巴黎艺术公寓丨法国巴黎丨Rodolphe Parente

2024/09/05 18:43:16
巴黎艺术公寓丨法国巴黎丨Rodolphe Parente-0
Art Apartment Paris
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在巴黎第七区,室内设计师 Rodolphe Parente 以其独特的设计哲学,将一座装饰艺术公寓转变为一个充满多巴胺的现代生活空间。
In the 7th Arrondissement of Paris, interior designer Rodolphe Parente has transformed an Art Deco apartment into a dopamine-filled modern living space with his unique design philosophy.
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Parente 在土伦 2022 设计巡游上展示了他的展览“Contre Soirée”,这一展览体现了他对边缘空间的探索和对主要活动之外乐趣的追求。两年后,他将这种探索精神带入了这座公寓的设计中。与业主的共同审美和一代人的共鸣为 Parente 提供了实现其激进设计想法的自由。
Parente presented his exhibition Contre Soiree at Toulon 2022 Design Tour, which reflects his exploration of marginal Spaces and pursuit of fun beyond the main event. Two years later, he brought this spirit of exploration to the design of this apartment. A shared aesthetic and generational resonance with the owners gives Parente the freedom to realize its radical design ideas.
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Parente retains the apartments star-shaped floor plan, a layout that creates a fluid loop between the dining room, kitchen, library, and the bedrooms and bathrooms that surround the living room. He emphasized the fluid intelligence in modern use, while maintaining the Parisian heritage of the apartment. Parentes design education and experience working with Andree Putman have taken his mastery of space to a new level.
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在 Parente 的设计中,油漆不仅仅是表面处理,它被用来创造体积和结构,描绘空间的交界并支持建筑的过渡。他对木镶木地板进行了处理,以增强其色调,并在不同房间中使用了冷暖不同的中性色。这种对色彩和光线的敏感运用,使得公寓在不同时间展现出不同的色调和氛围。
In Parentes design, paint is not just a surface treatment, it is used to create volume and structure, depict the interface of space and support the transition of the building. He treated the wood parquet floor to enhance its tone and used neutral colors in different rooms. This sensitive use of colour and light allows the apartment to display different tones and atmospheres at different times.
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公寓内部装饰了众多艺术作品和设计家具,如 Ettore Sottsass 的 Glas Italia Mirror Mirror 控制台、Mario Bellini 的模块化咖啡桌、Isamu Noguchi 的落地灯等。这些作品不仅增添了公寓的艺术气息,也体现了 Parente 对于现代与传统融合的追求。
The interior of the apartment is decorated with numerous works of art and design furniture, such as the Glas Italia Mirror Mirror console by Ettore Sottsass, modular coffee table by Mario Bellini, floor lamps by Isamu Noguchi and more. These works not only add to the artistic atmosphere of the apartment, but also reflect Parentes pursuit of the fusion of modernity and tradition.
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卧室、浴室和更衣室构成了一个私人套房,旨在增强业主的日常仪式感。Parente 将卧室设计成一个盒子,紫色的天花板和定制的床头板带有缎面饰面和镜面面板,Celia Hempton 的艺术品为房间增添了额外的魅力。
The bedroom, bathroom and dressing room form a private suite designed to enhance the owners sense of daily ritual. Parente designed the bedroom as a box, with purple ceilings and custom headboards with satin finishes and mirrored panels, and artwork by Celia Hempton adding extra charm to the room.
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Parente 认为艺术和设计是项目不可或缺的一部分,也是生活的一部分。在艺术顾问 Sibylle Rochat 的指导下,他为这个项目购入了多件作品,以在建筑和艺术之间制造张力。尽管 Parente 在屏幕外寻找灵感,但他的工作室并不离线。他们使用 Co-Star应用程序,这不仅是一种有趣的联系,也是 Parente 设计灵感的来源之一。
Parente sees art and design as an integral part of the project and a part of life. Under the guidance of art consultant Sibylle Rochat, he acquired several pieces for the project to create tension between architecture and art. Although Parente looks off-screen for inspiration, his studio isnt offline. They use the Co-Star app, which is not only a fun connection, but also one of the sources of inspiration for Parentes design.
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Rodolphe Parente 的巴黎艺术公寓是一个超越风格束缚的设计杰作,它将现代生活的需求与艺术的美感完美结合。这座公寓不仅是一个居住空间,更是一个充满创意和魅力的艺术之梦,它邀请居住者走出网络虚拟世界,享受现实世界的美好。
Rodolphe Parentes Paris Art Apartment is a masterpiece of design that transcends the constraints of style, combining the demands of modern living with the beauty of art. This apartment is not only a living space, but also an artistic dream full of creativity and charm, which invites residents to step out of the virtual world of the Internet and enjoy the beauty of the real world.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Art Apartment Paris
位置LOCATION : Paris, France
设计DESIGN : Rodolphe Parente
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
版权 COPYRIGHT : Rodolphe Parente
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