

Andre Mellone 是一位居住在纽约的巴西室内设计师,拥有建筑学背景,出生于艺术世家,深受现代主义风格影响。他在纽约设计界有超过 20 年的工作经验,曾为多家知名事务所效力,并于 2012 年创立了 Studio Mellone,专注于高端私人住宅、零售和商业设计。他的作品融合了现代设计与复古气质,以典雅低调、富有质感的风格著称。Mellone 的客户包括顶级品牌如 Thom Browne 和 Carolina Herrera,在国际设计界享有盛誉。Miami House 美国,佛罗里达州,迈阿密
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时尚界的先锋 Misha Nonoo 不仅在设计界拥有声誉卓著的地位,她的个人生活空间也彰显了独特的品味与风格。在她位于迈阿密的海滨之家,Nonoo 与著名室内设计师 Andre Mellone 合作,创造了一种完美融合奢华、现代与艺术的生活方式。这座房子不仅展现了 Nonoo 的时尚眼光,也反映了 Mellone 对空间和美学的敏锐把握。
Fashion pioneer Misha Nonoo not only has a prestigious position in the design world, her personal living space also reveals a unique taste and style. At her beachfront home in Miami, Nonoo works with renowned interior designer Andre Mellone to create a lifestyle that perfectly blends luxury, modernity and art. The house not only shows Nonoos eye for fashion, but also reflects Mellones keen grasp of space and aesthetics.
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Nonoo 的迈阿密之家位于城市的海滨地带,这个空间不仅需要契合她对时尚的审美,还要传达出一种宁静和放松的氛围。为了实现这一目标,Andre Mellone 将现代建筑的线条和柔和的色调融入设计中,使房屋整体充满开放感,同时将海景作为背景,营造出一种无缝融合室内外的生活体验。
Nonoos Miami House is located on the city’s waterfront, and the space needed to not only fit her fashion aesthetic, but also convey an atmosphere of tranquility and relaxation. To achieve this, Andre Mellone incorporated modern architectural lines and pastel colors into the design, giving the house an overall sense of openness, while using the sea view as a backdrop to create a seamless indoor and outdoor living experience.
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一进入这座房子,艺术和设计的交织便显而易见。入口处的休息区融合了不同年代的设计元素,展现了时间与空间的互动。Harry Bertoia 设计的 1940 年代木制长凳成为了中心元素,它通过 PBR 制作,带有手工质感。搭配的 1950 年代意大利扶手椅则经过了重新装饰,选用了 Kravet 织物进行改造,使经典与现代完美融合。
Upon entering the house, the intertwining of art and design is evident. The lounge area at the entrance incorporates design elements from different eras, showing the interaction between time and space. A 1940s wooden bench designed by Harry Bertoia is a central element, made by PBR with a handmade feel. The matching 1950s Italian armchair has been redecorated with Kravet fabric for a perfect blend of classic and modern.
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与此同时,房间中的 Klismos 凳子和 Maya Lin 为 Knoll 设计的 1990 年代混凝土凳子,带来了一种雕塑般的视觉体验。为了强化空间的温馨感,DWR Koodi 的平织黄麻地毯铺设在地面上,奠定了整个空间的自然质感。
Meanwhile, the Klismos stool in the room and Maya Lins 1990s concrete stool for Knoll provide a sculptural visual experience. To enhance the warmth of the space, DWR Koodis flat woven jute carpet is laid on the ground to create a natural texture throughout the space.
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灯光设计是这个空间的重要组成部分。Andre Mellone 特别挑选了 Cedric Hartman 设计的抛光镀铬药房落地灯和 Walter von Nesson 的中世纪黄铜落地灯,两者分别来自 Gary Rubinstein 的收藏。这些灯具不仅为房间提供了柔和的照明,还增添了一种精致的复古氛围。
Lighting design is an important part of this space. Andre Mellone singled out Cedric Hartmans polished chrome pharmacy floor lamp and Walter von Nessons medieval brass floor lamp, both from Gary Rubinsteins collection. These lamps not only provide soft lighting to the room, but also add a sophisticated retro atmosphere.
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P. 15 房间中的艺术品同样引人注目,Jannis Kounellis 创作的一幅画作占据了显著位置,成为整个房间的视觉焦点。Kounellis 以其大胆的表现主义风格而闻名,这件作品为房间带来了强烈的艺术冲击力。
The artwork in the room is equally striking, with a painting by Jannis Kounellis taking a prominent position as the visual focal point of the entire room. Kounellis is known for his bold expressionist style, and this piece brings a strong artistic punch to the room.
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Nonoo 的迈阿密之家不仅注重家具和艺术品的选择,更强调材料的使用和质感的和谐。Mellone 选择了天然的黄麻、木材、金属和混凝土等材质,赋予空间自然、粗犷与精致并存的质感。无论是家具的手工质感,还是地毯的温暖质地,这些元素都创造了一个既具备现代感又富有生活气息的居住空间。
Nonoos Miami House not only focuses on the selection of furniture and artwork, but also emphasizes the use of materials and the harmony of textures. Mellone chose natural materials such as jute, wood, metal and concrete to give the space a natural, rough and delicate texture. Whether its the handmade feel of the furniture or the warm texture of the carpet, these elements create a living space that is both modern and living.
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作为时尚设计师,Misha Nonoo 的个人风格在她的家中得到了充分的体现。她对经典与现代设计的混搭非常熟悉,并且善于通过色彩和材质来表达她对时尚的独特见解。这座迈阿密之家不仅是她的居所,还是她个人品味与生活态度的延伸。
As a fashion designer, Misha Nonoos’ personal style is fully reflected in her home. She is very familiar with mixing classic and modern designs and is adept at expressing her unique views on fashion through color and material. This Miami house is not only her residence, but also an extension of her personal taste and attitude to life.
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Misha Nonoo 与 Andre Mellone 合作打造的这座迈阿密之家,完美地结合了时尚与设计、艺术与生活。每一个细节都经过精心挑选,体现了二者在审美上的深刻理解。这个空间不仅是 Nonoo 个人风格的延伸,更是一种对现代生活方式的诠释——时尚、前卫,同时又充满温馨与舒适。
Misha Nonoo collaborated with Andre Mellone to create this Miami home that perfectly combines fashion and design, art and life. Every detail has been carefully selected to reflect the deep aesthetic understanding of the two. The space is not only an extension of Nonoos personal style, but also an interpretation of the modern lifestyle - stylish and edgy, yet full of warmth and comfort.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称 PROJECT NAME : Miami House
位置 LOCATION : Miami, Florida, USA
设计 DESIGN : Studio Mellone (Andre Mellone)
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
撰文 WRITER :L·xue 校改 CORRECTION : W·zi
版权 COPYRIGHT : Studio Mellone (Andre Mellone)