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由 gmp 与同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司合作设计的一座新奥体中心现已在江苏省(苏州市)昆山市竣工并投入使用。项目采用国际足联标准设计,于 2020 年 10 月破土动工,原拟用于主办 2023 年亚洲杯足球赛,并为承办国际国内足球赛事提供顶级场馆。后因 2023 年亚洲杯比赛改为海外举办,项目遂升级改造为奥体场馆,并将在未来逐步规划建设其它配套场地设施。
The city of Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, welcomes the completion of its new Olympic Sports Center, designed by gmp Architects and Tongji Architectural Design (group) Co., Ltd in accordance with FIFA regulations. Construction had started in October 2020, with the original goal of hosting the Asia Cup in 2023 and providing a top-tier venue for both local and international football events. Since the Asia Cup 2023 had been re-located to be held abroad, the stadium was then upgraded to an Olympic sports facility, with other accompanying venues to be planned in the future.
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建筑生成概念© gmp Architects
这座肥皂形的单体结构位于景观公园内,毗邻社区的各类体育场馆设施与住宅区。场内可容纳 4.5 万观众,不仅可满足城市举办重大赛事的需要,还可利用周边的体育公园面向社区开展各类活动。该地标建筑采用极具雕塑感和震撼力的苏工折扇造型,从周边众多建筑中脱颖而出,充分展示了这一地方特色。
The oval shaped, stand-alone structure is situated in a landscape park adjacent to other sports facilities and residential quarters in the neighborhood. The stadium with a capacity of 45,000 will thus serve the city not only for hosting mega events but also for accommodating community events and activities in the surrounding sports park. With its highly sculptural and impressive form of a spread fan, the landmark building stands out from its neighbors and connects to a local identity at the same time.
折扇意向图 ©gmp Architects
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看台、立面和屋面结构采用 36 对细长的折叠混凝土墙支撑,为看台下方以及地面区域营造出大气的活跃空间。每对现浇混凝土构件之间设置展开的外立面索膜结构。每个索膜结构的高度约 49 米(总高,其中膜高约 26 米,长约 34 米),而每个外立面单元的面积约 600 平方米,是目前国内最大的单膜结构。
36 pairs of slender, folded concrete walls support the stands, the façade and the roof structure while creating exciting spaces underneath the stands as well as in the ground level areas. Between each pair of 49 m high in-situ concrete elements, façade membranes are spanned, each with dimension of 26m by 34 m. Their area of roughly 600 m² per façade unit currently represents the largest single-sheet membrane structure in China.
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屋面结构由 36 根细丝悬臂钢梁支撑。上弦杆是混凝土双墙在屋面层的延伸,杆上覆盖有膜材,形成鲜明的折叠,沿外立面向屋面结构延伸。日间,膜材提供了遮阳挡雨的作用;夜幕降临时,场馆内部的照明穿透半透明膜材,弥漫出柔和的光。这样膜材不仅能打造场馆的外观照明效果,还能将光线反射至场内,为看台区域提供均匀舒适的照明。
The roof structure is formed by thirty-six filigree, cantilevered steel girders. Their upper chords form an extension of the concrete double walls at roof level, clad with membrane that continues in sharp folds from the facades onto the roof structure. While during daytime, the membranes protect the spectators from sun and rain, in the evening and at night the semi-translucent material glows in a warm light, illuminated from within the stadium spaces. While producing a lighting effect on the outside, the illuminated membranes also reflect the light into the stadium and provide even and comfortable lighting levels on the stands.
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The open design prioritizes comfort and ventilation, ensuring a pleasant experience for fans, even during hot weather. Inside the stadium, meticulous attention to FIFA regulations is evident. The well-maintained pitch serves as a high-quality playing surface for matches. Advanced lighting and sound systems guarantee clear visibility and acoustics, enhancing the overall experience for spectators.
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配套设施设置在环形建筑内,与场馆主体建筑分离。宽大的楼梯引导观众从景观公园进入环形裙楼,再穿过 48 座连桥进入各层看台。这 48 座连桥也具有人群疏散功能,有助于减少看台周围内部流线的尺度。
Supporting facilities are situated in a building ring that is detached from the stadium building proper. Wide staircases lead the spectators from the landscape park onto the podium ring and then across 48 bridges to different levels of the stadium stands. These bridges also serve evacuation purposes, helping to reduce the dimensions of the inner circulation around the stands.
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In the expansive landscape park surrounding the stadium, a natural riverbed has been retained and given a role of linking the park and the Olympic Sports Center. Radial water surfaces are arranged in a half circle along the south side of the venue. They follow the strictly radial pattern of the paved plaza areas and staircases. The water surfaces produce spectacular reflections of the stadium sculpture, enhancing the views of the venue for visitors of the park.
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We look forward that Kunshan Olympic Sports Center will present many sporting events and memorable moments and host in the future.
结构顾问:sbp 施莱希工程设计咨询有限公司
景观设计:WES 魏斯景观建筑
地上建筑面积:约 10 万平米
地下建筑面积:约 3 万平米
设计时间:2019 年– 2022 年
施工时间:2020 年– 2023 年
DesignMeinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze with Magdalene Weiss
Deteail design leadersYan Lyuji, Zhao Mengtong
Deteail design teamChen Guanxing,Lu Shen,Xu Xufeng,Li Jiangtao,Dong Suhong, Fan Jie
Project ManagementCai Lei
Partner firm in ChinaTongji Architectural Design (group) Co.,Ltd
Structural consultantschlaich bergermann partner
Facade consultantSuP
MEP consultantWSP
Transportation consultantCCDI
Sport consultantcistsports
ClientKunshan ZhuoyueSports Culture Development Co., Ltd.
Seats 45,000
GFA above groundabout100,000㎡
GFA below groundabout 30,000㎡
Design period 2019–2022
Construction period 2020 - 2023
总平面图©gmp Architekten
包厢层平面图©gmp Architekten
看台顶层平面图©gmp Architekten
剖面图©gmp Architekten