Whispering Dunes 住宅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Homeroom Studio

2024/08/24 14:49:01
Whispering Dunes 住宅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Homeroom Studio-0
Homeroom Studio 是位于墨尔本的多学科工作室,由 Romy Dankner 创立。致力于打造精致且有凝聚力、充满真实感的设计。每个项目灵感源于客户故事,与工作室身份融合,形式和功能精准平衡。通过层次构图、精心色调与严谨克制,形成独特且深思熟虑的成果。工作室拥有经验丰富的专业团队,在住宅、酒店和商业设计领域表现出色,能满足多样化需求,以探索精神和生活体验为灵感丰富设计叙述,提升体验,改善生活方式。
Whispering Dunes
Whispering Dunes 住宅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Homeroom Studio-4
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墨尔本的 Whispering Dunes 住宅由 Homeroom Studio 精心打造,它巧妙地在过去与现在之间找到了微妙平衡,成功营造出宁静的度假氛围。
Carefully crafted by Homeroom Studio, the Whispering Dunes Residence in Melbourne manages to create a peaceful holiday atmosphere with a delicate balance between past and present.
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The design concepts of Whispering Dunes are deeply influenced by the depth of their surroundings. Given the proximity to the park and the lush trees that already surround it, Homeroom Studio director Romy Dankner says the team expects residents to feel immediate peace and quiet when they walk in the door. The aim of the project is to provide the client with a peaceful sanctuary, combining traditional details with modern materials to create a cohesive and elegant space that fully embodies the dual senseof tradition and modernity.
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In terms of spatial planning, the original layout, characterized by independent living Spaces, was opened up in order to better fit the needs of the family. By introducing additional glazing to the rear of the house, the connection between the interior and the lush green environment outside is enhanced. This careful spatial reconfiguration not only significantly enhances the functionality of the house, but also creates an engaging visual dialogue between the indoor and outdoor environments.
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Clients expect to create more open living Spaces that cater to family dynamics and entertainment needs. To achieve this vision, the team carefully selected materials with a focus on warmth and texture, featuring neutral tones and richly textured elements such as wood veneer joinery, linen window trim and European oak flooring. The floors, made by Storeys, are key, with selected European oak and warm caramel tones that match the houses neutral finish. The panels are laid in 1,900mm wide planks that have a consistently natural appearance, free of knots and blemishes, adding a clean, refined feel to the space and providing an ideal base for layering the rest of the interior elements.
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此外,可持续性在材料选择中也是重要考量因素。Storey 制作的地板负责任地从欧洲种植园采购,并采用环保工艺制造,不含甲醛,获得 Sensitive Choice 认可,成为家庭生活的健康之选。
In addition, sustainability is an important consideration in the selection of materials. Floors made by Storey are responsibly sourced from European plantations and manufactured using environmentally friendly processes that are formaldehyde free, accredited by Sensitive Choice as a healthy choice for home living.
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丰富的宝石色调内饰、层次分明的纹理和定制物品,无疑是打造一个有凝聚力和精致之家的点睛之笔。精心策划的家具和艺术品进一步提升了室内装饰品质,它们与温暖的色调和纹理相互映衬。整个住宅的细节色调提供了中性背景,使得能够通过家具和艺术品注入个性与色彩。这些元素与建筑细节和谐互动,共同营造出 Whispering Dunes 所特有的整体宁静感和凝聚力。
Rich jewel-toned interiors, layered textures and custom items are undoubtedly the finishing touches to create a cohesive and sophisticated home. The interior is further enhanced by carefully curated furniture and artwork that complement the warm tones and textures. The detailed tones throughout the house provide a neutral background, allowing for an injection of character and colour through furniture and artwork. These elements interact harmoniously with architectural details to create the overall sense of serenity and cohesion unique to the Whispering Dunes.
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然而,该项目并非一帆风顺,特别是在物业的遗产性质方面面临挑战。由于房屋的年龄和磨损年限,原地板不再适用。通过与 Storey 的合作,成功解决了这一问题,确保新地板能够提供与房屋历史相符的特色。最终,Whispering Dunes 展现出每一个细节都经过精心考量,新旧元素轻松且有意识地和谐共存。
However, the project has not been without its troubles, particularly with regard to the heritage nature of the property. Due to the age of the house and the age of wear and tear, the original flooring is no longer suitable. Working with Storey, this was successfully addressed, ensuring that the new flooring would provide a character that was in keeping with the history of the house. Ultimately, the Whispering Dunes show that every detail has been carefully considered, with old and new elements easily and consciously co-existing in harmony.
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Whispering Dunes 充分展示了精心的设计和明智的材料选择为传统住宅注入的全新活力。Homeroom Studio 对新旧元素的谨慎平衡,成功塑造出一个实用且持久的空间,为居民提供了令人向往的宁静度假胜地。
Whispering Dunes fully demonstrates the new vitality that careful design and wise material selection can inject into a traditional home. Homeroom Studios careful balance of old and new elements has succeeded in shaping a functional and durable space that offers residents a peaceful getaway to aspire to.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Homeroom Studio
位置LOCATION : Melbourne
设计DESIGN : Homeroom Studio
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
版权 COPYRIGHT : Homeroom Studio
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