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Quest学习中心丨印度金奈丨KSM Architecture

2024/09/06 10:25:02
Quest 学习中心占地 540 平方米,位于印度金奈的 Besant Nagar 地区,距离海边仅 300 米。作为一个为 8 到 16 岁的孩子准备的学习中心,本项目提供了充足的学习和互动空间,旨在为在家上学的孩子,或者那些有“非学校教育”需求的孩子们提供服务,这就涉及到中心需要根据孩子的兴趣来授课,而不是采用固定的课程模式。
The learning center at Quest is located on a 540 sq.m piece of land, about 300m from the seafront in Besant Nagar, Chennai, India. It is a learning center intended for children aged 8 to 16 years old. The center acts as a learning and interaction space for largely home-schooled children, or those with the ‘unschooling’ pattern of education, which involves teaching children based on their interests, rather than a set curriculum.
▼项目与周围环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment©Sreenag BRS
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▼建筑概览,overall of the project©Sreenag BRS
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▼街景视角,street view©Sreenag BRS
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▼分析图,analysis diagram© KSM Architecture
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The learning center has been designed as a collection of free-flowing volumes that provide a feeling of space and visual connectivity. One gains access to the building through a tree-lined front court that has a set of steps and a ramp.
▼入口前院,front court©Sreenag BRS
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From a climate sensitivity standpoint, the eastern and the western walls of the buildings have been designed as insulated cavity walls with minimum opening, while the southern and northern walls have full-length operable windows that allow the ambient south breeze in, and are shaded by vertical aluminum aerofoil shaped louvers.
▼南立面,south facade©Sreenag BRS
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▼百叶细部,details of the louver©Sreenag BRS
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东西立面的墙体采用了复合材料,厚度为 400mm,包括了 300 毫米的空腔以及 50 毫米厚的 XPS 内部填充物,外侧还设有带有 25 毫米的空腔竹木百叶 GFRC 幕墙面板,这种隔热系统阻隔了所有落在墙壁上的热量。
The eastern and western walls are composite 400mm wide, made up of a 300mm wide cavity wall with a 50 mm thick XPS infill as the inner layer, with a bamboo shuttered GFRC facade panel as a self-shading skin with a 25mm air cavity. This insulation system virtually cuts off all the heat that falls on these walls.
▼仰视西立面,looking up to the west facade©Sreenag BRS
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▼细部,details©Sreenag BRS
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▼剖面分析,section development© KSM Architecture
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One enters the rectangular building footprint in the center into an atrium-like volume that opens up to the full height of the building, with an amphitheater rising to the right and a gallery space towards the left.
▼阶梯剧场,the amphitheater©Sreenag BRS
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▼由二层看中庭,viewing the atrium from the upper floor©Sreenag BRS
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▼中庭与彩色楼梯,atrium and the colorful staircase©Sreenag BRS
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▼剖面图,section© KSM Architecture
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In section, the building opens up towards the south, which is the ambient wind direction in Chennai. The southern side of the site is raised in the form of a garden in order to harness the south breeze, while also taking advantage of a wind channel caused by the extended road beyond the site. The amphitheater connects the arrival space to the library above as a seamless volume overlooking the raised garden on the south. The garden can be accessed by a slide that begins at the library.
▼图书馆,the library area©Sreenag BRS
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▼四层螺旋楼梯入口,entrance of the spiral staircase on the fourth floor©Sreenag BRS
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Five classrooms are stacked on either side of the central atrium. Inside this atrium, a metal staircase winds its way up, connecting all the levels. At the fourth level, the staircase comes out of the building and faces the dorm of a spiral stair that leads up to a rooftop cafeteria, which in turn opens out into a landscaped terrace on the south.
the red spiral staircase suspended from the facade©Sreenag BRS
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▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase©Sreenag BRS
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There is a sense of openness, with no clear demarcation of space or volume – every space seamlessly blending with each other and the gardens beyond. The warm glow of glare-free natural light creates a cheerful ambiance, and the sense of fun is accentuated by the use of color, with a natural breeze wafting through the various levels- all of this provides, in our opinion, an ideal platform for learning.
▼细部,details©Sreenag BRS
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▼平面图,plans© KSM Architecture
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Project Name: Learning Center at Quest
Location: Besant Nagar, Chennai
Client: Srikanth Chandrashekar
Architect – KSM Architecture
Design team: Sriram Ganapathi, Siddarth Money, Akshaya J, Sathish V, Seran S, Mohanraj K, Ragini P
Built-up area: 760 sq.m
Year of completion: 2021
Project Typology: Institutional
Steel: Sreevatsa Stainless steel
HVAC: Akshada Aircom
Aluminium Joineries: Aspire Aluminium Ltd
GFRC Panels: Facilini Design Lab
Photographs: Sreenag BRS
AC Consultants: KSM Architecture
Civil Contractors: Associated Engineering Concerns
Electrical consultants: S S Electricals
Lighting design: Balika
Landscape design: KSM Architecture
Interior contractors: Kowshik Interiors
Structural consultants: PRC India
Electrical contractors: SSE Electricals
Building cost: 5.5 crs
Graphic credits: Karthik Venkatesh
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