恩出生于 1981 年的西班牙巴塞罗那,他以独特的极简主义和具象的绘画风格在艺术领域崭露头角。其作品融合了原始与极简主义元素,从祖先的传统和前卫艺术场景中获取灵感。通过快速且大胆的笔触,他深入探讨了普遍的主题,如自我意识和内心冲突。
Born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1981, Chidi Wynn rose to prominence in the art world with his unique style of minimalism and figurative painting. His work combines primitive and minimalist elements, drawing inspiration from the traditions of his ancestors and the avant-garde art scene. Through quick and bold strokes, he delves into universal themes such as self-awareness and inner conflict.
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值得一提的是,这是他在比利时的第三次个展,并且他首次在绘画和素描旁展出了一系列雕塑。自 2021 年起,他的作品已在布鲁塞尔、安特卫普、纽约、巴黎、迈阿密、旧金山、马德里、洛杉矶和巴塞罗那等主要艺术中心展出,充分彰显了他在国际上获得的高度认可。
It is worth mentioning that this is his third solo exhibition in Belgium, and for the first time he has exhibited a series of sculptures alongside paintings and drawings. Since 2021, his work has been exhibited in major art centers such as Brussels, Antwerp, New York, Paris, Miami, San Francisco, Madrid, Los Angeles and Barcelona, underscoring his high international recognition.
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马累城堡这座历史建筑可追溯至 9 世纪,几个世纪以来历经数次改造,曾由圣特鲁多修道院的修女居住。城堡和谐的线条和光线营造出令人难忘的建筑之旅,大型拱顶带有罗马式风格,坚固与简约并存,原始石膏和石材的墙壁凸显出现代主义美学,天然材料在此得到了赞美。充沛的自然光充满整个空间,照亮了宽敞而开放的室内,也将韦恩的极简主义艺术作品衬托得更加出众。
Dating back to the 9th century, this historic building has undergone several transformations over the centuries and was once inhabited by nuns from the Convent of Saint Trudeau. The harmonious lines and light of the castle create a memorable architectural journey, the large vaults are Romanesque in style, solid and simple at the same time, the original plaster and stone walls highlight the modernist aesthetic, and natural materials are celebrated here. An abundance of natural light fills the space, illuminating the spacious and open interior and complementing Waynes minimalist artwork.
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This exhibition offers art lovers a great opportunity to see Chidi Wynns unique artistic creation up close.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Chidy Wayne Art Show
位置LOCATION : Belgium
设计DESIGN : Chidy Wayne
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
版权 COPYRIGHT : Chidy Wayne