

Arenales位于Las Palmas de Gran Canaria市的市中心,这里因密集的历史建筑而出名。在几十年的衰落后,这里成为市中心的非法活动的聚集地,社区正在经历渐进式的改造,私人开发商开始购买房产,为重塑该地区的形象提供了机会。M住宅是其中一例对于“集体遗产”的保护,这些历史建筑不受到保护,但它们的主要价值在于对于社区的集体记忆的保存,是对该地区历史和文化演变的见证。
Arenales is a central neighborhood of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria characterized by the presence of old houses. After decades of degradation, clearly marked by being the epicenter of the city´s illicit, the neighborhood is undergoing a progressive transformation, driven by the purchase of homes by private developers, which represents an opportunity to reclaim the place’s identity. House M is one of these examples of the preservation of “collective heritage,” which is not protected but whose main value lies in preserving the historical memory of the neighborhood, bearing witness to its historical and cultural context.
▼项目外观,exterior of the project ©David Rodríguez
▼轴测图,axonometric ©Xstudio
An old corner building, in an advanced state of deterioration, is being restored and expanded for living and working purposes. The ground floor, which once housed a bar, now accommodates a ceramic workshop that will contribute to the social revitalization of the neighborhood. The owner’s residence will be on the first floor.
▼项目街景,street view of the project ©David Rodríguez
▼加建部分外观,annex facade ©David Rodríguez
The intervention favors an architecture that is approachable, honest, “handmade,” aiming to respond to the conditions of the place with its discourse, while also assuming budget limitations as another element of the context, which also invites a phased intervention. The existing structure is cleaned up and adapted through a minimalist exercise, laying the foundation for a regenerative process that will need to be extended over time. The raw and imperfect appearance of many surfaces is respected, preserving the traces of the period when the house was uninhabited. The workshop is equipped with the necessary facilities for its use, maintaining original floors and signage from the old bar, incorporating the layout of the new installations as an additional layer.
▼陶瓷工坊,ceramic workshop ©David Rodríguez
建筑通过在现有结构的承重墙上植入一个可见的金属骨架,以及通过加固现有支柱, 重建中央的门廊,使建筑的体量更加完整。新的建筑体量呈现出粗糙,不完美的混凝土外壳,这些材料分层浇筑,并用模块定型,这种外观也是各种限制因素导致的结果。
The building completes its apparent volume by inserting a visible metal skeleton, supported on the load-bearing walls of the existing structure, and a large central portico that is reconstructed by reinforcing the existing pillars. This new body is externally manifested as a rough, imperfect concrete shell, poured in small layers and formworked with carpets, assuming its appearance as a natural consequence of the project’s constraints.
▼植入一个可见的金属骨架,inserting a visible metal skeleton©David Rodríguez
▼围墙中使用的热粘土,the use of thermo clay in partitions ©David Rodríguez
▼围墙中使用的热粘土,the use of thermo clay in partitions ©David Rodríguez
Internally, the additions are lightweight to minimize the loads on the original structure. The exposed structure of metal profiles and composite slab floors is complemented by the use of thermo clay in partitions and enclosures, an unusual resource in the Canary Islands but chosen for its ability to create an interior landscape linked to the building’s new activity (ceramics) and its considerably lighter weight than the vibrated concrete block commonly used.
▼外露的金属结构复合楼板,The exposed structure of metal profiles ©David Rodríguez
▼以减轻对原结构的负荷,minimize the loads on the original structure ©David Rodríguez
These operations shape a high pavilion for the public activities of the house, accessed by a hanging staircase and functioning as a transitional piece between the street and the more private áreas.
▼阁楼空间,pavilion space ©David Rodríguez
▼通过悬挂的楼梯进入,accessed from the hanging staircase ©David Rodríguez
▼阁楼空间,pavilion space ©David Rodríguez
▼楼梯,staircase©David Rodríguez
The insertion of a courtyard in the southeast corner of the building ensures proper lighting and cross ventilation, completing the formalization of this work with a vocation for epigenesis, just like the neighborhood in which it resides.
▼东南角的庭院,southeast corner ©David Rodríguez
▼场地平面,site plan ©Xstudio
▼原一层平面,original ground floor plan ©Xstudio
▼原二层平面,original first floor plan ©Xstudio
▼改造后一层平面,ground floor plan after renovation ©Xstudio
▼改造后夹层平面,mezzanine level after renovation ©Xstudio
▼改造后二层平面,first level after renovation ©Xstudio
▼立面,elevation ©Xstudio
▼剖面,section ©Xstudio
Technical specifications
Architects: Xstudio
Client: Private
Construction: Zarymar Inver SL
Photography: David Rodríguez