The Brecon 酒店丨瑞士丨Nicemakers

2024/08/26 17:36:14
位于瑞士阿德尔博登()的The Brecon酒店是一家全新的高海拔隐世酒店,它是冷冽奢华与精雕细琢的山间木屋文化的罕见结合——这是一种真诚的复兴,捕捉到了魅力四溢的风格和六七十年代平滑的灵魂。
A new high-altitude hotel hideaway, The Brecon in Adelboden, Switzerland, is a rare amalgam of chilled luxury fused with crafted chalet culture – an honest revival that captures not just the glamourous style but also the smooth soul of the 60s and 70s.
▼泳池与山景,pool with mountain view © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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对于这个位于瑞士中部伯尔尼高原、坐拥阿德尔博登山丘美景的小小传奇之地来说,成为时尚的日常去所并不新奇。The Brecon酒店以1914年的原木结构框架为基础,在内部重新建造,点燃了瑞士阿尔卑斯山熟悉的自由奔放的高山情怀。
Being the hip hangout du jour is nothing new for this little legend of fabulous Adelboden Massif vistas in central Switzerland’s Bernese Oberland. The Brecon is re-cast within the original timbered hotel framework from 1914 and kindles a familiar free-spirited alpine bonhomie to the Swiss Alps.
original timbered hotel framework © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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考究的住客专用会所,搭配时尚友好的高山隐居之所,这就是来自阿姆斯特丹的室内设计工作室Nicemakers的设计语言。精致木材打造的光滑而优雅的曲线背景墙、白色灰泥墙壁以及本地石材地板带来了协调的高山幕布,让上世纪中期的设计风格大展风采——比如20世纪60年代的Jean Gillo 休闲椅,其褶皱的复古皮革让人联想到过去的聚会。家族企业的手工元素为整个场景增添了更多的成熟与柔美,包括艺术家Andréa Anderson的手工陶瓷餐具、Layered手工编织的地毯、瓦伦西亚家族设计公司 Grantlamp 自1978年以来生产的灯具,以及马赛的Memori Gallery设计的巨大的手工吊灯。
Dapper residents-only clubhouse demure paired with a stylish friend’s alpine den informs the design language for Amsterdam-based interior design studio Nicemakers. A smooth, curvaceous backdrop of flawless wood, white-plastered walls and local stone flooring forms a coordinated alpine canvas for mid-century design icons to make their mark – like the Jean Gillon Lounge Chair in the 1960s, whose creased vintage leather hints of soirees past. Crafted elements sourced from family businesses add maturity and soften the scene with handcrafted ceramic tableware by artist Andréa Anderson, hand-knotted rugs by Layered and lighting by Grantlamp, a Valencian family design business since 1978 and oversized, handmade pendant lights by Memori Gallery in Marseille.
▼会所, clubhouse © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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▼家具细部, furniture pieces © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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▼复古的聚会氛围,vintage soirees vibe © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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亚麻、皮革、棉花、羊毛等天然材料,以及来自彭布罗克郡的织工Melin Tregwynt打造的的手工双层编织,都是轻松、简约和舒适的象征。艺术是The Brecon的中枢;墙上挂满了阿姆斯特丹 Bisou画廊精心布置的艺术品和装置作品,该画廊的创始人Julien Rademaker的场景布置天赋从他对艺术品的选择中可见一斑。这些作品精选自Faan Olgers、Pascal Duval、Fenna Schilling和Tymo Grijpma等一众新锐当代艺术家之手。
Natural materials such as linen, leather, cotton, wool, and handcrafted double cloth weaves from Pembokeshire-based weavers Melin Tregwynt are the tempered link to easy, pared-back comfort. Art is a pivotal accent at The Brecon; walls are peppered with handpicked artworks and installations curated by Amsterdam’s Bisou Gallery, founded by Julien Rademaker, whose talent for setting a scene is evident with art by a select group of emerging and contemporary artists like Faan Olgers, Pascal Duval, Fenna Schilling and Tymo Grijpma.
▼客房概览,guest room overview © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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artworks from emerging and contemporary artists © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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▼细部,details © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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▼一角,a corner © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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The Brecon酒店的住客专用水疗区设有观景桑拿浴室、蒸汽浴室和装饰艺术风格的室外全景温水泳池,足以让人暂停一下,享受一旁的美酒、开胃酒和美味小吃,让庇护所的氛围更加深入人心。
Rounding off the sanctuary vibe, The Brecon’s resident-only spa zone: a sauna-with-a-view, steam, and Art Deco panoramic outdoor heated pool are reason enough to press pause, with a wine or aperitif and delicious snack on the side, if you like.
▼室外泳池,outdoor pool © Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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▼水疗区,spa ©  Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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▼桑拿房,sauna ©  Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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The Brecon酒店以阿德尔博登山丘为锚点,就像一只木屋式酒店的变色龙,既拥有上世纪中期怀旧的展陈风格,又能够与阿尔卑斯山包裹下的柔和的奢华进行对话。
With the Adelboden Massif as the anchor point, The Brecon is a hotel-chalet chameleon married to a curatorial melange of mid-century nostalgia and a dialogue of soft luxury wrapped by the Alps.
▼细部,details ©  Matt Vines, Matt Vines Consulting
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