

In the Moloney showroom, we explored the primal power of fire and its central place in nature. Like a shelter in the desert, this building sets off the warmth and light of the fireplace with its rugged natural textures and native interior finishes. Stepping into the showroom is a miniature desert ecology, where natural paints in sandy colours line the walls, gently outlining a pristine and untouched world.
▼一层展厅,first floor showroom © Yunpu Cai
▼沙漠中的一处庇护所, a shelter in the desert © Yunpu Cai
The starry fireplace firelight flickers eerily in the space, as if it were a campfire in the desert, leaping with the first sparks of life. Walking along the veins of the space, under the feet, staggered marble modules paved the ground, each step with the reverberation of the years. The installation of greenery in the form of desert plants is quietly linked to the outdoor landscape. In every unintentional corner, the fireplace quietly emerges, like an unexpected oasis in the desert journey, quietly igniting the infinite respect for the flame in every meandering and stopping. This respect comes from the deep understanding of the fire of life and the ineffable reverence for the vastness of nature.
▼对火焰的无限尊崇, the infinite respect for the flame © Yunpu Cai
▼壁炉,fireplace © Yunpu Cai
Pick up an immersive sea of sand.The deep colours make it seem as if one can smell the silence and vastness among the grains of sand. Here, everything from the walls to the floor is covered with dark art paints, which render a cold and hard desert scene with their uniform hues. A fireplace in the shape of a stone block stands quietly, with charred black spots and uneven texture, all of which tell the beauty of natural erosion, depicting the story of the flames of the past under the brushstrokes of time. The door, with its unique design language, incorporates the spirit of Scapa’s architecture into every line and detail, “a poem piled predominantly in stone.”
▼楼梯,staircase © Yunpu Cai
▼楼梯间俯瞰,doble-height space © Yunpu Cai
▼二层展厅,second floor showroom © Yunpu Cai
▼沉浸式沙海, an immersive sea of sand © Yunpu Cai
穿过这扇致敬斯卡帕的门,壁炉,这个空间的灵魂,以一种瞩目的姿态嵌入这片空间之中,它的存在,既是叙事的起点,也是故事的焦点。从沙丘走来,与复古美学相遇 是交融,也是碰撞。这是一个相对独立的空间,如同时空交错的奇迹——沙漠的广袤与南欧的精致优雅交织,创造出独特而迷人的氛围。
Through the door that pays homage to Scarpa, the fireplace – the soul of the space – is embedded in this space with an attention-grabbing presence that serves as both a starting point for the narrative and a focal point for the story. It is a relatively independent space, as if it were a miracle of intertwined time and space – the vastness of the desert and the exquisite elegance of the old money style are entangled with each other to create a unique and charming area.
▼独特而迷人的氛围, a unique and charming area © Yunpu Cai
The third-floor parlor, like an oasis in the dunes, is filled with the meaning of humanistic development, yet subtly echoes the ruggedness of the desert through a carpet full of wild textures. The furious lines spread on the ground, like the tenacious growth of vegetation in the desert, injecting vitality into this place of exchange. This parlor, like a hidden shelter in the desert, with curry color as the main tone, exudes a cool and heavy atmosphere. Simple and elegant tables and chairs, its color tone and texture and this environment is a perfect blend, seems to have absorbed the essence of time, to create a sense of silence wrapped in time. The bronze-colored fireplace, silently present in the corner with its subdued luster, is neither obtrusive nor negligible. The fireplace here occupies the centre of vision in an absolute posture, no longer hidden in the background, but with a confident and open attitude, showing its unique charm. The terrace is a place for the showroom to dialogue with the stars. The outdoor fireplace is a clean and modern design that creates a raw and pure dialogue with the natural surroundings.
▼沙与石悠扬乐章,the ruggedness of the desert © Yunpu Cai
▼三楼休息区概览,third-floor parlor overview © Yunpu Cai
▼餐桌,dining table © Yunpu Cai
▼餐桌细节,dining table details © Yunpu Cai
▼厨房,kitchen © Yunpu Cai
至此,设计与自然不再是孤立的元素,它们交织成一首无声的交响曲。正如法国诗人保罗·瓦莱里(Paul Valéry)所言:”真正的艺术作品,是自然与智慧的结晶。” 于是夜晚,设计语言在星光与火光的跃动中定格,成就沙漠颂歌的绝响。
By now, design and nature are no longer isolated elements; they are interwoven into a silent symphony. As the French poet Paul Valéry said, “A true work of art is the crystallization of nature and wisdom.” And so at night, the language of design is framed in a leap of starlight and firelight, resulting in a masterpiece of desert ode.
▼屋顶露台,rooftop terrace © Yunpu Cai
▼屋顶露台概览,rooftop terrace overview © Yunpu Cai
▼一层平面图,first floor plan © HT Design Studio
▼二层平面图,second floor plan © HT Design Studio
▼三层平面图,third floor plan © HT Design Studio
▼屋顶层平面图,roof floor plan © HT Design Studio
空间性质 | 商业空间
主案设计师 | 张超 周俊宁
软装设计师 | 张奥
项目地址 | 上海
项目面积 | 1000㎡
摄影师| 蔡云普
Category | Commercial space
Chief Designer | Tommaso Roger
Decoration Designer | Airene
Location | ShangHai
Area | 1000㎡
Photographer| Yunpu Cai
cinematographer | Can Yang