

Kelly Nunes设计的“天体之环”,在过去的十年中受Age of Union的创始人Dax Dasilva的委托,完成了同一系列的5个艺术作品。其中包括地球屋,太阳屋,月亮屋,冰川洞窟和黑洞屋。 Nunes的艺术作品的主旨是关爱,强调沉浸于自然中的疗愈影响,解决不断发展的关于治疗和身心健康的问题。为了应对当代人和户外自然之间的阻隔,Nunes的系列作品促进了与自然疗愈品质之间的重新联结。总体来说,这些艺术作品孕育了一种对自然的敬畏之心,目的旨在促进气候行动。在每一件作品之间穿梭,参观者会向往与Age of Union的使命密不可分的环保行动。
Kelly Nunes presents The Celestial Cycle, a series of 5 artworks commissioned by Age of Union founder Dax Dasilva over the course of 10 years, now including Earth Room, Sun Room, Moon Room, Glacier Cave, and Black Hole Room.Nunes’ artworks tap themes of care, emphasizing the therapeutic impact of nature immersion and addressing the evolving discourse on healing and well-being. In response to the contemporary disconnection from the outdoors, Nunes’ series nurtures reconnection with nature’s healing qualities.Collectively, the works foster a sense of awe and reverence, aiming to catalyze climate action. Moving between each work, visitors are propelled to envision pro-environmental and conservation activity integral to Age of Union’s mission.
“each space transcends conventional boundaries, compelling us to reassess our relationship with the environment, unlocking the intrinsic value of nature and igniting a collective call to conservation action.”
——Dasilva articulates
The series:
Glacier Cave
Sensations of being within a cracking and thawing glacier are rendered with a play of post-consumer plastics, responsive lights and soundtrack. Ice structures’ ancient and mystical qualities intertwine with their symbol of global warming.
▼冰川洞窟装置,glacier cave installation ©Clara Lacasse
ancient and mystical qualities intertwine with their symbol of global warming ©Clara Lacasse
Earth Room
充满生机的植物花园和使用后的纸结构让参观者沉浸在地球生物的环绕中,伴以空间化的等时声效,可以降低压力荷尔蒙并缓解焦虑症状。该装置和Nicolas Fonseca合作完成。
A live plant garden and post-consumer paper structures immerse visitors in earthly creature poses complemented by spatialized sounds of isochronic tones, proven to lower stress hormones and relief from anxiety symptoms. A collaboration with Nicolas Fonseca.
▼地球屋装置,earth room installation ©Olivier Blouin
▼被包裹在装置中,embedded in the installation ©Olivier Blouin
▼装置细部,installation detail ©Clara Lacasse
Moon Room
A close encounter with our primary cosmological symbol, a four-foot diameter sphere displays a rotating projection of the moon, enabling new perspectives and sensations of reverence and diminutiveness.
▼月亮屋装置,moon room installation ©Kevin Calero
Sun Room
这是与Adam Hummell合作的作品,是一个用于治疗和冥想的功能室,设有一个调制光频雕塑,并配有季节性情感障碍灯具和调谐至治疗性 432 赫兹的背景音乐。
This collaboration with Adam Hummell is a functional room for healing and meditation featuring a modulating light frequency sculpture, accompanied by Seasonal Affective Disorder lamp fixtures and a soundtrack tuned to therapeutic 432 hertz.
▼太阳屋装置,sun room installation ©Clara Lacasse
▼太阳屋装置细部,sun room installation detail ©Clara Lacasse
Black Hole Room
▼黑洞屋装置,black hole room installation ©Kevin Calero
▼人体跟踪,body tracking ©Kevin Calero
▼人体跟踪,body tracking ©Kevin Calero
▼装置内部,inside of the installation ©Kevin Calero
Healing & Conservation
While certain pillars of the series embody and situate audiences in earthly contexts (Sun Room, Earth Room, Glacier Cave), others stand as reminders of the importance of reflection and humility in the fabric of something much more vast than ourselves (Moon Room, Black Hole Room).Nunes’ series invites a discourse around conservation and degradation through the materials it is composed of—like post-consumer plastic, reconstituted waste paper, and real vegetation. Full immersion in each piece spurs visitors to reflect on nature’s evolving need for conservation by bestowing its most present force: The power to heal. Nunes ultimately prompts reflection on accessing that healing power of nature in common metropolitan contexts where routine access may be challenging.