Mardi Mercredi东京代官山店丨日本东京丨Creative Studio Unravel

2024/09/10 08:11:29
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日本第一家Mardi Mercredi旗舰店位于通往代官山车站的路上。该项目从选址、设计、承包商招募到竣工,历时约九个月。
Japan’s first flagship store of Mardi Mercredi is located along the path to Daikanyama Station. The project, encompassing site selection, design, contractor hiring, and completion, took about nine months. 
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The store spans two floors, each with its own independent entrance and external staircase, a design that embodies the brand's unique style while also addressing accessibility issues due to structural constraints. Through meticulous planning, the designer ingeniously optimized the functionality and layout of each space, ensuring that customers enjoy both comfort and convenience during their shopping experience.
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The space boasts a straight and high ceiling, allowing for flexible design and configuration. On the first floor, the existing spatial sense was maximized, enabling the furniture to be arranged in diverse layouts with autonomy in movement and efficiency in function. This was planned to make the space feel like a single organism by achieving both permanence and fluidity.
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The second floor, accessible via an external staircase, offered an impressive view of green trees through the windows during the initial site survey. The design aimed to bring the external scenery inside, welcoming visitors with a panoramic view. Colors that dissolve the boundaries between the interior and exterior were used for the floors, walls, and ceilings. A centrally placed functional object serves as a reflective element, further blurring the lines between inside and outside. The space, shaped by deriving meaning from the relationship between interior and exterior, seems to transcend the dichotomy of nature and artificiality.
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除了独特的设计和精美的布局外,Mardi Mercredi旗舰店还注重为顾客提供优质的购物体验。店内的商品种类繁多,包括时尚服饰、配饰、家居用品等,满足了不同顾客的需求。同时,店内的工作人员也经过专业培训,为顾客提供贴心周到的服务。无论是选购商品还是咨询信息,顾客都能在这里得到满意的答案。
Beyond its distinctive design and exquisite layout, the Mardi Mercredi flagship store prioritizes delivering exceptional shopping experiences to customers. The store boasts a diverse range of products, encompassing fashionable apparel, accessories, and homeware, catering to the varied needs of shoppers. Moreover, the staff has undergone professional training to provide attentive and thoughtful service. Whether selecting merchandise or seeking information, customers can expect satisfying answers and assistance.
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作为一家集艺术、文化和时尚于一体的综合性空间,Mardi Mercredi旗舰店在代官山这片土地上留下了深刻的印记。它不仅为城市增添了一道亮丽的风景线,也为顾客带来了独特的购物体验和文化享受。在未来,我们有理由相信Mardi Mercredi旗舰店将继续秉持其独特的品牌理念和创新精神,为更多顾客带来惊喜和感动。
As a comprehensive space integrating art, culture, and fashion, the Mardi Mercredi flagship store has etched a profound mark in the landscape of Daikanyama. It not only adds a splendid vista to the city but also offers customers a unique shopping experience and cultural indulgence. Looking ahead, we have every reason to believe that the Mardi Mercredi flagship store will continue to uphold its distinctive brand philosophy and innovative spirit, delighting and inspiring more customers in the future.
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滑动查看平面图 ©Creative Studio Unravel
项目名称 |
Mardi Mercredi东京代官山店
设计团队 | 
Creative Studio Unravel
项目总监 | 
Dong-il Lee
项目团队 |
Hyunho Lee, Juneoh Lee, Dasol Park
项目建设 |
项目地址 |
日本东京都涩谷区代官山町20-5 1~2F
设计面积 | 
完工时间 | 
项目类型 | 
Fashion Store
主要材料 | 
木材 金属 混凝土
摄影团队 | 
Sunghoon Han
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创始总监 / Dongil Lee
Studio Unravel是一家位于韩国首尔的青年室内设计工作室,由创始人Dongil Lee成立于2016年。这是一家专门从事艺术和空间设计的公司。Dongil Lee于1985年出生在韩国首尔,大学辍学后自学室内设计。目前,他作为Studio Unravel的创意总监,他从2020年开始通过为Ledongil Workshop创建一个独立的品牌来展示他的个人作品。
工作室提倡使用可回收材料和金属营造独特的氛围,这样既环保又能满足客户的需求。在此期间,设计师Dongil Lee将个人灵感可视化,进行研究并将其与项目联系起来。他所创造的衍生产品旨在收藏和展览其家具艺术品或者是功能对象等。
Studio Unravel的设计初衷是将设计与空间进行一次真正的对话,他们创造环境的目的是向那些不管是以前或者在未来会留下的遗迹而致敬。设计与空间之间的对话就像它们在讲述一个传承与创新的故事,故事在新旧之间穿插,在过去与现在之间跳动,在未来和平行时空中并存。
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Bob Chen Design Office | 民艺廊
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无间设计 | 成都金融城·锦宸府
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HT STUDIO | 莫洛尼展厅
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比率设计 | run
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