
2024/08/28 10:59:43
出品人:向玲 / Producer: Xiang Ling
编辑:石安,亓慧、庞任飞,宋林晨,张笑然 / Editor: Shi An, Qi Hui, Pang Renfei, Song Linchen, Zhang Xiaoran
MAD 二十周年
专访马岩松 & 党群 & 早野洋介
Special Interview for
MAD’s Second Decade
▼MAD 合伙人合影马岩松(左),党群(中),早野洋介(右)
Founders of MAD Ma Yansong (left), Dang Qun (middle), Yosuke Hayano (right),
▼MAD 的世界观与工作方法,MAD’s worldview and working methods
▼关于形式与“山水城市”,About Form and “Shanshui City”
▼对青年、对未来的寄语,Message to the youth and the future
马岩松 Q & A
Q & A with Ma Yansong
1. 对你来说,建筑的定义是什么,这个定义有变过吗?
What is the definition of architecture for you, and has that definition changed?
My understanding of architecture indeed varies across different periods. Those “remarkable” buildings in architectural history are like shining points that transcend their era, embodying humanity’s occasional flashes of brilliant ideas. The peculiarities of human nature, such as an architect’s imagination, his perplexities, or his views of the world, are reflected in these great buildings. Therefore, architecture serves as evidence of the rich diversity of human civilization, showcasing human thoughts and beliefs.
For me, especially as an author, architecture is a way to express my views of the world, others, and myself. This language happens to be presented in the form of spaces or tangible structures. So, architecture for me can be seen as a dialogue between the “individual” and the “world.”
▼MAD 部分作品一览,part of MAD’s projects
In the past, I may not have had the awareness to view the entire history from an outsider’s perspective. I used to be more focused on expressing myself, but now I am more certain that architecture does not belong to any specific era. Architecture is constantly evolving, and factors like time, technology, politics, and economics are not the decisive influences. Rather, it is people’s thoughts, the understanding of the world, and the pursuit of life that drive these changes.
Of course, there are buildings that change with the trends of the times, but that is not my focus. Because when you look back at architectural history, you find that what attracts you are those rather incidental elements. Without these buildings and architects, you would have no impression of history and would not experience emotional resonance like excitement, joy, and exhilaration. The creators of the time, much like artists, entrusted their emotions about life in their works, creating a timeless spiritual dialogue with future generations.
▼与不同文化对话 – 巴黎蒙帕纳斯大厦改造方案,Dialogue with different cultures –design proposal for the Renovation of Paris’ Montparnasse Tower©MAD
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Architecture is essentially a communication between people about dreams and emotional expression. Therefore, I believe architecture needs to authentically express human feelings and thoughts, to reveal something beyond the era, to allow people to explore their true selves to the fullest, and to show how far human imagination can reach in this era. This gives meaning to the communication with future generations and the world.
Hence, I think we need to be a bit “willful.” “Willfulness” represents our expectations of other creators and those great artists and architects in history. They authentically expressed their mental states, and these emotions have been passed down through architectural spaces to the present, allowing future generations to genuinely feel them. I believe this is also what we should be doing now.
▼与不同文化对话 – 日本四叶草之家,Dialogue with different cultures – Clover House in Japan©MAD
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▼胡同泡泡 218 号 – 老北京旧城改造,Hutong Bubble 218 – MAD’s Second Hutong Bubble Emerges Out of One of Beijing’s Historic Neighborhoods©田方方
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2. 你希望大众对建筑师有怎样的认识?现时的认知深度和广度足够吗?
How do you think the public should perceive architects? Is the current understanding sufficient in depth and breadth?
▼每个人 × 朝阳公园广场,everyone × Chaoyang Park Plaza
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In current work environment, you naturally have certain expectations. You hope people care more about what you see as the essence of architecture. For example, you wish for architecture to be a tool for dialogue, that when people view your buildings, they perceive the possibility of conversation. You hope people maintain a respectful and inclusive attitude towards all forms of creation, whether it be architecture, art, music, or writing.
However, I believe everyone has different perspectives; liking, disliking, or feeling indifferent are all valid expressions. People don’t need to engage with your specific language system to communicate with you. Diversity itself is the foundation of the public and a sign of cultural health.
Chaoyang Park Plaza becomes a new landmark of the city, encouraging people to think further.
▼每个人 × 义乌大剧院中标事件,everyone × Yiwu Grand Theater Design Competition
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I have no demands on the audience. However, in a truly free and diverse environment, it’s crucial for creators to feel that innovation is encouraged, that they sense an atmosphere of freedom rather than being influenced by prevailing opinions, which could affect their creative judgment. For designers, this is very important. So, if I have any expectations of the audience, it is that they show more respect, understanding, and tolerance.
▼义乌大剧院设计方案,Design of Yiwu Grand Theater©MAD
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3. 通常,您的设计如何开始(平面/剖面/故事/意向/外观)?灵感通常从何而来?
How do your designs typically start (plan/section/story/intent/appearance)? Where does your inspiration usually come from?
My design doesn’t follow a fixed pattern; some ideas even arise before a project begins. For instance, I have strong critical views on certain issues, and when an opportunity to address them comes up, my direction becomes clear. This was the case with the Baiziwan public rental housing community and the Jiaxing Train Station. Another approach is when the site, building, and environment strongly suggest a particular atmosphere, sparking inspiration.
▼百子湾公租房(燕保·百湾家园),Baiziwan Social Housing (later referred to as Baiziwan) © 夏至 / 田方方
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▼“森林中的火车站”——嘉兴火车站,”Railway Station in the Forest” – Jiaxing Train Station © CreatAR Images
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Architecture involves comprehensive judgment, built upon the architect’s emotions, experiences, observations, and values. It’s a small universe developed over time that interacts with the real world. The reactions from this interaction can take a long time to form, or sometimes just a moment.
When you have established your long-term values, your way of viewing the world, and your expectations for the future, architecture becomes a matter of expression. All projects revolve around expressing the world you’ve already built. You won’t waver or change based on any specific project.
▼四合院幼儿园,北京,Le Cheng Kindergarten, Beijing © 存在建筑。点击这里查看更多,Click HERE for details。
4. 你现在被形式困扰吗? 你如何看待形式?
Are you troubled by form now? What do you think about form?
Everything related to material has a “form.” Architecture, being connected to material substances as a physical entity, inevitably raises questions of “form.” Even intangible concepts possess “form.” “Form” serves as the platform for expression. Establishing a formal system of “form” involves many facets. Developing a new system takes time; otherwise, you might end up adopting someone else’s. However, using another’s system isn’t necessarily a flaw. I believe it’s permissible to do so. In fact, the vast majority still adheres to the “modernist style” established during the era of modern architecture. Therefore, different forms attract particular attention. This heightened scrutiny indicates that alternative forms challenge agreed-upon norms, sometimes persisting as challenges over time. In such cases, creating new forms and languages requires time, practical application, and a thorough understanding of various aspects.
▼衢州体育场,Quzhou Stadium © Aogvision / CreatAR Images / Arch Exist
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▼海口云洞图书馆,Cloudscape of Haikou © CreatAR Images / 存在建筑
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I consider form important, yet not Troubling, because my expression is unrestricted. I lean towards sensitivity and avoid rigid patterns; I’m skeptical of adhering to a particular style. Perhaps this reluctance stems from our youth and the absence of a fixed mode of expression. It could also be my personal aversion to repetition; I continuously experiment with different approaches.
▼南海艺术中心,佛山,Nanhai Art Center © MAD
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5. 经过二十年实践,您的理念发生了哪些变化?“山水城市”现在依然是 MAD 的核心理念吗?
After 20 years of practice, how has your philosophy changed? Is “Shanshui City” still MAD’s core concept?
“山水城市”不是 20 年前开始的,而是后来作品积累多了由感而发的。我喜欢那种自然生长的东西,不喜欢现代建筑的秩序规则,以及各种限制。所以“山水城市”一开始是一种“打破”,后来大约 10 年前提“山水城市”则是一种传承。“山水城市”那个时期的作品是在表达一种在既现代又传统的语境中对于自然的内在追求,我当时觉得中国需要讨论这样的问题。当时我想要探索一种既古典又未来、既东方又普世的形式。虽然我想摆脱传统的形式符号,但“山水”这两个字本身也带着这种古典与传统的意义。
“Shanshui City” didn’t originate twenty years ago; it emerged gradually from accumulated experiences. I favor natural growth over the ordered rules and constraints of modern architecture. Initially, “Shanshui City” was a departure—a break from conventions. About a decade ago, it evolved into a form of legacy.
During that period, projects under “Shanshui City” aimed to express an inherent quest for nature within a context that blends modernity and tradition. I felt it was essential for China to engage with these issues. I sought to explore a form that was both classical and futuristic, Eastern yet universal. While aiming to transcend traditional symbols, the term “Shanshui” itself carries classical and traditional connotations.
▼马岩松 2013 年于北京吾号个展“山水城市”,Shanshui City Exhibition in Beijing WUHAO, 2013©MAD
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▼2014 马岩松《山水城市》新书发布会与论坛,2014 Ma Yansong’s Shanshui City Book Launch & Forum©MAD
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Thus, I believe we continue on the same trajectory. Fundamentally, “Shanshui City” is a spiritual concept exploring the relationship between modern architecture, nature, and landscapes. It emphasizes the integration of humans with the world, rather than focusing solely on the built environment. I do not emphasize architectural language or stylistic approaches; instead, I strive to harmonize with nature, transforming architecture into an organic space that enriches atmospheric experiences for people.
▼雾霾下的朝阳公园广场,一种真实常见的状态,Chaoyang Park Plaza in a hazy day, which reveals a real condition of the city© Iwan Baan
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▼南京证大喜玛拉雅中心,Nanjing Zendai Himalayas Center © CreatAR Images
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Our latest project at Shenzhen Bay Culture Park introduces a concept of “Ancient future,” linking architecture with urban environments, human civilization, and ancient terrestrial landscapes. Using elements like oceans, mountains, deserts, and stones—landscapes shaped over billions of years—as spatial components, “Shanshui City” seeks a freedom where each person can resonate with their surroundings, finding a space that connects with their soul in natural environments.
For me, “Shanshui City” embodies a spirituality that should be pursued in both modern architecture and future cities. It liberates individuals from urban environments filled with modern symbols and regulatory constraints, creating opportunities to immerse people in unfamiliar realms, igniting imagination, and encouraging introspection. This experience transcends environmental influences, norms, or eras, offering freedom to every individual.
▼远古未来 – 深圳湾文化广场,Ancient future: Shenzhen Bay Culture Park©MAD
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6. 在 2023 年《马岩松:流动的大地》展览中,您向公众提出了一系列问题,在得到的回答中,有哪些触动您的内容?
In “Ma Yansong: Landscapes in Motion” exhibition 2023, you posed a series of questions to the public.Which responses touched you the most?
We posed numerous questions, emphasizing their quantity as pivotal to uncovering their inherent diversity. The questions and ensuing responses were remarkably diverse, lacking any singular mainstream voice. By amalgamating these perspectives, the process itself facilitated a deeper understanding of our contemporary society and era.
In the responses, each participant expressed unique concerns and often idealistic notions. Throughout history, many architectural theories have been characterized by utopian and idealistic ideals. Yet, as societies evolve and cities transform, these abstract discussions can catalyze significant societal shifts.
Presently, Chinese architects exhibit a pragmatic conservatism, yet possess strong imaginations often under-appreciated in spiritual contexts. Our roundtable discussions seem to have ignited a fervor for expression among participants, resulting in an array of eclectic responses. Rather than singling out representative queries, I view the diversity of responses as an exhibition of cultural pluralism – a fundamental goal of this project – to celebrate individual expression and acknowledge the multifaceted nature of our world.
▼《马岩松:流动的大地》大展围绕铺满问题的巨大圆桌展开,“Ma Yansong: Landscapes in Motion” exhibition around a huge round table covered with questions © TAL+白羽
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▼展览现场,Exhibition photo © TAL+白羽
▼《蓝图北京》:马岩松策展首届北京艺术双年展建筑板块,Blueprint Beijing, curated by Ma Yansong, opens as part of the first Beijing Biennial© 朱雨蒙
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7. 在这二十年中,你认为 MAD 经历的最大挑战是什么?
What has been MAD’s biggest challenge over the past two decades?
Every day presents challenges, which have become our routine. Maintaining an optimistic mindset is crucial because our work pushes us to approach the threshold, transforming what we find unsatisfactory about reality, and continuously experimenting to push boundaries. Embracing these challenges as part of daily life, recognizing that failures and setbacks are meaningful, may give us the courage to persistently pursue our ideals.
▼北京中关村国际创新中心(原称“中关村论坛永久会址”),ZGC International Innovation Center in Beijing © CreatAR Images / 朱雨蒙
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▼亚布力企业家论坛永久会址,哈尔滨,Yabuli Entrepreneurs’ Congress Center, Harbin © Blackstation 黑像素 / 存在建筑
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8.在你看来 MAD 现在的定位是怎样的?
In your view, what is MAD’s current positioning?
我们的定位挺独特的,既做海外项目,也做中国项目,既有大项目,也有很多很小的项目。这让我们可以接触不同的人,了解到不同的文化,尤其是在海外,比如我们在美国做的卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆,日本的大地艺术节,以及明年要建成的荷兰鹿特丹 FENIX 移民美术馆。作为建筑师肯定要跟当地的文化进行对话,我就是纯粹对不同的文化好奇,对人好奇。
Our positioning is quite unique; we engage in both overseas and Chinese projects, ranging from large-scale endeavors to numerous smaller ones. This diversity allows us to connect with different people and understand various cultures, especially abroad. For instance, projects like the Lucas Museum in USA, the restoration of the Kiyotsu Gorge Tunnel in Japan’s Niigata prefecture, and the upcoming completion of the FENIX Immigration Museum in Rotterdam, Netherlands, highlight our commitment to cultural dialogue as architects. Personally, I’m driven by curiosity about different cultures and people.
▼芝加哥卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆原有方案,The original proposal for Lucas Museum of Narrative Art in Chicago©MAD
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▼旧金山卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆,LucasMuseumofNarrativeArt inSan Fransisco©MAD
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▼ 洛杉矶卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆,LucasMuseumofNarrativeArt in Los Angeles©MAD
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▼建造中的卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆,2022 年 9 月 6 日,The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art under Construction, Sept. 6, 2022©Eric Furie/Sand Hill Media
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▼荷兰 FENIX 移民美术馆,FENIX Museum of Migration © MAD
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▼施工中的荷兰 FENIX 移民美术馆,FENIX Museum of Migration under construction© MAD
Everyone holds diverse views on history, the present, and the future, and architecture inherently engages with society. Each new project is a journey that intersects with ongoing conversations, shaping perspectives on the future through its contribution to history. This passion drives my enthusiasm for architecture.
Therefore, I strongly believe that architecture is a narrative of human history, capturing dreams, confusion, setbacks, struggles, despair, and ultimately, rebirth in the face of the future. Today, the ability to freely express ourselves is precious; being able to address global issues, voice opinions, and perhaps participate in transformative efforts is the most intriguing aspect. I don’t mind continuously embracing this state of being.
▼2018 越后妻有大地艺术祭作品:光之隧道,日本,Works for 2018 Echigo-Tsumari Triennale:Tunnel of Light, Japan©MAD
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▼MAD 米兰设计周作品,MAD‘s work for Milan Design Week ©Moreno Maggi
▼MAD 2024 米兰设计周作品 – “漫步”,MAD’s work for 2024 Milan Design Week – “Amazing Walk” © Moreno Maggi
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▼作者与装置合影,The author with theinstallation©Moreno Maggi
9. 未来有哪些想挑战的目标?
What will you challenge in the future?
Continuing to step into the world, into people’s lives. Often, people struggle to understand each other’s lives due to differing starting points and environments. Everyone has their problems, especially those who are culturally marginalized, whose lives are shaped by others, and who need the freedom to imagine their own lives, and these problems still exist in areas of the city and countryside that are out of our reach. Architects serve not only as witnesses but also have the ability to contribute solutions. Each opportunity to engage in this capacity, to embark on new journeys, is particularly fascinating to me.
▼上海“方舟”改造设计方案,Renovation of Shanghai Zhangjiang Cement Factory © MAD
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▼重庆寸滩国际邮轮中心竞赛 – “龙门吊”,Competition for Chongqing Cuntan International Cruise Center – “Gantry Crane”© MAD
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10. MAD 未来的发展方向是怎样的?
What is the future direction of MAD?
我没有特别长期的计划,发展方向源于我对未来的好奇心。“好奇心”来自于对很多事儿的一知半解,包括对世界、对自己、对未来,这是一个发现的过程,这点对我来说是很有吸引力的。这种不固定的状态,需要不停地接收到新的刺激、新的信息,对比说对社会、对历史、对技术的好奇,所带来的一些新的改变。我本质上不太相信固定的东西,也不喜欢重复,所以 MAD 整体的发展方向是动态的、不确定的、无法预知的状态。
I have no concrete long-term plans. My direction is driven by my curiosity about the future. “Curiosity” stems from my partial understanding of many things, including the world, myself, and what lies ahead, making it a compelling journey of discovery for me. This fluid state necessitates continual exposure to new stimuli and information, prompting shifts in how I perceive society, history, and technology. Fundamentally, I resist fixed ideas and repetition. Thus, MAD’s overall development path remains dynamic, uncertain, and unpredictable.
▼“山中飞鸟” – 浙江丽水机场设计,A bird perched in the mountain – design for Zhejiang Lishui Airport©MAD
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▼长春机场新航站楼中标方案,New terminal of Changchun Airport©MAD
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▼哈尔滨新机场设计 – “北国冰花”,‘Harbin Airport T3’ Design©MAD
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▼深圳北站 – 超核绿芯,Shenzhen North Railway Station©MAD
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▼Hyperloop 的可持续通行隧道及车站系统,Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure©MAD
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As a young architect who rose to fame twenty years ago, what advice do you have for today’s young architects?
Everyone has their own life, and regardless of success or failure, should cherish the journey. In moments of relaxation, pursue what you find meaningful, engage in activities that ignite your passion and interest, and embrace all challenges and setbacks with resilience. Persistence in these pursuits is key. Whether your goals involve financial success or personal fulfillment, the quest for meaning is diverse. Continually exploring within yourself and maintaining a state of relaxed freedom are vital, I believe.
▼MAD 在火星,MAD Martian Collection©MAD
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▼候鸟沙城:马岩松“阿那亚戏剧节”作品,A city of time,Ma Yansong‘s work for “Anaya Theatre Festival”©MAD
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▼2021 北京设计周 MAD“不是月亮”艺术装置,Art Installation “Not Moon” for 2021 Beijing Design Week©MAD
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12. 你希望 MAD 和马岩松怎样被世人和历史记住?
How would you like MAD and Ma Yansong to be remembered by the world and history?
We still aspire to practice as an “architectural organization” centered around academic rigor, critique, and knowledge production. Embracing a somewhat idealistic stance, we aim to encourage imaginative exploration of less realistic issues and cultivate an atmosphere of freedom.
Practice constitutes a fundamental aspect of an architect’s work. Despite the current challenging environment that may evoke frustration, I believe change is achievable if we shift focus away from immediate practical concerns. Making contemplation integral to personal growth, with work playing a secondary role, requires establishing a robust worldview to effectively express ideas. Hence, our aim is to provide a platform where individuals inclined towards deep thought can convene, receive encouragement, and gather the courage to speak to the world—a facet often lacking in contemporary Chinese architecture industry.
History has bestowed us with a wealth of ideas that coexist with artistic endeavors. Organizing these thoughts through an institution promotes discussion, mutual inspiration, and global dialogue, amplifying diverse voices and shedding light on the topics our youth engage with and prioritize. Experimental approaches in architecture historically embody pioneering, free-spirited, and critical viewpoints. While organizational methods may vary, our vision remains aligned. I perceive a current deficit in China regarding this diversity, global engagement, and unique foresight into the future. Our initiatives are driven not by immediate outcomes but by a sense of inherent purpose.
▼珠海银坑艺术中心方案“穹顶下的村庄”,A Village under the Dome – design of Zhuhai Cultural Arts Center©MAD
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▼时间的灯塔:马岩松“广东南海大地艺术节”作品,Timeless Beacon by Ma Yansong © 田方方
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党群 Q&A
Q&A with DANG Qun
1. 你认为 MAD 是怎样的一个群体?MAD 的企业文化是什么?MAD 的意义/价值是什么?
What kind of group do you think MAD is? What is MAD’s corporate culture? What meaning/values does MAD value?
我跟马工、Yosuke,我们三个人本身就是一个国际化的组合,从学习到实践也有很多在国际上锻炼的机会。在 MAD 建立之前,我们三个人就已经开始一起在做竞赛了。在刚开始的磨合当中,大家对建筑的热爱和对待挑战与问题的思路是一致的,所以我们才会一直走到现在。建筑师合伙人实际上是挺复杂的,从刚开始互相认同,互相磨合,到走过 20 年当中的风风雨雨,各种挑战我们还能在一起,我认为是幸运的。
在二十年的磨合当中,我们自己的强项与定位也越来越清晰,虽然好像各自的角色不一样,但我们并没有所谓的分工,我们三个人对于设计的热爱与坚持将我们绑在了一起,并落实在每个项目当中。我们的价值观以及设计的大方向是一致的,20 年当中不停地互相学习,互相进步,这种进步和学习到现在还在进行。
Ma Yansong, Yosuke, and I, as an international team, have been honed through both academic learning and practical experience on the global stage. Even before MAD was founded, we collaborated on competitions. Our shared passion for architecture and unified approach to challenges laid the foundation for our journey to today. Architectural partnerships are inherently intricate—from initial mutual recognition and adjustment to weathering the highs and lows of two decades together, facing diverse challenges has been a stroke of luck.Throughout these 20 years, our individual strengths and roles have grown clearer. Despite what may seem like distinct roles, we haven’t adhered strictly to divisions of responsibility. Our shared passion and dedication to design have bound us together, evident in every project. Our values and overarching design direction have always been aligned. Over these two decades, we’ve continually learned from each other and evolved together. This journey of learning and growth remains ongoing.
▼比弗利山丘庭院,MAD 首个美国建成项目:“Gardenhouse” ©Nic Lehoux
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▼MAD 首个欧洲项目“UNIC”,“UNIC” MAD’s First Built Project in Europe ©Jared Chulski
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▼Qondesa:MAD 首个南美洲项目,Qondesa, MAD’ s first project in South America © Mir
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MAD 是一个建筑师的团体,我一直认为所有建筑师在实践中,从概念、到设计,再到最后落实完成过程当中遇到的挑战几乎都是一样的,这些挑战并不会因为 MAD 掌握了更多的“话语权”而减少。大家所处的体系和系统是一致的。如何面对挑战,我觉得首先是看自身,面对不同的项目、场地、环境、条件、功能、业主等等,你如何能产出一种“概念先行”的大方向,对于所有的建筑来说都是一样的。
对于 MAD 来说,从梦露大厦、鄂尔多斯博物馆,再到前些年建成的哈尔滨大剧院,以及近几年建成的包括百子湾社会住宅等在内的众多项目,我们都会第一时间向自己提问,第一个它与城市的关系还可以是什么样子的?第二个它是否能够对城市开放,它如何能为人提供不一样的体验?人的情感与体验,以及人与空气、风、水等自然元素的关系在我们的设计中是最关键的。
MAD is an architectural collective, and I’ve always believed that architects face nearly identical challenges in practice- from conceptualization and design to final execution – regardless of how much “authority” MAD may wield. The systems and frameworks we navigate are universal. In tackling these challenges, it begins with self-reflection. Confronting various projects, sites, environments, conditions, functions, clients, and more, the key is to establish a concept-driven approach that resonates universally across all architectural endeavors. For MAD, whether it’s the Absolute Towers, Erdos Museum, the recent completion of the Harbin Cultural Center, or numerous other projects like the Baiziwan Social Housing, our first question is always: what kind of relationship can it establish with the city? Secondly, can it be open to the urban environment, and how can it provide a distinctive experience for people? Human emotions, experiences, and the interplay between people and natural elements such as air, wind, and water are critical elements in our designs.
▼鄂尔多斯博物馆,Ordos Museum © MAD & IWAN BAAN
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▼梦露大厦,加拿大,Absolute Towers, Canada © Iwan Baan
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MAD 在 20 年的时间中,最大的优势就是我们会提出问题,从最开始接到这个项目,到最终完成,这种提问一直都在持续,在这个过程当中我们都会去思考,我们是否回答了自己的问题。
Over 20 years, MAD’s greatest strength has been our ability to ask questions. From initial project engagement to final completion, this process of inquiry remains constant. Throughout this journey, we consistently evaluate whether we’ve effectively addressed our own questions.
▼垂直峡谷,美国第四个作品,One River North, Denver, USA©MAD
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▼米兰“MoLo”移动与物流中心,MAD 第四个欧洲动工项目,MoLo (Mobility and Logistic hub) near Milan, Italy©MAD
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▼MAD 的第七个欧洲项目:鹿特丹“舞蹈之家”方案,MAD’s seventh project in Europe:design for the Dance House in Rotterdam©MAD
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2. 经过二十年实践,您的理念发生了哪些变化?“山水城市”现在依然是 MAD 的核心理念吗?
In twenty years of practice, how have your ideas evolved? Is “Shanshui City” still MAD’s core philosophy today?
将“山水城市”的理念总结成文字的过程大约经历了 5 年的时间。“山水城市”实际上是钱学森先生提出的,不是我们的发明创造。当时中国处于向西方学习的“现代主义”城市化的阶段,钱学森先生回国后就提出了这个与西方不同的现代化城市理论。
理论还是很重要的,同时 MAD 自身不能固步自封,这就需要我们进行超越出建筑类型范畴之外的学习,去学社会学、学历史,了解本地的文化,了解文明发展的过程以及秩序。
The process of crystallizing the concept of “Shanshui City” into words took approximately five years. This concept was actually proposed by Mr. Qian Xuesen, not something we originated. At that time, China was in a phase of urban modernization influenced by Western “modernism”. Upon Mr. Qian Xuesen’s return to China, he introduced this theory of urban modernization, which diverged from Western approaches.
Cities serve as the paramount vessels of human civilization, encompassing not just living and public spaces but also local culture, historical traits, and a sense of order. Therefore, “Shanshui City” emphasizes the intersection of these elements and the human experience. Over the course of seven to eight years, our ideas evolved from theoretical discourse to practical implementation and back to theoretical refinement—a process of refining and summarizing our thoughts.
While theory remains essential, MAD cannot remain static; we must transcend the confines of architecture and delve into fields like sociology, history, local culture, and the dynamics of civilizational development.
▼《山水城市》出版物,book of Shanshui City©MAD
▼MAD 作品集《MAD Rhapsody》,MAD Maonograph “MAD Rhapsody”©MAD
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比如在我们的深圳湾文化广场项目当中提出的“远古自然”,我们不仅仅要看这 30 年深圳的历程,还要看在人类触及到它之前的状态。当时空拉开距离的时候,空间和形式的张力,以及带给人们未来体验的张力才会呈现。我们并不回避“形式”,当你从高楼林立密度极高的城市当中走来的时候,突然看到了一个不曾熟悉的形式,透过这些形式的远处是汪洋大海,这种自然带来的震撼不是人类创造的。当从人类创造的文明历史和秩序进入到了空地了以后,几个石头状的人造物散落在其中,实际上这就是建筑的功能。建筑下面是最大的展览空间,上面则几个是特殊的展览空间,有高层的,有横向展开的,那么自然会为展览空间提供不同性。建筑内部连环的各种空间,它的空间形式也不是人们熟知的,这种远古的、不曾相识的感觉在内外达到了一致。
For instance, in our Shenzhen Bay Culture Park project, we introduced the concept of “Ancient nature”. Here, we not only consider the city’s last 30 years of development but also reflect on the state of affairs before human intervention. By creating temporal and spatial distance, we evoke tension in spatial forms that promise new experiences for the future. We embrace unconventional forms; amid densely populated urban landscapes dominated by skyscrapers, encountering unfamiliar forms suddenly reveals vast seas beyond, invoking a sense of wonder not crafted by human hands.
Transitioning from human-created civilization and order to open space, interspersed with stone-like artificial structures, exemplifies architecture’s function. Beneath the structure lies a grand exhibition space, while above lie specialized exhibition spaces—some towering, others spreading horizontally—offering diverse exhibition experiences. Internally, interconnected spaces assume forms unfamiliar to viewers, achieving harmony between internal and external realms, ancient and unknown.
▼远古未来 – 深圳湾文化广场室内效果,Ancient future: Shenzhen Bay Culture Park interior views©MAD
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我们自身在研究与细节上会花费大量的时间,去探讨这些问题。提出的问题越多,就越能挑战现有的想象,挑战现有的形式包括材料自身所代表的象征性,这就是 MAD 的具体工作。
所以在“山水城市”以后,我们实际上还在不停地总结。未来出书,除了自己探讨总结的理论方向外,还会涉及文化跨界、涉及到历史问题、考古问题等等,建筑本身就不应该有边界。这种总结一个是总结过去我们的思考,第二个最重要的实际上是在展望自己的未来实践的方向。我们正在建立 MAD 自己的理论体系。
We contribute extensive time to research and detail exploration, challenging prevailing notions and forms, including the symbolic representations inherent in materials. This constitutes the detailed mission of MAD. Thus, beyond “Shanshui City,” we persist in introspection. Future publications will not only explore our theoretical directions but also examine cross-cultural issues, history, archaeology, and more. Architecture should transcend boundaries. This reflection encapsulates our past reflections and, crucially, outlines the future trajectory of our practice. MAD is actively forging its unique theoretical framework.
▼北京中国爱乐乐团音乐厅,China Philharmonic Hall, Beijing©MAD
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3. 你对现时的建筑师,或者特指青年建筑师/女性建筑师有什么寄语?
What would you say to young architects/women architects in particular?
The topic of “female architects” is inevitable, and we ourselves often contemplate this question.
As partners, the three of us naturally express our innate talents and abilities. The principle of practice benefiting all holds true—whether one is gifted or ordinary, consistent reflection and effort lead to improvement and the development of one’s skills.
Regarding gender, I find that working together as a trio has highlighted my feminine characteristics. I think women have an advantage in this respect, we have leadership skills, we will naturally think a lot and then co-ordinate it together. For architects, it’s crucial to use the firm as a platform to identify unique personality traits, refine them through practice, and turn them into distinctive strengths. Uniqueness is indeed our greatest advantage.
▼云洞图书馆室内设计,Wormhole Library Interior Design ©夏至 / 存在建筑
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4.MAD 未来的发展方向是怎样的?
What is the future direction of MAD?
We are practical architects who use spatial configurations, materials, and dynamic spatial sequences to address the challenges we pose. The outcomes of these responses remain uncertain. Looking ahead to future theoretical research and practice, we will maintain this approach, exploring interdisciplinary and cross-cultural dimensions, while delving deeper into studies of history, culture, and theory.
▼石家庄云朵体育中心,Cloud 9 Sports Center, Shijiazhuang© MAD
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▼海南科技馆,Hainan Science and Technology Museum © MAD
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早野洋介 Q & A
Q & A with Yosuke HAYANO
1. 作为一位日本建筑师,当初让你决定在中国实践的原因是什么?
As a Japanese architect, what made you decide to practice in China?
当我在欧洲学习建筑时,包括 OMA、库哈斯和扎哈在内的先锋建筑师开始探索新的建筑形式。他们的项目跨越国界,展现了欧洲的文化氛围和建筑风格。我试图去理解这些建筑背后的文化和社会意义。同时,我也开始思考亚洲的建筑将会走向什么样的道路。
尽管亚洲各国存在许多差异,但总体上我们有着许多共通的文化背景,并且我们亚洲建筑师也有很大的潜力去向世界展示出独具特色的 21 世纪新型建筑。我非常期待置身于亚洲,去创造和思考未来的各种可能性。这就是为什么我决定来到中国,从内部思考这个问题。我相信,未来的中国将出现越来越多能够定义“中国当代建筑”的项目。
When I was studying architecture in Europe, there were a few architects starting doing new kind of architecture, including OMA, Koolhaas and Zaha. Their projects go beyond their country, and showing a new kind of culture atmosphere and a new type of architecture in Europe. I try to understand what is the context or the society that produces this kind of architecture? And then I was thinking, what about Asia?
Then I was thinking in a few years there would be a lot of new buildings from China to discuss what is contemporary architecture in China. I am interested to see what will happen in Asia in the future, what kind of new architecture will represent Asian philosophy and create a contemporary approach to architecture? I think there should be architects from Asia to show the world the new Asian architecture of the future.
Although there are many differences, I think in general Asia has a lot of common cultural backgrounds and I believe Asia has a lot of possibilities to showcase new types of architecture of the 21st century. I’m very interested to be inside of Asia and to create, or to think about what kind of possibility of the future. So that’s why I decide to come to China to think about this from inside.
▼嘉兴南湖未来广场,Jiaxing Civic Center © MAD
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▼建设中的嘉兴南湖未来广场,Jiaxing Civic Center on construction © 叶建源
2.在 MAD 这 20 年中,您认为项目深化建造中最具挑战的项目是哪些?为什么?
Which projects at MAD were the most challenging to construct over the past 20 years, and why?
我觉得很难仅选择一个项目,因为我们所有的项目都充满挑战。我们不会重复设计,而是努力在每个项目中寻找新的挑战。无论是在结构、设计还是功能方面,每个环节都面临着挑战。在 MAD,这种不断尝试、创新、思考如何更进一步的态度尤为关键。
I think it is difficult for me to choose one project, because all our projects are always challenging. We don’t repeat our designs, instead we try to find new challenges for each project. Whether from the structural wise, the design wise, or the functional wise, it is always quite challenging. But I think that’s a very critical attitude in our office, to try to do something new, to think about how we can make it better.
If we had to choose a few, then the Harbin Opera House is one of the examples of a very challenging project. It made us think about what a new urban space in China is like. Because for this project, the key issue was not to make the function work, but how to create the urban space inside and out of the building at the time to welcome people who were not interested in opera, but who came here because it was an attractive urban space. Then people gradually tried to understand what was going on inside, and then became interested in the performing arts itslef. I think the creation of this new type of urban space is a real challenge because it’s not about our design, it’s about working with the client, but also working with society to keep it, or to cultivate it.
Now if you go there, there are always a lot of people doing different things on the plaza in front of the building, also at the top level of the roof plaza. I think our design has been very successful in inviting so many different types of people to come here from day to night to see their city and also to enjoy this new type of urban space and to understand that they belong to this city.
I think it’s our attitude or approach, how to make this building a place for all kinds of people, for people to come here and enjoy or see their city, their life from a different perspective. I think it’s one of the most challenging and successful projects we’ve ever done.
▼哈尔滨大剧院,Harbin Opera House © Hufton+Crow /Adam Mørk
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3. 请分享未来即将建成的重要项目中,你认为深化与建成过程中有趣/有挑战性的几个故事
Could you share with us some interesting or challenging stories from the construction of MAD’s upcoming major projects?
这个项目展示了我们如何超越建筑本身,创造全新的城市空间,重新定义城市地标和社会象征的新典范。我相信,人们对空间的记忆来源于他们在此享受到的舒适感和美好景观。如何塑造能够在城市中引发活力的新建筑,是一个充满挑战但非常值得探索的议题。我认为刚提到的哈尔滨大剧院以及安吉“两山”未来科技城文化艺术中心,都能够证明 MAD 正在努力使设计更好地融入环境和当地文化之中。
Now we do a lot of cultural buildings in China, including the Anji Culture and Art Center. Because the project now includes not only one building, one function, but several different functions, including grand theater and conference center. I think we have maintained the same attitude on how to invite different types of people, different types of citizens to come here and enjoy themselves. That’s why we built a lot of green parks in the Anji Culture and Art Center, covered with terraces of tea field, which is a very representative cultural product of the region. We put a lot of floating roofs that can create a nice gray space with natural ventilation. This also creates a nice green environment that is open to people, open to the public, 24 hours, 7 days a week. At the same time this project is in southern China, where the environment is very different and the sun is very strong, so we built a huge roof that can cast shadows and create a very comfortable space that invites different people to come here. This project also shows how we can go beyond architecture to create a new kind of urban space, which can be a new way to define their urban landmarks, their social landmarks. I think it’s how people remember space. People only remember this place if they feel very comfortable, and it also has a nice view. How this new type of building can trigger this kind of activity in the city, I think is very challenging. But I also think that both projects are really trying to make the design more into the environment, more into the district culture.
▼安吉“两山”未来科技城文化艺术中心,Anji Culture and Art Center©MAD
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4. 你希望 MAD 怎样被记住?
How would you like MAD to be remembered?
这 20 年对我们来说只是转瞬即逝。因为我们一直如一地追求同一目标,不断挑战自我,不断问自己:这是最佳答案吗?这是最适合项目的设计吗?正如我之前提到的,我希望能够创作出真正代表 21 世纪亚洲建筑的作品,将我们的文化历史融入当下和未来的社会生活中。社会在变,人们的生活在变,建筑必须响应变化。我们始终以未来为考量,寻找最佳解决方案。这种态度推动我们不断前行,保持挑战精神和青春活力。
我希望大家能够理解,我们的设计不只关注建筑的形式和外观,更体现了我们的挑战精神和态度。我们相信设计的力量,也坚信建筑能真正造福社会和人们。这些信念对我们至关重要。这就是我们在过去 20 年来建筑实践中始终保持的理念,也是我们未来不懈追求的动力源泉。
20 years has been just a moment for us. Because we keep doing the same thing, we keep challenging, we keep asking ourselves, is this the best answer? Is this the best design for the project? Like I mentioned before, I wanted to do something really representative of what Asian architecture is in the 21st century and how we can use our cultural history to bring it back to our contemporary society, the contemporary we live in now, and where we live in the future. Society is changing. Everyone’s life is changing. So that’s why architecture has to respond to it. Our approach is always to consider what is best and what is for the future. This attitude keeps us moving forward, it also keeps us challenging and it also keeps us young.
I hope people will understand that our architecture is not about form or shape, but about this attitude or a spirit of challenge. We believe in the power of design, and we also believe that architecture can really help society and help people. These attitudes are very important to us. I think that’s the way we’ve been doing architecture for 20 years. And we want to keep doing it for the future.
▼“漂浮”的腾讯总部,深圳,Tencent Shenzhen Headquarters©MAD
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▼“水的力量” – 2024 巴黎奥运会水上运动中心,“The Power of Water” – 2024 Paris Olympics’ Aquatic Center©MAD
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▼MAD 二十周年合伙人及团队周年合影,photo of MAD team at 20th anniversary
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