
2024/09/06 10:24:19
出品人:向玲 / Producer: Xiang Ling
编辑:石安,亓慧,庞任飞,张笑然 / Editor: Shi An, Qi Hui, Pang Renfei, Zhang Xiaoran
About SEN。S
▼森上建筑 logo,logo of SEN。S
Zhang Juntian:Both of us graduated from the School of Architecture at the China Academy of Art. The opportunity to establish our studio arose from the national initiative to promote the construction of beautiful countryside. Our first completed project was a small bus stop in a village. Public attention has gradually shifted from the rapidly developing cities to the emerging rural areas and towns. The contradictions brought about by rapid urbanization and the push for beautiful countryside construction have created a demand for key construction and renovation projects, offering individual architects new opportunities. This has allowed more independent studios to take on public building projects of appropriate scale. Rural construction, with its diverse content and distinct characteristics compared to urban projects, has drawn us to dedicate more energy to exploration and practice.
The name “森上” reflects our sensitivity and attention to nature and the construction site, while maintaining a spontaneously approach to design—objective and moderate. During our studies, the Academy emphasized research on rural areas, sensitizing us to social and local cultures. This exploration of cultural roots had a profound impact on us. We aim to perceive our surroundings with a natural mindset and approach the rapid development of urban and rural living environments in a thoughtful and appropriate manner. The word “sens” derives from the pronunciation of “sense,” signifying perception, sensibility, and understanding. It encapsulates our approach to work and life, as well as our understanding of the significance of place and environment.
The founder spoke as a representative of the graduate alumni of the Academy of Arts.
Zhang Juntian:Our studio has consistently operated on a small scale, centered around a dedicated architectural design team. Currently, we have two design partners, and there is no division of roles between us in project design. From the very start of a project, we both visit the site together and conduct research collaboratively.
We place great emphasis on early-stage research and problem identification. Before diving into the actual design, we prioritize understanding the historical timeline, relevant documentation, and the site’s context. We thoroughly analyze the surrounding environment, spatial usage, and user demographics to pinpoint the most critical issues that need to be addressed. Throughout the design process, we focus on scale and construction methods, continuously reflecting from both user and builder perspectives to create appropriate usage scenarios and spatial experiences.
Our design projects are characterized by a diverse range of architectural forms, with outcomes that vary across different regions, showcasing a rich variety. We’ve accumulated many interesting and ongoing studies, which have been carried forward into subsequent projects.
▼森上建筑办公环境,office of SEN。
▼两位创始人工作时的照片,Zhang Juntian + Sun Hongfeiat work
Sun Hongfei: In terms of design philosophy, we don’t categorize projects in a rigid way. We place greater emphasis on the operation and future development of the project, aiming for it to be public-facing and sustainable. Regarding scale, each site and space has its own unique characteristics. Our guiding principle is consistent: to approach design with objective and measured perception, respecting the site and environment while considering its future use. We have many small to medium-sized public building projects, where we prioritize overall integrity. For projects of manageable scale at this stage, we strive to adopt an integrated design approach to ensure cohesion across all disciplines and the integrity of the final implementation. Projects completed with this philosophy often attract like-minded clients who come to evaluate them, leading to more opportunities to work on similar public buildings. This creates a cycle that supports the continuation of our design research approach.
left: The founder participated in the Art Academy course evaluation; The picture on the right shows the sharing of the Yangtze River Delta horizontal City Forum
Zhang Juntian: Both of us have backgrounds working in traditional design institutes, where the direction of China’s infrastructure development is closely tied to economic cycles. In the early years, the national strategic focus was primarily on urban construction, with little attention given to rural development. When selecting projects, we are guided by two main considerations: the opportunities presented by the rural revitalization policy and whether the projects we undertake can develop and operate sustainably, fostering genuine interaction with the public during their later use. We avoid rigid thinking when designing functional spaces. Our work is based on understanding social relationships and needs, with the goal of creating spaces that promote positive living experiences and inspire reflection.
▼森上建筑代表作拼图,Part of the projects by SEN。S
Focus on Rural Architecture
Focus on Social Context
Sun Hongfei:We believe that the role of an architect has two aspects. From a professional standpoint, architects are practitioners in the construction industry, bound by codes and regulations. The other aspect is that of a social worker, which encourages us to consider what positive impacts we can bring to the industry and society as a whole.Embracing this second role allows us to deepen our engagement, reflecting on how spaces are created and used, and the scenarios they generate in daily life. For example, in renovation projects, Hongyue garden community was not just about restoring and decorating farmhouse facades; it was about creating a communal living environment that encourages residents to actively participate and become the designers of their own lives. In Party and Public Center of Qili Village, we went beyond the original brief, which only called for the renovation of an office building, by introducing the concepts of an elevated library and a communal courtyard. Through thoughtful functional zoning and strategic use of the site, we revitalized the corner space at the village entrance, making it more welcoming and inclusive for villagers. Our aim is to connect seemingly isolated, functional buildings with their surroundings and environment, and to breathe new life into old, seemingly dilapidated structures, creating new spatial value while ensuring safety and stability.
▼虹越园艺社区,Hongyue garden community
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Zhang Juntian:One of the key features of our work is that, beyond handling the technical aspects of architecture, we place significant emphasis on social issues. During the urbanization process, self-built rural houses often face demolition. However, each type of structure, whether it emerges or disappears, carries valuable insights for development. When engaging with such projects, we aim to address the current stage of self-built rural houses, focusing on their existing contradictions and renewal status. From our professional standpoint, we seek to offer more ways and possibilities for transforming old rural houses into modern living spaces. Urban villages and self-built houses are vibrant with daily life, and we aspire to provide space for owners to express their creativity. After the completion of the Hongyue project, we conducted usage assessments at three different intervals over five years. Notably, some owners made their own additions, reflecting changes in lifestyle or needs. For instance, the gridded steel mesh connecting the ground floor to the garden has become covered with lush plants, showcasing the shared vision of both designers and owners for a harmonious co-living environment.
▼虹越园艺社区,三个阶段的照片,Photos of the three stages of Hongyue garden community
章钧添:我们在中国美院求学期间,就有很多关于乡村的课程,对于江浙传统村落进行考察和调研。近几十年中国把大量的建设都投入到城市中,城市对于乡村人口造成了单方向流入的虹吸。而中国大部分的土地仍在乡村,人口的流失让大部分的村落破败消失,2000 年浙江还至少有 4 万个村子,据统计到 2020 年左右,只剩下三万个不到,一万多个彻底被拆除和消失。
王澍老师在浙江乡村调研中提出,在几万乡村中,浙江大概有十分之一是传统保护村落,这些村子有资金和专家去做这个事情,剩下 90%的普通乡村还将面临建设和规划的问题。我们做得大部分的乡建项目都是典型的江浙普通乡村,是在 90%里面的范畴。乡村建设更多的是满足基础建设和功能型需求,有着无法和城市比拟的预算和建设能力,需要从环境、村民和工人的各角度出发考量问题。我们不过多强调传统形式,而是更多遵循建造逻辑,利用当地的建造材料与工艺。我们设计的房子不希望被视作一种观赏品,而是能被当地村民所理解,能自发去使用和创造,并在未来没有建筑师介入的情况下依然对村落的建造发展产生推动的借鉴和影响。
Zhang Juntian:During our studies at the China Academy of Art, we engaged in extensive coursework on rural areas, including field research on traditional villages in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In recent decades, China has concentrated its construction efforts in cities, resulting in a one-way flow of people from rural areas to urban centers. Despite this, the majority of China’s land remains in rural areas. The resulting population loss has led to the decline and disappearance of many villages. In 2000, Zhejiang alone had at least 40,000 villages, but by around 2020, this number had dropped to fewer than 30,000, with over 10,000 villages completely demolished or vanished.
In the research of our professor Wang Shu on rural Zhejiang, noted that among the thousands of villages, about one-tenth are traditional protected villages with dedicated funding and expertise for their preservation. The remaining 90% of ordinary villages face ongoing challenges in construction and planning. Most of our rural construction projects fall into this 90% category, representing typical villages in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Rural construction often focuses on meeting basic infrastructure and functional needs, with budgets and capabilities far lower than those for urban projects. We approach these projects by considering the environment, villagers, and workers from multiple perspectives. Rather than emphasizing traditional forms, we adhere to construction logic, using local materials and techniques. Our aim is for our designs to be practical and meaningful to local villagers, allowing them to understand, use, and adapt the structures independently. We hope that, even without future intervention from architects, our designs will continue to positively influence and advance rural development.
▼剪纸艺坊& 伴湖书吧,浙江,Paper-cut Art Workshop & Lakeshore Libraries, Zhejiang
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Sun Hongfei:During our discussions with rural leaders and builders, we discovered an interesting issue: they often worry about managing rural projects, and as designers, we share concerns about how the projects will be used after completion. Therefore, in rural design, we place a strong emphasis on the project’s operation and development. First, the site should not be completely enclosed; it should be manageable and operational. Additionally, it should foster a sense of participation and belonging among the villagers.
In rural design, our approach differs from that in urban settings. We take on the role of villagers, identifying areas where spaces for rest and relaxation are needed and where gathering spaces should be. Given the limited resources in rural areas, we design flexible public spaces by utilizing building fronts, courtyards, and even exterior walls and surrounding environments to enhance everyday use.
Historically, ancestral halls in villages served as natural venues for public activities and social interactions, such as weddings, funerals, and performances. The Party and Public Center aims to revive this traditional role in the village, becoming a cultural hub at the village entrance. We persuaded the client to modify the originally planned isolated and enclosed office building by introducing functional zoning that opens up some public areas to villagers, such as a meeting hall, a village corridor, and a library. This open village committee courtyard is designed to be a focal point for village life and to bring a communal, leisurely quality to the village entrance. By adopting this approach, we create a more intimate and engaging public space, where village leaders and residents can interact and connect, reinforcing community bonds.
▼骑力党群中心,浙江桐乡,Party and Public Center of Qili Village, Tongxiang, Zhejiang
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Zhang Juntian: The villages we discussed are being rapidly demolished, and it’s not just the buildings that are disappearing, but also the traditions and culture. Many ordinary villages in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are experiencing similar demolitions and losses. In this process, our focus is on recreating living scenarios and restoring the warmth of human interactions.
Urban public services have established, mature operational and management models, which are more oriented towards functionality and crowd management than rural areas. In terms of management, rural public buildings are objectively under-resourced compared to cities, both financially and in terms of personnel. However, with advancements in technology and a growing emphasis on rural development, there is increasing attention to integrating rural construction with local industries to ensure sustainability. For example, Longnan Village’s old Party Center had a library that was too small for reading and had become merely a storage room for books. During the project, the client introduced the Bohong Library and an artist studio, creating a space for the village children’s after-school activities. This upgrade not only fulfills the basic civil service needs of the Party Center but also adds valuable auxiliary spaces that benefit the villagers, contributing to a more meaningful and sustainable development of the project.
▼龙南村党群中心,浙江,Party and Public Center of Longnan Village, Tongxiang, Zhejiang。点击这里查看更多,Click HERE for details
▼龙南村伯鸿书屋,浙江桐乡,Longnan Village Bohong Library, Tongxiang, Zhejiang
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这两个党群中心都是改造项目,在工程本身就具备了一定的挑战性。我们针对这一类型的项目尽量从建造本身出发,兼顾工人的视角来完成设计。设计上,每个墙身都遵循当地适宜的施工节点和工艺;在施工上,业主都会配合我们一起要求施工单位 1:1 现场打样,达到我们要求才能大面积施工。所以我们有大量的现场服务与对接,以骑力党群中心为例,我们现场服务的次数不少于 30 次。同时比较幸运的是,也有在原则性问题上都还是一直很支持我们的政府甲方。虽然在这种加持下,仍然会有不少遗憾的地方。但也让我们逐渐学会了如何去平衡一个乡村建筑的设计,理解乡村建造的适度性,从设计和现场对接两方面一齐把控乡村施工的建造质量。
Zhang Juntian:While there are dedicated funds for rural construction, these amounts are relatively small. Building houses in villages usually involves local construction teams and workers. These teams often rely more on their experience than on detailed architectural plans and have a more intuitive grasp of traditional building methods. Thus, it’s important to understand and use local materials and construction techniques, avoiding modern engineering practices like curtain walls. Instead, we focus the construction budget on critical spaces to balance the overall investment.
Both Party-Masses Centers are renovation projects, which inherently present challenges. For these projects, we approach the design with a focus on construction realities and consider the workers’ perspectives. In design, each wall adheres to local construction practices and techniques. During construction, the client collaborates with us to ensure that the construction unit produces 1:1 mock-ups on-site that meet our requirements before proceeding with large-scale work. This involves extensive on-site service and coordination; for example, we visited the Qili Party-Masses Center at least 30 times. We are fortunate to have a government that has always been very supportive of us on matters of principle. Despite this support, challenges remain. Nevertheless, this experience has taught us how to balance the design of rural buildings and understand the appropriateness of rural construction, ensuring quality through both design and on-site coordination.
▼骑力党群中心 -乡村书屋中的阅览室,Party and Public Center of Qili Village –reading space in the rural library
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▼骑力党群中心 – 砌筑与光影,Party and Public Center of Qili Village – light and shadows created by different construction methods
Expression of ambiance & Embedding of space
Sun Hongfei: Tide with The House can be seen as an expression of ambiance and an embedding of space. Over the past decade of land redevelopment planning, this farmer’s house has moved away from its original settlement form and become a small element within the natural landscape. The site features extensive vegetation and faces the vast expanse of the Yangtze River. We view this leftover house as a rock within this natural scenery, now integrated into the landscape. The varying shades of color correspond to different spatial elements. The original building walls serve as a simple base color, while the corridors and pavilions formed by the walking paths translate into a new volumetric form. In the limited space, we seek a natural perspective and attempt to engage in a dialogue with this landscape.
▼回头潮堤岸上的建筑,浙江,Tide with The House, Haining, Zhejiang。点击这里查看更多,Click HERE for details。
Sun Hongfei: Most of our construction projects are located in towns and expanding development areas, focusing on the renovation of farmer’s houses and existing buildings. Due to development plans and stages, some of these projects are situated in relatively open spaces. Many of these farmer’s houses don’t fit the traditional impression of settlements. In these projects, some areas have preserved surrounding farmland, some have been converted into planting industries, and others have become part of natural scenic areas.Zhang Juntian: The variety of industries and functions in the same region can influence the direction and appearance of building renovations. Open environments and sites have their own timelines and planning, with historical and cultural differences. These factors allow us to find different approaches and solutions, creating architecture that is tailored to each specific site.
▼Maison Joseph 滨江旗舰店,杭州,Maison Joseph flagship Store in Binjiang
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Combine Nature and Industry
Zhang Juntian:The Haining Natural Art Museum is surrounded by several thousand acres of planting industry bases and an ecological flower park, offering expansive views in all directions. The design intent was to create a museum that seamlessly integrates with and participates in the surrounding landscape. As an inward-focused building with diverse functions—including exhibition halls, offices, and conference rooms—the museum was oriented with pathways connecting it to the surrounding planting fields. Through thoughtful public circulation design, these pathways evolve into freely navigable spaces that extend the rural pathways into the museum grounds. Inside, a floating corridor wraps around the building, extending in an orderly manner from the atrium to the roof, harmonizing with the natural landscape. The windows were designed to provide an “open” museum experience that maintains the functionality of the exhibition spaces while allowing for partial views of nature. Strategic openings in the facade and roof bring light and shadow into the space, making sunlight an integral part of the exhibits. The flexible layout encourages unrestricted movement, enabling visitors to engage interactively with nature and sunlight, and experience the museum’s spatial dynamics in relation to the environment.
▼花卉小镇的自然载体——自然美术馆,The natural carrier of the flower town – Haining Natural Art Museum
▼世界花园大会花园中心 – 园艺家旗舰店,World Garden Convention Center – Yuanyijia Flagship Market
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Zhang Juntian:Currently, some of our projects are linked to industrial activities. For example, the flower industry park along the river has planned a series of small-scale, independent office and commercial spaces, aiming to attract creative enterprises related to the flower industry and foster a vibrant atmosphere along the riverbank. Meanwhile, the museum is designed to cater to the World Garden Expo, which is held annually in May. It needs to accommodate various functions, including conference facilities, reception areas, and large-scale exhibitions. Therefore, the design of the industrial park is closely aligned with the natural conditions of the site and the park’s planning objectives, with the overall project planning driven by industry development.
▼海宁长安国际花卉产业园,浙江,Chang’an International Flower Industry Park
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Present, Future and Challenge
Sun Hongfei:We still believe that rural transformation projects, especially those involving the renovation of farmers’ houses and related plots, are the most meaningful and challenging. This includes projects like the Hongyue garden community, the Tide with The House, and the Flower Industry Park. Unlike urban or typical rural renovation projects, farmers’ houses have unique characteristics due to their site environment and the buildings themselves. The construction sites are relatively small, mostly featuring standalone or densely clustered units. The houses often have various defects in their appearance and layout, and there is controversy over whether to retain or renovate them. The design challenges for these projects are multifaceted, requiring integration with the surrounding environment. While modifying facades, adjustments to the layout must address different functional needs. The nature and scale of the industry also impact the overall construction approach.
Zhang Juntian: Many of our projects are built on sites that result from the demolition of existing buildings, creating dotted or linear land uses. This unique situation involves complex relationships between existing buildings and site fabric,which is a common feature in many of our renovation projects and one of the most interesting challenges in design. This reflects the overlap of urbanization processes and rural development issues in China at present, and we will continue to study and address these challenges.
▼骑力村健康活动中心,Health Activity Centre of Qili Village, Tongxiang, Zhejiang
▼亭桥驿站,TingQiao Station
Zhang Juntian: Currently, we are primarily focused on urban and rural renewal projects, involving renovations and new constructions aimed at creating public leisure spaces and support services. Through these practical endeavors, we explore future living patterns and advocate for a naturally sustainable design philosophy. The ongoing environmental impact of construction has made us more conscious of environmental protection. At the national level, there is increased investment in new energy sectors. We are particularly interested in future development methods and have been fortunate to collaborate with new energy companies. For instance, the Hydrogen Energy Industry Park project in Hangzhou is already under construction. Our goal is to integrate the needs and development directions of the hydrogen energy sector into our design research. This new approach has introduced us to innovative perspectives and ideas about sustainable development. Moving forward, we hope to be involved in planning and architectural design related to new energy fields and to explore collaborations with artificial intelligence in designing future living environments.
▼虹越电商办公室,嘉兴,Hongyue E-commerce Office
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▼微缩艺术之城——Maison Joseph Deco 买手店,Miniature city of Art——Maison Joseph Deco
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▼园艺的故事——园丁工具博物馆,The Story of Gardening – Gardener’s Tools Museum
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▼两位创始人近照(左:章钧添 ,右: 孙鸿斐),Zhang Juntian (left) + Sun Hongfei (right)
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