Casa Seye丨墨西哥丨Pioneer

2024/08/26 12:46:40
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Casa Seye is an architectural poem that stands as a tribute to the harmony between human creation and nature. Located in a privileged corner, adjacent to a golf course and surrounded by lush vegetation, this house offers a shelter of privacy and sublime views. The imposing presence of the Colima Volcano and the surrounding green areas engage in a perpetual dialogue with the structure. Two towering parota trees guard the main facade, while two huizilacate trees, strategically placed at the back, provide shade and privacy, integrating respectfully into the houses design.
Casa Seye是一首建筑诗,是对人类创造与自然之间和谐的致敬。这所房子位于一个优越的角落,毗邻高尔夫球场,周围环绕着茂密的植被,提供隐私和壮丽的景色。雄伟壮观的科利马火山和周围的绿地与结构进行了永恒的对话。两棵高耸的帕罗塔树守卫着主立面,而两棵惠子树则巧妙地放置在后面,提供遮荫和隐私,尊重地融入房屋的设计。
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The C shape of the house was conceived with a specific intention, as the curve of the terrain and its corner position invited the creation of a space that optimizes ventilation and offers panoramic views from all angles. Thus, the shape becomes the embrace of the construction towards its surroundings, opening its arms to the volcano and the extensive vegetation.
房屋的 C 形是出于特定目的构思的,因为地形的曲线及其拐角位置邀请创建一个优化通风并从各个角度提供全景视野的空间。因此,这个形状成为建筑对周围环境的拥抱,向火山和广阔的植被敞开双臂。
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Casa Seye is not just an aesthetic expression but also a commitment to sustainability.
Casa Seye不仅是一种美学表达,更是对可持续发展的承诺。
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