农庄丨西班牙丨Atelier du Pont

2024/09/01 19:26:10
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Atelier du Pont,成立于 1997 年的巴黎建筑与室内设计工作室,由 Anne-Cécile Comar 和 Philippe Croisier 领衔。拥有约 45 名专业人士,他们专注于创造公平、创意和激励人心的空间,质疑并适应新的生活方式。工作室的项目遍布全球,涵盖酒店、办公室、住宅、文化设施和餐厅等,致力于生态设计和再利用,展现其全球化视野和专业优势。
Son Blanc Farmhouse
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在美丽的梅诺卡岛,Son Blanc Farmhouse 以其独特的设计成为瞩目的存在。Atelier du Pont 工作室与来自梅诺卡岛、马略卡岛以及西班牙和法国的众多工匠、建筑商和艺术家通力合作,凭借对各种材料的深入理解,为这座农庄创造出独一无二的作品。
In the beautiful island of Menorca, Son Blanc Farmhouse has become a prominent presence with its unique design. Atelier du Pont worked with artisans, builders and artists from Menorca and Majorca, as well as Spain and France, to create unique pieces for the farm with a deep understanding of various materials.
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The project is based on a holistic ecological concept and is restored by integrating the principles of bioclimatic architecture. Taking full advantage of the islands climate and natural resources, we are committed to producing our own energy and food, striving to balance our carbon footprint, and steadily moving towards a self-sufficiency model.
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To reduce consumption, Son Blanc Farmhouse combines traditional methods with new technologies. The exterior walls are painted white to effectively isolate the building; The Windows are protected by shutters and ceiling fans cool the room in summer. In winter, cork acts as a natural insulator between double layers of stone cladding to protect against moisture and cold winds. At the same time, the innovative radiant cooling and heating ceiling system provides a constant temperature for Finca ground floor rooms, annex rooms and country suites without airflow and noise. The high inertia of the system is further improved by the conductivity of the limestone, and the Fincas ground floor and dining room also have underfloor heating. These systems are supported by nine geothermal Wells that efficiently heat or cool property water with the help of relatively constant temperatures deep underground. The combination of multiple devices can save more than 50% of the energy of traditional heating and cooling systems, while providing greater comfort.
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P. 13 为了实现能源自主,该农场持续对现场资源进行深入研究。通过在田间布置带有电池的光伏板,利用全年充足的太阳能为农庄提供电力。
In order to achieve energy independence, the farm continuously conducts in-depth research on the resources on site. By placing photovoltaic panels with batteries in the fields, the farm is powered by sufficient solar energy throughout the year.
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P. 24 Son Blanc Farmhouse 是梅诺卡岛上的一个生态设计典范,它展示了如何通过结合传统工艺、现代技术和生物气候学原理,创造出既美观又可持续的居住环境。这个项目不仅是对当地文化的致敬,也是对未来可持续生活方式的探索和实践。通过这种全面的方法,Son Blanc Farmhouse 为生态建筑树立了新的标准,为全球的建筑师和设计师提供了宝贵的灵感和参考。
Son Blanc Farmhouse is an ecodesign example on the island of Menorca, demonstrating how traditional craftsmanship, modern technology and bioclimatological principles can be combined to create a beautiful and sustainable living environment. The project is not only a tribute to the local culture, but also an exploration and practice of a sustainable way of living in the future. With this holistic approach, Son Blanc Farmhouse sets a new standard for eco-architecture, providing valuable inspiration and reference for architects and designers worldwide.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称 PROJECT NAME : Son Blanc Farmhouse
位置 LOCATION : Spain
设计 DESIGN : Atelier du Pont
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
版权 COPYRIGHT : Atelier du Pont
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