

The Shinmonzen Hotel 位于日本京都以“古美术之街”而闻名的新门前通,静静地伫立在水流清澈的祗园白川旁。
这座精品酒店是安藤忠雄时隔 40 年后再一次在京都操刀小体量建筑设计,“Shinmonzen”即为“新门前”的日文发音。
建筑设计:安藤忠雄 Tadao Ando
室内设计:Remi Tessier
OGATA 精品店设计:绪方慎一郎 Shinichiro Ogata
投资人:Paddy McKillen
The Shinmonzen 历经十年精心打造,由酒店业巨头 Paddy McKillen 领衔,他同时也是法国普罗旺斯地区 Villa la Coste 庄园的主人。McKillen 出生于贝尔法斯特,是一位著名的酒店业巨头和房地产开发商,他最初邀请安藤忠雄参与开发自己位于法国普罗旺斯地区 Château La Coste 庄园。
园区内艺术中心中庭,建筑由安藤忠雄操刀设计,V 形的建筑主体由清水混凝土与玻璃幕墙打造。
从塞尚的出生地艾克斯城开车出发向北 30 公里,在蜿蜒曲回的山路上盘转不多时,旋即左转,前方一条不宽的小路两侧,突现几块洗练的清水混凝土立面,笔直的线条矗立在周遭一片绿色的葡萄园之中,右侧立面浮刻着优雅的灰色衬线体字样——Château La Coste——行家一眼便知,这几块混凝土立面正出自著名日本建筑师安藤忠雄之手。
靠近 Château La Coste 园区正门入口处,由艺术家 Louise Bourgeois 创作的大型雕塑作品《Crounching Spider》横踞于水景之上,后侧大型金属框架雕塑作品《Boxes Full of Air》来自艺术家 Sean Scully。
McKillen 的酒店产业版图包括伦敦著名的克拉里奇酒店。他频繁造访京都,发现了市场中的一个空白——如今,他已成功在京都祗园区独特而宁静的背街小巷中填补了这个空白,打造了一家私密且独具设计感的酒店。
Kyoto is not lacking for serene inns within the city’s historical neighborhoods, in sum emphasizing the city’s eminence as a crafts, arts, and design capital. Walking around Kyoto’s historic Shinmonzen Street in the Gion arts district, it’s easy to believe time passes with a more leisurely gait here along the area’s beautifully preserved buildings.
Located in the city’s Gion district, the Shinmonzen’s exterior echoes the timber slats, Inspired by Kyoto’s traditional machiya townhouses, kawara roof tiles and low profile of its neighbouring buildings. However, this edifice is in fact a brand-new wooden structure masterpiece by renowned Japanese architect Tadao Ando. Inside, a spacious, tiered balcony offers breathtaking views overlooking the Kamogawa River, presenting a delightful surprise to all who enter.
McKillen 成功说服了安藤忠雄对日式旅馆或传统日本旅馆进行重新诠释,使其在历史与现代、日本与欧洲、简朴与舒适之间达到和谐平衡。
Despite its aged outer appearance, The Shinmonzen is a contemporary creation inside and out. Paddy McKillen was able to convince Ando to reintepret the ryokan, or traditional Japanese inn, into a harmonious balance between yesterday and today, Japanese and European, austerity and comfort. Thus, Ando’s exterior blends into the surrounding architectural landscape with convincing detail, with its contemporary nature only revealed on closer inspection, and more visibly noticeable upon entry. “During our design process, the goal was to create a space that accommodates the desires of the modern traveler while respecting the tradition and legacy of Kyoto,” says Tadao Ando. “This hotel represents a nuanced fusion of the past, the present, and the future. I believe that it will embody the essence of Kyoto while still appealing to cosmopolitan sensibilities. I hope that everyone who visits will discover the new charm of an age-old city.”
穿过印有酒店白色 S 形标志(同样由安藤忠雄设计)的传统帘幕,来到“新門前”酒店,主入口设有一条长长的走廊,通往休息室般的接待处。
Behind the noren curtains of The Shinmonzen emblazoned by the hotels S logo in white, calligraphic script — also designed by Tadao Ando — the main entrance features a long walkway that leads you to the lounge-like reception.
安藤忠雄设计的酒店白色 S 形标志。令人瞩目的是,安藤忠雄在保留传统韵味的同时,巧妙融入现代主义元素,一条光亮的混凝土走廊成为亮点,与周围历史建筑形成鲜明对比,展现了传统与现代的和谐共存,为京都祗园增添了新的风景线。
Remarkably, while preserving the traditional charm, Tadao Ando skillfully incorporated modernist elements. A bright concrete corridor became a highlight, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding historical buildings, demonstrating the harmonious coexistence of tradition and modernity, and adding a new scenic spot to Kyotos Gion district.
Damien Hirst 的 The Virtues H9-4 Politeness 作品陈列在安藤忠雄设计的混凝土走廊©The Shinmonzen Hotel。
总经理 Katrina Uy 及其无可挑剔的酒店服务专家团队,为顾客提供了极致的待客之道。
走廊中挂满了刺绣艺术家清川阿莎美的作品、画家 Damien Hirst 的画作以及才华横溢的摄影师 Mary McCartney 的照片——她是披头士乐队成员 Paul McCartney 的女儿。
这家餐厅融合了法国、美国和亚洲的风味,主厨 Jean-Georges Vongerichten 在其美味的 6 道菜和 8 道菜菜单中使用了新鲜、当地的食材。
General Manager Katrina Uy and her impeccable team of hospitality specialists provide the ultimate sense of omotenashi. With a welcoming tea or champagne and the pleasant fragrance of Jasmine in the air, find the art-filled hotel equally light-filled — flooding in from the neighbouring river view and emphasised by its warm and bright interior.
In the hallways, find artworks by embroidery artist Asami Kiyokawa, painter Damien Hirst, and photographs by Mary McCartney — talented photographer and daughter of The Beatles’ Paul McCartney.
This restaurant blends French, American and Asian flavors. Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten uses fresh, local ingredients in his delicious 6-course and 8-course menus.
Jean Georges 餐厅主厨 Jean-Georges Vongerichten ©The Shinmonzen
Jean Georges 餐厅 ©The Shinmonzen
Jean Georges 餐厅开放式厨房 ©The Shinmonzen
酒店内的 Jean Georges at the Shinmonzen 餐厅每日提供法式、美式和亚洲农场直送餐桌的美食,包括以京都本地传统蔬菜为特色的日式早餐、素食菜单,以及令人愉悦的八道式全餐。
French, American, and Asian farm-to-table dining is served daily within the hotel’s restaurant, Jean Georges at the Shinmonzen, including a Japanese-style breakfast punctuated by Kyoto-sourced heirloom vegetables, a vegetarian menu, alongside an omnivore’s delightful 8-course meal.
Jean Georges 餐厅 精美的餐食©The Shinmonzen
Boasting impeccable curation and meticulous attention to every intricate detail, The Shinmonzen stands as one of Japans most remarkable luxury boutique hotels. From meticulously crafted personalized guest experiences to refining the culinary offerings within its walls, the hotel adheres to the highest standards, consistently surpassing guest expectations with unparalleled service. As a boutique haven, The Shinmonzen embodies the essence of a cozy home away from home, offering an intimate and exclusive ambiance, all while being ideally situated in the secluded backstreets of Kyotos most vibrant district, a unique geographical advantage that cannot be replicated.
穿过传统的白色帘幕和木质格子门面,宾客们立刻沉浸在新门前酒店内 OGATA 茶馆那微妙而宜人的茶香之中。
OGATA 是一家精品店,专门提供精选的日本茶叶、糖果、手工餐具和工艺品以及家居香氛。
在这里,日本茶品种的微妙复杂性及其混合品被精心提炼,在 Saboe 的 Shinya Sakurai 的引导下,呈现出一场令人愉悦的精心策划的品鉴活动。
Through a traditional white noren curtain and a timber latticed facade, guests and visitors are immediately immersed in the subtle yet delightful aroma of tea at OGATA at The Shinmonzen. OGATA at The Shinmonzen is a boutique that specializes in offering exclusive selections of Japanese teas, confectionery, handcrafted tableware, crafts, and home fragrances. Here, the nuanced complexity of Japanese tea varieties and their blends has been distilled into a welcoming and carefully curated arrangement led by Shinya Sakurai of Saboe.
OGATA ©Champ Creative
这家 OGATA 茶馆的室内设计由东京设计工作室 Simplicity 操刀,其标志性的设计手法让空间散发出一种优雅的轻声细语,静静地融入京都祗园地区内敛的文化氛围与不言而喻的魅力之中。
In the signature approach of Tokyo-based design studio Simplicity who led the store interior design, the space is a gentle whisper of elegance that quietly nestles into the neighbourhood’s reserved culture and unspoken charm of Gion in Kyoto.
OGATA ©Champ Creative
OGATA 茶馆被划分为两个主要空间。左侧是 T.Collection 的主要货架区,展示了 10 种混合茶叶供顾客选购。由于每个人的口味和喜好各不相同,日本茶叶的产地、海拔和制作工艺也略有差异。在这里,顾客可以在知识渊博的店员协助下,亲自探索茶叶的甜度、涩味和鲜味的层次,挑选出自己最喜爱的茶叶。在店铺的另一侧,是 Simplicity Design Studio 设计并制作的手工艺品零售区,包括他们原创的香氛 Yoka。
OGATA at The Shinmonzen is segmented into two main spaces. To the left, the T., Collection main shelving presenting a focus of 10 blended teas is available to purchase. As each individual’s palette and taste preferences vary, so do the slight nuances of origin, altitude and processes in Japanese teas. Here, customers can delve into the layers of sweetness, astringency and variations of umami with an in-person approach with knowledgable store staff to assist in selecting their favourite tea. On the other side of the store, find the retail corner of artisanal objects designed and produced by Simplicity Design Studio, including their original fragrance, Yoka.
日本九州长崎的伊佐见石为原料的中央柜台 ©Champ Creative
OGATA 茶馆以九州长崎的伊佐市石制成的令人惊叹的中央柜台为亮点,搭配抛光混凝土地板和桐木制成的货架与橱柜,展示了令人印象深刻的日本甜点、优质工艺品、香氛以及当然还有特色日本茶叶(其中许多为店内独家销售)。
With a stunning and striking central counter made from Isahaya stone from Nagasaki in Kyushu, with polished concrete flooring and kiri paulownia wood shelving and cabinetry, the boutique showcases an impressive selection of Japanese confectionary, quality crafts, fragrance, and of course speciality Japanese teas (many exclusive to the store only).
Across three levels, the hotel presents just nine guest rooms. Each room has a private balcony, overlooking the adjacent Shirakawa river – which is shaded by the flowers of cherry blossom trees during Japan’s Hanami season.
WASHI Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
KINU Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
房间面积从 430 平方英尺的 WASHI 套房(配有特大号床)到 860 平方英尺的 KINU 套房不等,后者配有并排的双人尺寸榻榻米、大理石双人洗漱间浴室和一个巨大的步入式衣柜。
Rooms range in size from the 430-square-foot WASHI suite with king-sized bed to the 860-square-foot KINU furnished with side-by-side twin size futons, marble double vanity bathroom, and an enormous walk-in closet.
TAKE Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
TOOKI Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
设计细节 Design Details ©The Shinmonzen Hotel
每间套房的室内装饰都充满了宁静简约的风格,这些装饰以有机的方式呈现,室内静静地摆放着 Toan Nguyen 设计的弧形扶手椅,并由日本纺织制造商 Kawashima Selkon 的手工编织地毯加以柔化。
A serene simplicity runs through each of the suite’s organically expressed interiors, all quietly occupied by Toan Nguyen’s curving armchairs and softened by Japanese textile maker Kawashima Selkon’s hand-woven carpets.
HINOKI Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
TAKE Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
Grid 11/Annie Morris/2017/ Canvas, thread/21 x 24 1/2 inches ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
ISHI Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
SUISHO Room ©Kyoto’s Understated Art Hotel
设计细节 Design Details ©The Shinmonzen Hotel
榻榻米和日式拉门纸屏与 Damien Hirst、Annie Morris、Louise Bourgeois 以及名和晃平和陶瓷艺术家朴英淑等艺术家的作品相映成趣。
Tatami mats and sliding paper screens can be found in the Shinmonzen’s nine guest suites, next to pieces by the likes of Damien Hirst, Annie Morris and Louise Bourgeois, as well as Kohei Nawa and Yoon-Young Hur.
左:Gerhard Richter/Tulpen, 1995 ©The Shinmonzen Hotel
Louise Bourgeois/Pink Days ©The Shinmonzen Hotel
Mary McCartney/Devotion ©The Shinmonzen Hotel