

By their presence in the middle of the forest, objects with a totemic appearance intrigue. Upon closer inspection, one discovers a work of matter and volume. Three thatched figures seem to be waiting to be visited. You climb up, stick your head out. You transform into a giant, wearing the work like a garment.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © A.AUBRY_Metropole-Rouen-Normandie
Les Chaumes装置借鉴了很多重要的依据。它在森林中央以三段式的结构展现了三个不同的体量。像有机形状的图腾一样摆放,它让人联想到正在聚会的生灵。整体构成一个梦幻般的场景。你可以感受到其独特的存在。它们毛茸茸的鼓起的外形让人联想到动物,同时茅草的材料又让人联想到来自当地的建筑语言,或者是农田中的干草堆。这种对于动物毛发和人类活动的微妙融合探索了野生动物和人类文明之间的边界。触发人们关于衣着,皮肤,冬季的防寒大衣,庆祝时的装扮等等更广义的联想。
▼草图,sketch © Atelier YokYok
Les Chaumes is an installation rooted in various fundamental references. Its triptych stance in the middle of the forest showcases three volumes. Arranged like totems with organic shapes, they evoke creatures or spirits in a gathering. The whole forms a dreamlike place . A unique presence is felt. Their hairy and bulging appearance evokes animals, while the forms created by the thatch borrow their language from vernacular architecture or agriculture and its haystacks. This subtle blend of animal fur and human activity plays with the boundaries between wild life and civilization. It evokes a broader idea of clothing, the skin, the protective coat for winter, the ceremonial costume to be looked at.
▼装置外观,exterior of the installation © Atelier YokYok
“We wanted to play with the dreamlike world of the forest, evoke a wild aspect, and create an imaginative scene
as a Miyazaki film, while incorporating our passion for architecture, natural materials, and reuse.”
▼营造梦幻的林中世界,play with the dreamlike world of the forest © Atelier YokYok
Curious visitors are invited to take part in the work and experience it from the inside. One steps into the fabric to gain height and poke their head out at the top. They then experience the protective envelope. They transform. They camouflage to rediscover their inner child in a monumental garment.
▼孩子们在装置间玩耍,children play among the installation ©Atelier YokYok
▼融合建筑与天然材料, incorporating architecture and natural materials©Atelier YokYok
Thatch & Reuse
YokYok想要利用来自Rouen当地的本土材料:茅草。茅草是草本植物(谷物或者芦苇)的茎秆, 也可引申为利用这种100%植物和天然材料的传统屋顶建造技术。
YokYok wanted to work with a local material available in the Rouen region: thatch. Thatch refers to the hollow stems of grasses (cereals or reeds), and by extension, the traditional roofing technique using this 100% vegetal and natural material.
▼使用茅草这一天然材料, using thatch as natural material ©Atelier YokYok
To obtain reeds (the primary material for Norman thatch), YokYok practiced reuse by recovering it from a thatch roof removal site. The thatch used here is about 30 years old, and no reeds were cut specifically for this project.
▼使用茅草搭建的装置, using thatch to build the installation ©Atelier YokYok
▼从装置中向外望,look out from the installation ©Atelier YokYok
刚刚开始在欧洲发展的循环利用对于类似茅草的易碎材料依然是不存在的。Les Chaumes装置通过延续这种本身就兼具经济、崇高、自然和可降解的材料的使用寿命,来体现循坏利用的价值。
Reuse which is beginning to develop in Europe is still nonexistent for some fragile materials like thatch. By highlighting such a resource, the work “Les Chaumes” contributes to valuing waste by extending the life of an already economical, noble, natural, and biodegradable material.
▼装置内部结构,interior space ©Atelier YokYok
这件易碎且暂时性的作品,像是一间小屋,与周围的自然和森林环境融为一体。它计划将为Forêt Monumentale活动持续展出两年。YokYok事务所和Rouen市邀请所有人前来体验它,但不要破坏它。
The fragile and ephemeral work, like a hut, respectfully integrates into a natural and forested environment. It is expected to last for two years for the Forêt Monumentale event. YokYok and Rouen Metropole invite everyone to come and experience it without damaging it.
▼周围的自然和森林环境融为一体,integrates into a natural and forested environment ©Atelier YokYok
▼邀请过往游客前来体验,invite everyone to come and experience it ©Atelier YokYok
▼建造过程,fabrication progress © Atelier YokYok
The wooden structure was made from boards assembled and cut into curved profiles in a workshop in Eure (a neighboring department). It is painted with flour paint (or Swedish paint), made in the workshop from natural products (flour, linseed oil, black soap, iron sulfate, and natural pigments), providing effective outdoor protection for the wood against moisture, insects, and fungi.
▼内部的木结构,the wooden structure ©Atelier YokYok
▼在竹木结构上铺设茅草,Thatching on bamboo and wood structures ©Atelier YokYok
The secondary structure is made of split bamboo fixed around the wooden structure with natural sisal twine. Finally, the reused thatch was recovered in bundles of reeds with the help of a thatcher. The reed stems were trimmed and then placed from bottom to top allowing for waterproofing.
▼劈开的竹子和回收的芦苇杆,split bamboo and reused reed stem ©Atelier YokYok
▼天然麻绳,natural sisal twine ©Atelier YokYok
▼用天然颜料制作面粉涂料,cooking the flour paint with natural pigments ©Atelier YokYok