知末案例   /   建筑   /   办公建筑


2024/08/29 17:02:52
本项目为 IT 巨头 Infosys 于印度马邦 Nagpu 的新办公园区,其优越的建筑表现超越了可持续性和能源效率的传统标准。该园区位于毗邻城市即将建成的 MIHAN 商业中心的经济特区内,可容纳 2000 多名员工,占地 33 英亩(总面积 142 英亩),目前处于一期开发阶段,未来还将计划扩建。
The new office campus for IT giant Infosys in Nagpur sets surpasses conventional benchmarks for sustainability and energy efficiency. Situated within the Special Economic Zone adjacent to the city’s upcoming MIHAN commercial hub, the campus accommodates over 2,000 employees across 33 acres (out of a total of 142 acres) in its Phase-1 development, with future phases planned for expansion.
▼项目概览,overall of the project© Paul Raftery
新园区采用零能耗设计,以应对 Nagpur 复杂的气候条件。建筑的设计受到 Nagpur 独特纬度(北回归线以下)的启发,体现了 s.o.u.l(可持续、优化、独特和宜居)的设计过程,并结合了被动式设计策略,显著降低了建筑的能耗。此外,建筑师在整个设计过程中还优先考虑了项目的文化包容性、重视利益相关者的参与,确保了园区在保留其独特身份的同时反映用户的愿望和价值观。协作研讨会、设计研讨会和反馈会议促进了建筑师、客户和最终用户之间有意义的对话,从而产生了真正包容且响应需求的设计解决方案。
The new campus features a net-zero energy-enabled design that responds to Nagpur’s composite climate. The architecture, inspired by Nagpur’s unique latitude (just below the tropic of Cancer), embodies the practice’s S.O.U.L. (Sustainable, Optimized, Unique, and Liveable) design process, and incorporates passive design strategies to significantly reduce its energy consumption. Moreover, the architects prioritized cultural inclusivity and stakeholder participation throughout the design process, ensuring that the campus reflects the aspirations and values of its users while retaining contextual identity. Collaborative workshops, design charrettes, and feedback sessions facilitated meaningful dialogue between architects, clients, and end-users, resulting in a truly inclusive and responsive design solution.
▼渐变色彩的建筑立面与庭院,gradient colors of the building facade and courtyard© Paul Raftery
场地规划及形态 Site Planning and Morphology 建筑的形态和朝向在实现众多可持续发展目标方面发挥了不可或缺的作用。建筑以独特的 X 形平面为特色,每翼长达 100 米,并与北回归线呈 22.5 度角,两翼中心交叉点形成核心。这种设计将每层的进深都限制在了 18 米,确保了 90%的工作空间都能够从两侧获得充足的日光。建筑的形态也响应了规划要求,中央交通核心将位于两翼的离岸发展中心(ODC)聚集在一起。
The building’s form and orientation played an integral role in achieving the numerous sustainability goals. It features a distinctive X-shaped plan, with each of the 100m long wings oriented at 22.5 degrees to the tropic of Cancer, and the central intersection forming the core. This intervention, along with limiting the depth of each floor plate to 18m, ensures that 90% of the workspaces receive ample daylight from both sides. The morphology also responds to programmatic requirements, establishing a central circulation node that brings together the Offshore Development Centres (ODC) located in the wings.
▼远景,viewing the project at distance© Paul Raftery
▼近景,closer view© Paul Raftery
Planning Efficiency
离岸发展中心(ODC)的设计具有很高的效率。平面中大约 20%的面积用于交通循环,80%则为工作空间。办公空间多样化,包括合作工作站、会议室、休息区,以及办公舱。丰富的材料造就了地板图案的独特变化,加之高脚凳与桌子等高适应性的家具,以及多样化的配色方案,确保了每个工作空间都展现出独特的设计。此外大楼中还设置了健身房和休闲区等设施,以促进员工的健康,为人们创造福祉。
The Offshore Development Centres (ODC) are designed with high levels of efficiency. Roughly twenty percent of the area is dedicated to circulation cores, and eighty per cent reserved for workspaces. The diverse programme includes collaborative workstations, conference rooms, break-out areas, and office pods. Each workspace is uniquely designed using a myriad of materials—and is characterised by a distinct shift in flooring patterns, adaptable furniture such as high stools, tables, etc., and a diverse colour palette. Amenities like gyms and relaxation pockets are included in the programme to promote health and well-being.
▼建筑前水景,waterscape in front of the building© Paul Raftery
▼地面视角,ground floor perspective© Paul Raftery
▼X 型体量布局,X type volume layout© Paul Raftery
▼剖面分析图,section analysis diagram© Morphogenesis
The utility zones are separated from the workplace, optimizing circulation patterns for various user groups. Parking layouts have been designed efficiently, and the strategic placement of service cores enables operations to be carried out smoothly without disrupting any Workflows. This helps ensure a pedestrian-friendly campus. The low building height maintains proximity to the surrounding landscape, facilitating human-nature interaction.
▼接待空间,reception area© Paul Raftery
Passive and Sustainable Design Strategies
采用针对 Nagpur 气候量身定制的集成式被动冷却技术是本项目的关键设计策略之一。设计借鉴传统的建筑原则,以自然通风系统和调节室内温度的遮阳元素为特色,进而减少了建筑对于机械冷却的依赖。与立面等高的垂直遮阳翅片可调节为不同的角度,以调节光线的进入。翅片以橙色为基本色调,并添加了部分泥土色调,以形成色彩的渐变,该设计的灵感来自印度古典音乐音符 swaras,并为建筑外观增添了节奏感和视觉动感。
▼立面分析图,analysis of the facade© Morphogenesis
One of the key design strategies employed was the integration of passive cooling techniques tailored to Nagpur’s climate. Borrowing from traditional architectural principles, the campus features natural ventilation systems and thermal mass elements that regulate indoor temperatures, reducing reliance on mechanical cooling. Vertical fins are strategically oriented at varying angles along the entire length of the facades to regulate ingress of light. The base hue for the fins is orange, and earthy tones are added to develop a gradient. The design is inspired by the seven swaras(Indian classical music notes) and adds a sense of rhythm and visual dynamism to the building exterior.
▼立面,facade© Paul Raftery
▼渐变色的立面遮阳翅片,gradually changing facade shading fins© Paul Raftery
▼细部,details© Paul Raftery
翅片的配置呼应了不同的空间功能,包括工作空间、休息区以及会议空间。工作空间的外立面翅片角度呈狭窄的 40 度角,休息空间和会议区域则开放到更宽的 60 度角,以为这些空间引入更广阔的周围景观视野。通过降低窗户与墙的比例,再加上立面遮阳元素,工作空间中的眩光大大减少。
▼角度分析,analysis diagram of fins’ degree© Morphogenesis
▼分析图,analysis diagram© Morphogenesis
▼分析图,analysis diagram© Morphogenesis
The fins’ configuration responds to the specific programme and is different for workspaces, break-out areas, and meeting spaces. A narrow 40-degree angle is employed for workspaces, whereas the fins open up to a wider, welcoming 60-degree angle in break-out spaces and meeting areas, granting ample views to the adjacent landscape. By decreasing the window-to-wall ratio, coupled with light shelves, glare on workstations is significantly reduced.
▼办公空间,working area© Paul Raftery
▼工作站区域,work stations© Paul Raftery
▼工作空间的外立面翅片角度呈狭窄的 40 度角,narrow 40-degree angle employed for workspaces © Paul Raftery
该设计还集成了最先进的技术,如辐射冷却系统,预计将大大节省运营成本。该系统利用混凝土板来吸收和散发热量,在不需要过度消耗能源的情况下营造出舒适的室内体感环境。智能建筑控制系统的集成进一步优化了能源使用,允许工作人员实时监控并调整环境参数。与 GRIHA 标准相比,这些设计策略使建筑的能源性能指数(EPI)降低了 52%。这也意味着该园区的能耗仅为典型办公楼的五分之一。
▼分析图,analysis diagram© Morphogenesis
The design also integrates state-of-the-art technologies such as a radiant waffle cooling system, projected to result in substantial operational cost savings. This system utilizes the mass of the concrete slabs to absorb and dissipate heat, maintaining comfortable indoor conditions without the need for excessive energy consumption. The integration of smart building controls further optimizes energy usage, allowing for real-time monitoring and adjustment of environmental parameters. These design strategies have led to a 52% reduction in the Energy Performance Index (EPI) compared to GRIHA benchmarks. This also means that the campus consumes only one-fifth of the energy of a typical office building.
▼餐厅,canteen© Paul Raftery
历史和文化要素 Elements of History and Culture
除了功能方面,Infosys 园区的建筑设计还反映了对文化和历史背景的深刻理解。该设计从 Nagpur 丰富的遗产中汲取灵感,将当地艺术、象征主义和工艺元素融入建筑形式。建筑垂直的立面边缘以纯粹的混凝土为特征,同时也以该立面为城市创造了一面背景画布。30 米高的 RCC 混凝土墙一端展示了 Nagpur 堡的“零英里位置”,另一端展示了代表 Infosys 工作文化的思维树。从立面上描绘的当代艺术到遍布内部空间的主题艺术作品,园区的每一个方面都反映了对地区身份和传统的彰显与尊重。
Beyond its functional aspects, the architectural design of the Infosys campus reflects a deep appreciation for cultural and historical contexts. The design borrows inspiration from Nagpur’s rich heritage, incorporating elements of local art, symbolism, and craftsmanship into the built form. The perpendicular edges of the building feature monolithic concrete walls and are visualized as urban canvases. The 30m tall RCC walls showcase a ‘Zero-Mile Location’ contemporary illustration of Nagpur Fort on one end and a mind tree representative of Infosys’ work culture on the other. From the contemporary art depicted on the façade to the thematic artwork scattered throughout the interior spaces, every aspect of the campus reflects a celebration of regional identity and tradition.
▼30 米高的 RCC 混凝土墙一端展示了 Nagpur 堡的“零英里位置”,The 30m tall RCC walls showcase a ‘Zero-Mile Location’ contemporary illustration of Nagpur Fort on one end © Paul Raftery
Infosys 园区展示了一种开创性的 21 世纪工作空间模式,其设计展示了与可持续发展目标和文化认同相一致的创新策略。该项目为接下来的十年中面积将达 10 亿平方米的印度城市化建设提供了一个全新的典范,向公众证明了对生态与用户负责的设计在塑造未来工作空间中的重要性。
The Infosys Campus stands as a pioneering 21st-century workspace, showcasing innovative design strategies aligned with sustainability goals and cultural identity. It serves as a model for India’s urbanization challenges (an estimated 1 billion sq. ft. of construction) in the next decade, emphasizing the importance of responsible architecture in shaping the future of workspaces.
▼夜景,night view© Paul Raftery
▼场地平面图,site plan© Morphogenesis
▼总平面图,master plan© Morphogenesis
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan© Morphogenesis
▼二层平面图,first floor plan© Morphogenesis
▼三层与五层平面图,second & fourth floor plan© Morphogenesis
▼四层平面图,third floor plan© Morphogenesis
▼六层平面图,fifth floor plan© Morphogenesis
▼场地剖面图,environmental section© Morphogenesis
▼剖面图,section© Morphogenesis
▼立面分析图,analysis diagram of the facade© Morphogenesis
Project Name: Infosys Campus
Typology: Office
Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra
Name of Client’s firm: Infosys Limited
Principal Designer: Manit Rastogi, Sonali Rastogi
Design Team: Architecture & Master planning: Nanda Kumar, Karthikeyan D, Barani P Karthik
Interiors: Dhanya Menon Krisna, Ashish Sengupta, Anusha Srinivas
Total Site Area: 142 Acres
Site Area for phase 1(sq ft & sq m): 1.44 million sq ft / 1,33,546 sq m / 33 Acres
Built-Up Area (sq ft & sq m): 3,17,500 sq ft / 29,500 sq m
Start Date: March 2021
Completion Date: January 2023
Inaugurated: December 2023
Climate: Composite
Photographer: Paul Raftery
ACP / Glass / Concrete: Saint-Gobain India Pvt Ltd
Sanitary ware / Fittings: Vitra
Flooring: Welspun Group
Loose furniture: Featherlite and Chesters
Workstation Furniture: Space Management Systems India Pvt. Ltd.
Air Conditioning: KNND Associates Private Limited
BMS: Chub systems
Technical Lighting: Havells
Paint: Asian Paints
Graphics / Artefacts: Blue Pebble Design Studio
Elevator: Otis Elevator Company (India) Limited
(Kindly add more if relevant)
Main Contractor: Sobha Limited
Structural: TRC Engineering (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Mechanical: McD Built Environment Research Laboratory Pvt Ltd
Electrical: Sobha Limited
Civil: Sobha Limited
Landscape: Masterplan Landscapes
HVAC: McD Built Environment Research Laboratory Pvt Ltd
Plumbing: Sobha Limited
PMC: Diligent PMC
Façade: Sobha Glazing & Metal Works Limited
Engineering: TRC Engineering (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Fire Fighting: McD Built Environment Research Laboratory Pvt Ltd
MEP: McD Built Environment Research Laboratory Pvt Ltd
Sustainability: Morphogenesis & Environmental Design Solutions (EDS)
Hospitality: Span Asia
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