

“Revitalizing and developing rural scenic areas requires a foundation in historical heritage and natural landscapes, while also embracing bold, future-oriented imagination and vitality.”
— Zhu Peidong
▼“腾云气象环”,’Sky Ring’ overview©line+
▼“穿云编木隧”,’Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks’ overview©line+
Perched on the ridge of Xinchang in eastern Zhejiang, within the 19 Peaks Scenic Area, Xiayanbei Village is shrouded in mist and clouds year-round, creating a mystical atmosphere. This setting mirrors the imagery in Li Bai’s poem, ‘The Song of Wandering the Sky at Mount Tianmu,’ where clouds and mists obscure the peaks. The village, overlooking a sea of clouds and set against the Danxia landforms of 19 Peaks, has become a favored destination for outdoor enthusiasts. However, in recent years, the village’s limited infrastructure and inadequate visitor capacity have increasingly hindered its sustainable development.
Invited to lead the enhancement of Xiayanbei’s scenic area, Zhu Peidong, Co-Founder and Chief Architect of line+ studio, confronted two major challenges: addressing the typical obstacles of rural development, such as funding shortages, land scarcity, and business model homogeneity; and crafting a distinctive identity for Xiayanbei as a modern tourist destination.
▼“穿云编木隧”夜景,night view of‘Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks’ ©存在建筑
▼总平面图,site plan©line+
In response, the design team employed a dual strategy: first, through careful pre-planning and site selection, leveraging existing infrastructure without requiring additional land quotas to create differentiated scenic experiences; second, by revitalizing existing land and spaces, integrating operational planning with composite design. This approach aimed to enhance infrastructure, benefiting both visitors and local residents by introducing new business models and increasing foot traffic.
▼“腾云气象环”,’Sky Ring’ ©line+
▼“穿云编木隧”,’Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks’ ©存在建筑
“穿云编木隧”和“腾云气象环”是下岩贝景区提升工程中的首期启动项目,也是新增的基础设施。根据所处的场地条件和风景关系,设计采用了在地化(入地)和差异化(上天)两种截然不同的设计策略,分别作为项目需求中的景区入口和超级 IP。在呈现差异策略的背后,是两者均以下岩贝村落所特有的文脉底蕴和自然风景为背景,通过设计和建造,创造差异化的知觉体验,并在访客旅游观光的体验叙事上形成渐进的连续性,也为在地生活的村民构筑更具新鲜感的日常。
The ‘Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks’ and ‘Sky Ring’ are the initial projects in the enhancement of the Xiayanbei scenic area, introducing new infrastructure. These installations follow two distinct design strategies—’grounded’ and ‘elevated’—tailored to site conditions and landscape context, serving as the entrance and iconic landmarks of the area. Rooted in Xiayanbei’s cultural heritage and natural landscape, these strategies create unique sensory experiences through design and construction, establishing a cohesive narrative for visitors while enriching the daily life of local residents.
01Memory and Craftsmanship: Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks
▼场地原貌,Original State of The Site©line+
The village entrance lacks a traditional boundary marker, gateway, or arch, leaving it without clear signage or transitional buffers. As a new destination, the client initially requested a standard gateway. However, after site evaluation, an alternative was proposed: transforming the gateway into a more memorable entry experience—a woven passage leading into the village and scenic area.
▼“穿云编木隧”鸟瞰,Ariel view of ‘Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks’ ©存在建筑
▼一条进入村庄和景区的隧道,a woven passage leading into the village and scenic area©存在建筑
A passage was designed at the bend of the road between Houdaisan Village and Xiayanbei Village, turning the entrance signage into a distinctive experience. As one passes through, the sea of clouds and tea fields suddenly unfold before the eyes.
▼将景区的门牌坐标差异化地转为一段由穿行带来的独特记忆,turning the entrance signage into a distinctive experience©line+
▼“穿云编木隧”,’Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks’ ©存在建筑
Ecological Restoration and Sustainability
在现场踏勘时,设计团队发现,早年因为修建村道,两村之间的原有的自然山体被一分为二,道路从中穿过,两侧植被凋敝,黄土裸露,雨后时常淤塞道路。2018-19 年景区初建时曾单边设置了简易混凝土挡土墙,防止土块掉落,但江南之多雨仍使得裸露的黄土在持续地流失。
▼场地分析,Site analysis©line+
During the site survey, the design team observed that the village road construction years ago had split the natural hill between the two villages, leading to severe vegetation erosion and exposed soil, which frequently caused road blockages after rain. In 2018-2019, a simple concrete retaining wall was installed to mitigate soil erosion, but the persistent rainfall in Jiangnan continued to exacerbate soil loss.
▼替代原有的简易挡土墙,replacing the original retaining wall©存在建筑
The passage was designed not only to establish an entrance marker and create a memorable experience but also to contribute to ecological restoration. By replacing the original retaining wall and repairing the disruption to the natural hillside, the passage serves a dual purpose as a transportation landmark and as a critical component of the site’s ecological restoration infrastructure.
▼弥合原始自然土丘的创口,repairing the disruption to the natural hillside©存在建筑
The passage’s height is engineered to comply with transportation standards for buses and construction vehicles, while its external dimensions closely follow the original elevation of the hillside cut. This alignment ensures the structure naturally integrates with the terrain’s contours. The design also incorporates tiered landscape retaining walls to seamlessly connect and stabilize the original slopes, employing natural forms and materials to achieve sustainable construction.
▼对原生边坡进行衔接与填补,seamlessly connect and stabilize the original slopes©存在建筑
Local traditional non-heritage bamboo weaving craft and modern wooden structure©line+
▼结构爆炸图,Exploded Axonometric Diagram©line+
Xinchang is known for its rich tradition of bamboo weaving, a craft recognized as part of the region’s intangible cultural heritage. Inspired by this, the architects chose natural wood as the primary structural material for the passage’s interior. The integration of bamboo weaving techniques into the wooden framework allowed the load-bearing components to serve both structural and decorative purposes. This design approach not only creates visual tension within the woven passage but also revitalizes and preserves local craftsmanship in a contemporary form.
▼结构细节,structure detail©line+
The exterior is clad in locally sourced black slate, enabling the structure to blend seamlessly into the surrounding tea fields and forest, becoming a natural extension of the landscape.
▼表皮选用当地常见的玄色自然片岩,facade using the locally sourced black slate©line+
▼成为山体的一部分,becoming a natural extension of the landscape©存在建筑
The form, softened by curves, closely adheres to the mountainside. The fluid double-curved structure guides the eye through a controlled interplay of light and shadow, creating a tension that evokes the sensation of ‘passing through.’ This mirrors the spatial narrative in Tao Yuanming’s ‘Peach Blossom Spring,’ where a narrow path opens into a broad, illuminated space. This experience is recreated within the woven passage’s twenty meters, offering a moment of revelation and transformation.
▼流畅的双曲面结构,The fluid double-curved structure©存在建筑
▼豁然开朗的空间体验,a moment of revelation and transformation©line+
Complex Curved Surface Design
▼双曲胶合木梁设计过程,Design Process of Double-Curved Glulam Beams©line+
The challenge in designing the double-curved wooden structure lies in aligning geometric shape with material stress. Collaborating with Luanlu Structural Design Firm, calculations were made for shear strength, torsional resistance, and critical bending points of the laminated timber to reinforce all weak areas. This rigorous process ensured the structural viability of the complex load-bearing passage.
▼双曲面木结构夜景,The fluid double-curved structure at night©存在建筑
Precision Prefabrication System
从图面到现场,工艺的选择和施工的组织至关重要。在设计深化中,建筑师、结构师和加工厂家,通过 rhino—revit 的参数化设计还原实际加工时双曲梁的结构模型及每一个节点的构造,从而确定加工时每一根构件的曲率和位置,并根据弯曲半径和厚度选择最合适的 13mm 厚花旗松进行建造。在模型中首先确定构件单板轮廓,并将其展开获得平面图;通过铣型加工,胶合弯曲成型。编程 CNC 加工模板切割企口完成最后一步的预加工,运输至现场装配。
▼施工过程,Construction Process©line+
▼墙身剖面节点,Wall Section Detail©line+
▼两种材料安装细节,Installation Details of Two Materials©line+
Transitioning from design to construction required meticulous planning and precise coordination. During design development, parametric software like Rhino-Revit was employed to model the double-curved beams and nodes, ensuring accurate curvature and positioning. The optimal 13mm Douglas fir was selected based on the required bending radius and thickness. Components were then CNC-machined, pre-assembled, and transported to the site for final assembly.
▼双曲面木结构夜景,The fluid double-curved structure at night©存在建筑
▼木结构加工及施工过程,Timber Fabrication and Construction Process©line+
After the wooden framework was completed, it was clad with stainless steel mesh, secured by galvanized steel ribs, and natural fracture stone slabs were fastened with metal wires. The irregular texture of the slabs, handcrafted by local artisans, added a raw, natural quality to the prefabricated structure.
▼双曲面木结构鸟瞰,Ariel view of the fluid double-curved structure©存在建筑
02 差异的标识:腾云气象环
02 Distinctive Landmark: Sky Ring
下岩贝村的主要活动,观山云海、露营徒步、农事耕作等都极其依赖天气气象。一方面“腾云气象环”便是以“气象”为母题创作的下岩贝 IP 装置,除了形式自带的视觉标识作用之外,它也承担了景区气象气球的职能,通过肉眼可及的是否腾空,以及后台的数据采集,为村民和游客提供多层次的天气预告。
Xiayanbei Village’s main activities—mountain viewing, cloud watching, camping, hiking, and farming—are all heavily weather-dependent. The ‘Sky Ring,’ an IP installation themed around meteorology, not only serves as a visual landmark but also functions as a meteorological balloon, providing multi-layered weather forecasts for villagers and tourists through its visible ascent and data collection.
▼腾云气象环,The ‘Sky Ring’ ©line+
另一方面,我们希望气象环能够跳脱出人们习以为常的气象气球的常态,在实现气象数据的记录和采集的同时,也有机会成为下岩贝的某种新的公共性的象征——不仅是在数公里外即可识别的超级 IP 标识,当它腾空时,其投影下的地面场域也是为游客和村民提供一处共享的活动空间。
The goal was to go beyond the conventional meteorological balloon, making the Sky Ring a new public symbol for Xiayanbei. When inflated, it becomes a landmark visible from miles away and creates a shared space for tourists and villagers beneath its shadow.
▼腾云气象环远眺,The ‘Sky Ring’ view from distant©line
The site for the Sky Ring was carefully selected for its accessibility, ease of gathering, and suitability for balloon operations. Positioned on a hillside near the parking lot, it is centrally located within the tea fields, with the 19 Peaks as a backdrop, enhancing the camping and outdoor experience for visitors.
▼以层叠茶田为舞台,located within the tea fields©line+
空气滞留装置 Aerostatic Installation 为了形成既满足空气动力学,也能与传统的球状气球形成差异,并符合各种安全指标的新型飞行器,在多种形式的推演之后,建筑师把环形的氦气球作为了该空气滞留装置的一个主要选择。▼环形的氦气球,ring-shaped helium balloon©line+
The aerostatic installation was designed to balance aerodynamics, distinguish it from traditional spherical balloons, and meet safety standards. After exploring various forms, the architects chose a ring-shaped helium balloon as the optimal solution.
▼环形气象环,ring-shaped Sky Ring ©line+
气象环外径 30 米,内径 5.5 米,由气球分系统、航电分系统、灯光分系统、升空回收分系统、保障分系统和基础建设等部分组成。风速低于 8m/s 时,腾升空中至 25 米的系留状态,由内外均匀分布的 16 根索具连接于场地中心。当风速大于 8m/s,或雨雪、冰雹、冰冻、雷暴等恶劣天气来临时,气象环外圈的 4 根索具将根据感应的恶劣天气,通知管理人员,并激活绞车将其收回,并通过内圈的 6 根索具和外圈的 8 根索具将其牢固地锚泊于地面的支撑上,提高其抗风能力。
The Sky Ring measures 30 meters in outer diameter and 5.5 meters in inner diameter, comprising subsystems for the balloon, avionics, lighting, inflation and retrieval, support, and foundational infrastructure. In winds below 8 m/s, it ascends to 25 meters, tethered by 16 evenly distributed cables. When winds exceed 8 m/s or during adverse weather, four outer cables signal the management system to activate the winch, retrieving the ring. Six inner and eight outer cables then anchor it securely, enhancing wind resistance.
▼环形气象环,ring-shaped Sky Ring ©line+
气象环上分布有 33 个 LED,在夜幕时分亮起,变幻的色彩迸发出极具动感的场域张力,为平时萧索冷清的乡村夜生活带来当代的时尚和活力。环内置的 LED 光源采用了 RGBW 技术,这使得夜间的气象环具备高亮度、低能耗的优点,同时拥有更丰富的色彩和更广阔的色域。
▼变幻的色彩,dynamic color ©line+
The ring features 33 LEDs that light up at night, infusing the quiet rural landscape with dynamic energy and modern flair. Using RGBW technology, the LEDs deliver high brightness with low energy consumption, offering a broader color spectrum and more vibrant hues.
▼环内置的 LED 光源采用了 RGBW 技术,Using RGBW technology©line+
▼极具动感的场域张力,dynamic energy and modern flair©line+
气象环主体材质选择多层织物薄膜层压复合材料,满足气密性好、自重轻、环境抗性强、使用寿命和施工工艺的多重要求。结合材料性能和严谨的受力分析,整个气象环最终由 66 片层压复合材料裁片热合连接而成,充满氦气提供足够的浮力以承载设备自重。内置的副气囊则容纳空气用以平衡气压,保证气象环的安全。
▼气象环平面,sky ring plan©line+
The ring is constructed from a multilayer fabric laminate composite, chosen for its air-tightness, light weight, environmental resistance, durability, and ease of assembly. It consists of 66 thermally welded pieces, filled with helium to provide buoyancy. Internal airbags balance pressure, ensuring safety.
▼气象环和茶园,sky ring and tea garden©line+
03 锚固在地记忆,置入差异未来 03 Anchoring Memory, Shaping the Future
The natural environment and development needs of Xiayanbei Village prompted reflection on the balance between local memory and future growth. ’Anchoring local memory’ shows respect for the built environment, while ’shaping a distinctive future’ boldly addresses new demands, creating future memories in harmony with tradition. The ’Ascending the Heavens and Descending the Earth’ project merges traditional memories with modern technology, offering visitors a unique experience and providing the village with new opportunities and aesthetics. The structures, blending seamlessly with the landscape, position Xiayanbei as a distinctive landmark amid increasingly standardized rural scenic areas.
▼融入环境的结构与装置,blending seamlessly with the landscape©line+
▼成为游客们争相打卡的标识,become a must-see attraction©存在建筑
放飞的气象环成为游客们争相打卡的标识,无论在村子里哪个位置都能和它合影拍照,甚至在周边村庄,或是邻近的高速公路上也可一睹。通过目击者和游客的广泛共享,IP 装置再次激发了由特定环境所产生的场所氛围,从而为游客创造独特的下岩贝记忆,也为村民带来更新的日常。
The soaring Sky Ring has become a must-see attraction, drawing visitors to capture photos from any spot in the village, even visible from neighboring villages and highways. Its widespread sharing has enhanced Xiayanbei’s unique atmosphere, creating lasting memories for tourists and revitalizing daily life for villagers.
▼夜景,night view©存在建筑
▼夜景,night view©line+
▼穿云编木隧平面,Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks plan©line+
▼腾云气象环平面,Sky Ring plan©line+
项目名称:穿云编木隧 & 腾云气象环
建筑面积:210 平方米
Project Name: Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks & Sky Ring
Design Firm: line+ studio
Contanct: pr@lineplus.studio
Chief Architect/Project Principal: Zhu Peidong
Design Team: Wu Haiwen, Shi Yixiong (Architecture); Li Shangyang, Rao Feier, Jin Jianbo, Zhang Wenjie (Landscape)
Client: Shijiufeng Scenic Area Development Co., Ltd.
Project Location: Xiayanbei Village, Xinchang, Zhejiang
Design Period: 2022.02-2022.11
Construction Period: 2022.12-2023.05
/ Woven Passage to Cloudy Peaks
Structure: Luan Qi Construction Architectural Design Firm
Construction: Hangzhou Zhongpu Architectural Technology Co., Ltd.
Wood Structure Fabrication: Liaoning Jinbaisheng Wood Structure Technology Co., Ltd.
Construction Drawing Partner: Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group Co., Ltd.
Floor Area: 210m²
Structure: Timber Structure
Material: North American Douglas Fir and Slate
/ Sky Ring
Design Development, Production, and Installation: China Special Aircraft Research Institute
Material: Multilayer Fabric Laminate Composite