

从城市的角度来看,市政厅广场和教堂的周边区域是 Ribeira de Pena 最重要的空间之一,不仅因为它们占据了城市中心位置,更因为它们是构成城市动态和空间的十字路口。
The Town Hall Square and the surrounding area of the church are among the most important spaces from an urban perspective in Ribeira de Pena, both because they assume a central place in the town and because they are the crossroads of the dynamics and spaces that constitute it.
▼项目与周围环境概览,overall of the project and urban environment© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼广场鸟瞰,aerial view of the plaza© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼鸟瞰,aerial views© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼顶视图,top view© Ivo Tavares Studio
This intervention establishes the Town Hall Square as the central space of the town while simultaneously activating its immediate surroundings. It functions as the “heart of the town,” serving as the starting point for configuring and energizing its public space. The space is defined by integrative boundaries of the adjoining areas, with a design where urban furniture elements, the materials used, and the scale aim to expand the boundaries and merge various spaces, inviting free circulation, pauses, and the appropriation of the space in a continuum with the Central Square.
▼局部顶视图,top views of the lawn© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼草坪与小路,lawn and path© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼由草地看教堂,viewing the church from the lawn© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼城市家具,urban furniture © Ivo Tavares Studio
广场的中央空间被释放了出来,所有添加的城市家具与景观元素都以严谨的逻辑合理布置于广场之上,营造出独特的场所氛围。在现有的基础上,设计师还为广场增加了一组树木,旨在为座位区提供遮阳以及景观的画框,包括:教堂;解决地形水平差异并为广场带来活力的喷泉;界定了广场边界,并构成了市政厅外围的长凳和延伸出来的墙壁;以及带有亚麻布图案的旅游字体 logo,作为该地区的特产,亚麻布元素的应用能够提升城市传统的历史遗产价值。
It functions as a unique space, where the central space is freed up and all added elements have a strong logic for their inclusion. To the existing, a set of trees is added to provide shade to seating areas and to frame: the Church, a Fountain that resolves the topographic level difference and brings life to the Square, an extension of a bench and wall that define the boundary of the Square and frame the Town Hall, a tourist Lettering that evokes linen motifs, a product of the region to exalt the historical heritage value of the tradition of the municipality.
▼喷泉鸟瞰,aerial view of the fountain© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼顶视图,top view© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼喷泉局部顶视图,top view of the fountain© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼广场,plaza© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼喷泉人视,perspective views of the fountain© Ivo Tavares Studio
The strategy materializes by affirming the continuities of all existing logics, whether they are linguistic/gestural, material, or related to the enhancement and framing of all existing historical heritage. The continuity of circulations and accesses was materialized through the transformation of the square (which unfolded in several staircases) into a single plane with a gentle slope. A topographic effort inspired by old images of the Church, where even before there was a “square” it was already understood as a single slightly sloping space where some outdoor masses and pilgrimages were celebrated, a gathering point for the community. To recreate this topography, the existing staircases were removed and the strategy focused on utilizing and enhancing a central square located in a hillside area.
▼教堂,the church© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼凉亭,pavilion© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼步行路线,walkway© Ivo Tavares Studio
植物的连续性以行道树的形式呈现出来,从 Coreto 花园开始,绿色空间延伸到林荫大道,并在市政厅广场达到高潮。这些树木为空间带来了阴影与和谐的氛围,使广场作为无障碍的多用途空间吸引人们前来,将广场归还于人们的日常生活。
Vegetal continuity is ensured through a cluster of trees that starts from the Coreto garden, extends through the boulevard, and culminates in the Town Hall Square, making this space harmonious and endowed with shaded spots, appealing to be a multipurpose space without obstacles, but with quality for everyday use.
▼台阶解决了场地的高差,the steps solve the height difference of the site© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼教堂后侧,rear area of the church© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼地面细部,details of the ground© Ivo Tavares Studio
Visual continuity is provided by constantly seeking visual framing, whether through the punctual placement of vertical elements like trees to reinforce the symmetry and axiality of the Church, or through the use and standardization of materials, such as pavements or urban furniture or wall coverings.
▼黄昏中的教堂广场,the church and plaza in the dusk© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼喷泉与市政厅, the fountain and the town hall© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼夜景,night view© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼logo 灯牌,logo light box© Ivo Tavares Studio
© Ivo Tavares Studio
This square functions as a multipurpose platform in a territory undergoing significant development. It maintains a sense of unity and ensures the rehabilitation of the existing urban fabric, respecting the past but looking to the future and what these spaces can come to represent, valuing and framing the Historical and Cultural Heritage and allowing them to appropriate and use a central urban space, thus attributing it cultural and social identity.
▼夜景,night view© Ivo Tavares Studio
▼总平面图,master plan© AXR – Arquitetura e Design
▼平面图,plan© AXR – Arquitetura e Design
▼剖面图,section© AXR – Arquitetura e Design
Project name: Requalificação da Praça do Município de Ribeira de Pena
Architecture Office: AXR – Arquitetura e Design
Main Architect: André Xavier Rodrigues
Collaboration: João Ribeiro, Tatiana Campos
Location: Ribeira de Pena, Vila Real, Portugal
Year of conclusion : 2021
Total area: 3429, 50 m2
Architectural photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio
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