WORKNICHE 工作室丨studio NiCHE

2024/08/27 18:03:31
坐落于St Julian街的边缘地带,俯瞰Balluta湾和教区的教堂,studio NiCHE事务所的办公室位于一栋仍然在翻新改造的大楼中。该项目体现了建筑师对于他们职业版图的发展和演变。
Situated on the edge of St Julian’s, overlooking Balluta Bay and the parish church, it forms part of a larger building still under renovation. This project reflects our journey and the evolution of our professional landscape.
▼室内概览,overview of the interior space ©Ramon Portelli
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建筑师创立WORKNICHE的决定来源于疫情的影响,疫情重新塑造了传统的工作环境和规则。Muddy Waters 原本是一家颇受欢迎的马耳他摇滚酒吧,多年来一直闲置不用,如今成了实现愿景的理想场所。建筑师抓住机会在这里建立实现设计实践——studio NiCHE的基础,为创新社区建立核心。
Our decision to create WORKNICHE was driven by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which reshaped traditional work environments and routines. Originally a popular Maltese rock bar, Muddy Waters, which had been unused for years, became the ideal location for our vision. We saw an opportunity to establish a base for our design practice, studio NiCHE. and create a hub for the creative community.
▼入口空间,entrance space ©Ramon Portelli
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▼入口工作区域,working space at the entrance ©Ramon Portelli
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▼独立工作区域,independent working space©Ramon Portelli
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The design challenge was the narrow layout of the space, which only receives natural light from the front door. We turned this constraint into an advantage by designing a central light tunnel to maximize natural illumination and enhance circulation. The space is divided into distinct blocks with varying colors and textures, creating intrigue and defining different areas for various purposes. Cozy breakout spaces on either side offer a range of environments for our users to find their ideal workspace.
▼为不同的场合创造吸引人氛围,creating intrigue and defining different areas for various purposes ©Ramon Portelli
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▼两侧的舒适的休息空间,Cozy breakout spaces on either side ©Ramon Portelli
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▼会议室,meeting room ©Ramon Portelli
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▼会议室,meeting room ©Ramon Portelli
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▼茶水间,pantry ©Ramon Portelli
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We meticulously designed every detail of WORKNICHE, from the spatial geometry and bespoke furniture to the choice of materials, ensuring a seamless blend of style and functionality. The library unit not only adds to the interior’s aesthetic but also provides ample storage and serves as an elegant partition for meetings.
▼图书展架,library unit ©Ramon Portelli
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▼储物间,locker room©Ramon Portelli
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▼卫生间,bathroom ©Ramon Portelli
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设计的灵感来源于William Morris的印花精神,融合了俏皮且有机的元素,向过去致敬的同时,创造了一种引人入胜的视觉氛围。WORKNICHE不仅仅体现建筑师的专业性和个人成长,也捕捉了新时代的精神,在这里,自由职业者,创意人士和数字游民汇聚在一个灵活合作的氛围之中工作。
Our design is inspired by the spirit of William Morris prints, incorporating playful and organic elements that pay homage to the past while creating a visually engaging atmosphere. WORKNICHE represents both our professional and personal growth, capturing the essence of a new era where freelancers, creatives, and digital nomads thrive in flexible, collaborative environments.
▼灵感来源:William Morris的印花,inspired by the spirit of William Morris prints ©Ramon Portelli
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▼办公环境,working environment ©Ramon Portelli
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▼家具细部,furniture detail ©Ramon Portelli
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Project size:72 m2
Site size:72 m2
Completion date:2023
Building levels:1
Project team:studio NiCHE.
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