裕红阁天际店丨中国泸州丨jsd. 简璞

2024/09/03 14:46:29
A local roast duck catering brand in Luzhou.
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Yu-Hong Pavilion
裕红阁,一个在泸州能与烤鸭直接画上等号的餐饮品牌。始于 1999 年的它,至今也已经走过了二十五个年头。作为泸州大众餐饮的常青树,其口碑一直有目共睹。但亲民的客单价和扎实的菜品,虽然为其带来了长久的生意和高性价比的口碑,但也限制了消费者对其品牌高度的认知定义。因此,如何通过新增门店的露出,为其品牌找到一个更为合适的品牌立场,是我们与甲方共同的任务。
Yu-Hong Pavilion is a local roast duck catering brand in Luzhou.Which started in 1999, it has been in business for twenty-five years as the cornerstone of Luzhou’s popular catering. Furthermore, it has been getting great reviews. Affordable prices and generous portion sizes have gained long-lasting business and a high reputation, but they have also limited the customers’ perceptions of it. Therefore, it was a common task for us and the owner of Yu-Hong Pavilion to find a more suitable brand positioning for this brand by showing how the additional shops would look like.
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众所周知,简璞于 2015 年成立于泸州。同年,简璞为裕红阁设计了他们的第二家门店(至此共三家门店),距今,也已经是十年前的事情了。十年的时间,裕红阁需要一份新答卷去正名。于简璞,十年的再次回眸,同样意义非凡。
As we all know, Jsd was founded in Luzhou in 2015. In the same year, Jsd designed the second shop for Yu-Hong Pavilion (a total of three shops to date), ten years ago. After ten years, Yu-Hong Pavilion needs a new look. For Jsd, the reunion after ten years is very meaningful.
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立场 Position(authenticate) 作为一家老字号的大众餐饮品牌,裕红阁 25 年不变的宗旨便是,坚持果木烤鸭、坚持烤鸭不隔夜、坚持所有糕点全自做、坚持所有菜品现做现炒的方式,并且拒绝一切预制菜的宗旨,便是其对于消费者,对于餐饮行业,也是对于自身团队安身立命的立场与准则。
As a popular catering brand with a long history, Yu-Hong Pavilion has remained unchanged for 25 years by insisting on roasted duck with fruit wood, no leftover roasted duck, making its own pastries, and all dishes are freshly cooked, no pre-made dishes. It is for the consumer, for the catering industry, and also for their own position and code of conduct.
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Therefore, ‘authenticate’ is my understanding and definition of its brand. But ‘authenticate’ is not the same as low-end and cheap. I hope that it will not only give consumers a ‘authenticate’ experience in terms of food, but also a ‘authenticate’ dining environment, while taking into account the friendliness and atmosphere. We can understand that this is the sublimation of emotions under the premise of satisfying customers’ demands. After all, those loyal fans who have been following Yu-Hong Pavilion for as long as twenty-five years, who wouldn’t want it to get better and better?
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But we also still need to define our position, a‘project’good or bad isnt important. Its not all about the visuals and we dont need a design industry award to prove it. We serve the operator and we should fulfil its real demands,reasonable inputs and outputs; all the more reason to respect and understand the consumer, the little things they care about in their dining aspirations.
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Firstly we should respect the brand.
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Once we had built the skeleton of the space, we needed to respect the brands tone and find the right visual tone for it. As a result, a modern, minimalist oriental theme was established which undoubtedly matches the tone of the brand. At the same time, some more modern treatments and use of materials are also laying the foundation for the brands heritage and the integration of young blood.
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Secondly, we respect the locality and Luzhou.
Secularly, cities are often classified by their geographical and economic status. Thus, designers also match the level of design cost, city status, and the owner of Yu-Hong Pavilion input with the standard of design in the same way.
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But Jsd never thought so. In our perception, there are only some designs we are willing to do and some collaborations we can’t make. Therefore, for every design task, we should be prepared to understand the real demands and find the most reasonable solutions for them. This is the core issue that needs to be addressed in commercial projects.
We need to be clear that a city’s perceptions and habits cannot be fundamentally changed and popularized through the design of a small commercial space.
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Finally, there is respect for the consumer. As we have already mentioned, the high cost performance of Yu-Hong Pavilion has contributed to its high positioning in the community. Because of the economic situation in Luzhou’s fourth-tier city, Yu-Hong Pavilion’s price per guest in the Dazhong Dianping, per capita does not exceed one hundred and twenty yuan.
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So the problem we need to solve is how to make the environment give a sense of high class, ceremony and freshness through reasonable investment in renovation cost and at the same time, let the consumers who are less than one hundred per capita get the greatest respect and we can’t lose the original branding and space friendliness by over-compensate the environment.
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表现 Manifestation 所以“实在”的品牌定义,又将贯穿于空间设计之中。
So the brand definition of ‘authenticate’ will be reflected in the space design.
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A good dining environment must have a sense of sophistication, ceremony and refinement. But that doesn’t mean high investment, expensive materials or arrogant gestures. Therefore, we try to use the most common materials through a more unique colour scheme, more reasonable scale and cost-effective standards of workmanship to create a dining environment that is both expected and unexpected.
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因为,在此类项目的设计中,我们并不执着于创新与不同。而是,用心。Because, in the design of such projects, we are not obsessed with innovation and difference. Rather, its all about heart.
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Project Name:Yu-Hong Pavilion Skyscape Restaurant
项目地点:中国 泸州
Project Location:Luzhou ,China
Design Director:Wenchao
设计团队:jsd. 简璞、危环、曾薇薇
Design Team:JSD,Weihuan,Zengweiwei
全案统筹:jsd. 简璞设计
Project Coordination:JSD
建筑面积:4000 平方米
Building Area: 4000 sqm
Photography: Borderman
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