鬼街餐厅丨新西兰奥克兰丨Cheshire Architects

2024/08/28 09:56:46
鬼街餐厅的设计以其独特的形式与光影的游戏而闻名。从空间的雏形到概念的形成,到手工绘制的一系列墨水书法墙,以及定制的橱柜和墙上的文物装饰,Cheshire Architects都做到了亲力亲为。
Ghost Street is a Chinese restaurant that plays with shadow and form. We began at its infancy, from the shaping of its concept, to personally hand crafting a series of ink covered calligraphy walls, bespoke cabinetry and relics that line the walls.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Sam Hartnett
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Sitting in the heart of Britomart, its patrons must negotiate a bustling sunlit laneway, a corbelled doorway, meander through a narrow stairwell to the restaurant entrance that reveals itself under a faint but warm flicker of candlelight.
▼入口,entrance © Sam Hartnett
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The restaurant was conceived as an unlit theatre stage; a subterranean room in a 140-year-old heritage building, with the occasional shaft of daylight penetrating its darkness. Layers of rich historic texture retreat and allow the dining performance to take centre stage.
▼室内概览,overall of interior © Sam Hartnett
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▼就餐区,seating area © Sam Hartnett
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▼座位区近景,closer view of the seating area © Sam Hartnett
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古色古香的横梁、破损的地板、破碎的金色石膏、墙上褪色的书法 —— 所有这些都谦卑地在空间的阴影中结合在一起。桌椅在温暖的灯光下变得更加舒适,顾客们将在这书房般的空间里享受用餐的乐趣,温暖的灯光照亮了顾客的脸和手中的美食。
The gnarled antique beams, the chipped and beaten floor, the splintered golden plaster, the faded calligraphy on the walls – all humbly united in the shadows of the space. Tables and chairs form below pools of warm glowing light, celebrating the joys of dining in a den like space, whilst illuminating the patrons faces and handmade bowls of bang bang noodles below.
tables and chairs form below pools of warm glowing light © Sam Hartnett
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▼墙上褪色的书法,the faded calligraphy on the walls © Sam Hartnett
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The room is nicely proportioned, almost square in its form. Its centerpiece is a black-tiled kitchen that lines an entire side of the darkly lit space. Here, chefs perform their daily rituals as a spectacle of sorts, encircled by whirls of steam and smoke, and orbited by the diners they are cooking for.
bar counter and black tiles © Sam Hartnett
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viewing interior from the opening © Sam Hartnett
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Photographers: Sam Hartnett and Anna Kidman
Cheshire Team: James Ting and Fraser Horton in collaboration with Dajiang Tai and Nat Cheshire
Project team: Cheshire Architects
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