

Exporlux 是 Águeda 的全国最大照明设备公司之一,本项目对其公司建筑进行了多种干预,除了打造了一个照明实验室之外,设计者还对展厅、培训和办公区域进行了室内改造,同时还翻新了建筑的外观。
The requalification of the building Exporlux, one of the largest national lighting equipment companies based in the municipality of Águeda, became an opportunity for a more intervention that included, in addition to the construction of a lighting laboratory, interior remodeling works in the spaces the showroom, training and office areas and the renovation of the exterior image of this industrial unit.
▼项目外观,Exterior view© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼建筑立面,Facade© Ivo Tavares Studio
The continuous growth of this company led to successive expansions phased over time, which resulted in a somewhat confusing image reflecting the materials and architectural options of each of the 3 moments of the interventions.
▼立面细部,Facade detials© Ivo Tavares Studio
With the most recent intervention, we sought not only to create a more coherent interior image through the simplification of covering and finishing materials, but also to requalify the exterior image of the showroom/office area through the introduction of a curtain facade with sheets frosted glass arranged vertically. This architectural language gave the building not only a uniformity in the treatment of the two main facades, but also helped to control solar exposure.
▼室外庭院,Courtyard© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼庭院近景,Courtyard close view© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼幕墙和原有立面之间的空隙,The gap between the curtain wall and the original facade © Ivo Tavares Studio
The arrangement of the glass sheets followed a logic of modulation and overlap, punctuated with voids in front of some green spaces located between the curtain façade and the old façade.
▼室内主要空间,Main interior view© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼会议室,Meeting room© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼办公空间,Office© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼休闲空间,Leisure space© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼落地窗,Floor-to-ceiling windows © Ivo Tavares Studio
On the 1st floor, the showroom space was innovated and renewed with the introduction of new solutions for the display of lighting products manufactured and sold by this company, highlighting in the reception area the staircase leading to the 2nd floor, due to its differentiating shape in exposed white concrete and the horizontal wooden slat covering of the adjoining and continuous wall to the curved ceiling.
▼通向二楼的楼梯,Stairs leading to the second floor© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼楼梯近景,Close view of stairs© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼延伸到天花板的木条,Wooden strips extending to the ceiling © Ivo Tavares Studio
The showroom and cafeteria open and extend into a landscaped courtyard, a space that is reflected in the dark mirrored glass facades of the lighting laboratory building, providing images and environments depending on the variation in sunlight.
▼夜览,Nightview© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼一层平面图,first floor plan© Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda
▼二层平面图,second floor plan© Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda
▼立面图,elevation© Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda
Project name: Requalification and Expansion of Exporlux Facilities
Architecture Office: Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda
Main Architect: António Figueiredo
Location: Covão, Águeda
Year of conclusion: 2022
Total area: 7949.25m2
Builder: A.Pimenta, Construções Lda
inspection: Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda
Engineering: Eng.º Carlos Coutinho
Light Design: Exporlux
Acoustic Design: Eng.ª Paula Castilho
Fluids Engineering: Eng.ª Paula Castilho
hermal Engineering: Climacom
Visual identity: Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda / Exporlux
Interior Design: Espaço Objecto, Arquitetura & Design, Lda / Exporlux
Architectural photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio