华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室

2024/09/11 08:07:28
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-0
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-1
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-2
In the bustling city of Beijing, there is a fairy tale like world of ice and snow - the Ice Center of Wukesong. Condensed Ice Water Chestnut Flower. Ultra Low Energy Training Hall. The Wukesong Ice Center is located in the southeast corner of the site; the total construction area is 38,960㎡, of which the above-ground construction area is 16,400㎡, and the underground construction area is 22,560㎡.
The ice center of Wukesong is located in the southeast corner of the site; Total construction area: 38960 square meters, including 16400 square meters of above ground construction area and 22560 square meters of underground construction area.
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-6
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-7
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-8
华熙 LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心,设置南北两块 30x61m 的标准冰面,北侧冰面可根据赛事需求调整冰面大小;北侧标准比赛冰球场含看台 1703 座,南侧训练场 204 座,既能满足大型冰上赛事需求和专业训练,又因为其灵活、现代、易转化的空间在未来适应各种空间功能、持续产生商业价值,持续为商圈和城市赋能。
Bloomage LIVE · Wukesong · Ice Center, with two standard 30x61m ice surfaces in the north and south, and the size of the ice surface on the north side can be adjusted according to the needs of the event. The standard competition ice rink on the north side includes 1703 stands and 204 training grounds on the south side. It can meet the needs of large-scale ice sports events and professional training, and its flexible, modern, and easily convertible space will adapt to various spatial functions in the future, continue to generate commercial value, and continue to empower commercial districts and cities.
冰菱花 · 缤纷空间
Ice Water Chestnut Flower · Colorful Space 」
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-13
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-14
每逢夜晚,被点亮的华熙 LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心融入五棵松商业街区及长安街西沿线的城市动线中,缤纷的冰菱花凝结于夜空,雀跃迷人。
Every night, the illuminated Bloomage LIVE · Wukesong · Ice Center blends into the Wukesong commercial district and the urban flow along Chang’an Avenue West, with colorful ice water chestnuts condensing in the night sky, exuding a charming and lively atmosphere.
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-18
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-19
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-20
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-21
Super complex
Strong experience, multifunctionality, and sustainability
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-26
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-27
The design of specific functional spaces should not only meet professional needs, but also facilitate daily operation and maintenance, as well as functional conversion under different sports events. For example, using movable scraper walls to meet the spatial division requirements of changing rooms; Use more efficient ventilation and drying devices; Player and referee passages covered with adhesive;
Design Value
Professional Venues to Vibrant Colors」
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-35
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-36
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-37
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-38
象征青春、活力、动感的华熙四色,点缀运用在空间内,闪耀发光的立方体激活鼓舞人心的体育精神,华熙 LIVE 的生命力无处不在。
The four colors of Bloomage, symbolizing youth, vitality, and dynamism, are embellished and used in the space. The shining cube activates the inspiring spirit of sports and the vitality of BloomageLIVE is everywhere.
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-41
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-42
Modern materials such as aluminum panels and painted glass make the interior simple and easy to use, ensuring the durability of the building as a sports venue. From external brand displays to internal functional area guidance, the navigation system covers the entire venue in all aspects, enhancing the overall fashion atmosphere of the building and making material and color strategies more intuitive and efficient.
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-45
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-46
华熙 LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心是目前单体面积最大的被动式超低能耗体育建筑,智慧化、智能化、无人化的全面集成也带来了便捷高效的使用体验,这些都使得这座场馆建筑赛事功能之外具有里程碑式的意义。
时隔四年,华熙 LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心承前启后,不仅承担了冬奥会的训练场馆功能与纪念意义,在奥运会后作为北京最重要的冰雪主题体育建筑之一唤起市民对冰雪运动的热情,并以体育精神为核心带动周边文化产业和商业活动,使区域成为一处全年活跃、神采奕奕的集体育运动与商业休闲并存的综合性场馆。
Bloomage LIVE · Wukesong · Ice Center is currently the largest passive ultra-low energy sports building in terms of individual area. The comprehensive integration of intelligence, intelligence, and unmanned technology also brings convenient and efficient user experience, which makes this venue building have a milestone like significance beyond its event functions.
After a four-year hiatus, Bloomage LIVE · Wukesong · Ice Center not only serves as a training venue and commemorative significance for the Winter Olympics, but also serves as one of the most important ice and snow themed sports buildings in Beijing after the Olympics, arousing citizens’ enthusiasm for ice and snow sports. With the spirit of sports as the core, it drives surrounding cultural industries and commercial activities, making the area a comprehensive venue that combines sports and commercial leisure, active and vibrant all year round.
项目名称:北京冬奥“冰菱花” · 华熙 LIVE 冰上中心
项目地点:北京市海淀区五棵松华熙 LIVE
建筑设计:北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-67
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-69
Beijing Bloomage WanWU Design Co.,LTD located in Beijing, China, is a subsidiary of Bloomage International and is currently one of the most influential space design and project management companies in China. Relying on the powerful platform of Bloomage International, it realizes the design management and landing presentation of all assets, all professions and all processes. The industrial format covers various types such as cultural and sports venues, commercial complex cultural and creative hotels, comprehensive office buildings, cinemas, sales centers, and model rooms.
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-72
Beijing Bloomage WanWU Design Co.,LTD is currently one of the emerging spatial design teams and design consulting firms in the domestic market.Founded by Juanjuan Liu,the company excels in exploring the creative potential of spaces from a unique perspective and with a keen business acumen.It pursues innovation and creativity,using a distinctive design language to interpret the conversational nature of space."Expect the Unexpected in All Things" has always been the design goal pursued by the WWD All-Things team,offering clients high-value design products and services.Their portfolio encompasses various spatial formats,including sports venues,commercial spaces,cultural and creative hotels,mixed-use office buildings,cinemas,art galleries,marketing centers,artistic residences,and apartments.Since its inception,the company has led the team to achieve numerous international design awards.WWD All-Things empowers design through an attitude of originality,innovation,disruption,and dialogue.
公司地址:北京市朝阳区建外大街甲 6 号华熙国际中心 D 座 35 层
华熙LIVE·五棵松·冰上中心丨中国北京丨北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 | 朱小地工作室-82
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