
2024/09/11 23:10:17
▲烟台蓬莱国际机场二期建筑外观©️404NF STUDIO
烟台机场锚定打造“面向东北亚的区域枢纽、日韩航空货运桥头堡”战略,全力为城市发展赋能。烟台机场 T2 航站楼于 2024 年 6 月 28 日零点通航,启用后,烟台机场可满足年旅客吞吐量 2300 万人次、货邮吞吐量 20 万吨的发展需求。
中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司作为方案联合体牵头方,与 Aedas、上海民航新时代机场设计研究院共同组成国际团队,共同打造了烟台蓬莱国际机场 T2 航站楼,为烟台市构建国际性综合立体交通枢纽、打造城市窗口形象的国际机场提供了有力的技术支撑。
Yantai Airport aims to establish itself as a regional hub for Northeast Asia and a cargo gateway for Japan and South Korea, fully supporting urban development. The T2 terminal at Yantai Airport commenced operations at midnight on June 28, 2024. Once operational, it will accommodate an annual passenger throughput of 23 million and a cargo and mail throughput of 200,000 tons.
China Southwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., as the leading entity of the design consortium, worked alongside Aedas and Shanghai Civil Aviation New Era Airport Design Research Institute to form an international team. Together, they developed the T2 terminal for Yantai Penglai International Airport, providing robust technical support for the construction of an international comprehensive transportation hub and enhancing the city’s image as a gateway airport.
01.Overall Planning
The project adheres to the planning principles of “integrated, ecological, efficient, flexible, and intelligent.” It utilizes a dual-harbor layout with the main building parallel to the runway, allowing for phased construction and flexible use. The planning layout makes full use of the terrain, with a staggered layout on both the airside and landside, achieving a one-stop transfer for various modes of transportation.
Efficient Operation: The terminal features a shallow harbor layout parallel to the runway, ensuring efficient operations for both aircraft on the airside and passenger movements on the landside. It uses a four-runway arrangement, minimizing interference between aircraft positions and allowing for the potential addition of temporary or remote parking positions. This layout offers greater flexibility and efficiency in gate arrangements.
▲机场 T2 航站楼俯视图©️404NF STUDIO
有序发展:当旅客吞吐量达到 1200 万,启动扩建:T2 南指廊、南站坪、第二跑道以及停车楼。新建过夜用房和信息中心。南指廊构型可根据实际需求灵活布局,根据航空业务发展的实际情况,采用逐步扩建的方式满足使用功能的需求,国际国内增长量灵活调整,实现远期灵活发展。
Ordered Development: When the passenger throughput reaches 12 million, the expansion will be initiated, including the construction of the southern concourse of T2, the southern apron, a second runway, and a parking garage. Additionally, new facilities for overnight stays and an information center will be built. The configuration of the southern concourse can be flexibly arranged based on actual needs. Expansion will be carried out progressively to meet functional requirements, with adjustments for international and domestic growth as needed, allowing for flexible long-term development.
Air-Rail Intermodal Transport: The Phase II project introduces city rail transit connections, with provisions for a rail station and a transfer hall adjacent to the terminal. This setup facilitates air-rail intermodal transport, enhancing airport capacity and expanding operational reach. It achieves “zero transfer” between aviation and rail services.
机位灵活:根据烟台机场近年 E 类机型少的特点,设置组合机位,提高 E 类机位利用率。作为面向日韩的门户机场,9 个国际机位均采用楼内交通体的方式,可灵活转换为国内机位,方便国际国内错峰使用,打造便捷的国际快线及中转服务。这一创新规划为运营商和航空公司提供了高度的灵活性和自由度。
Flexible Aircraft Parking: Given the low frequency of Type E aircraft at Yantai Airport in recent years, the project incorporates combined parking positions to increase the utilization of Type E slots. As a gateway airport for Japan and South Korea, all nine international gates use an internal transportation system, allowing them to be flexibly converted to domestic gates. This setup facilitates off-peak usage for both international and domestic flights, creating convenient international express and transfer services. This innovative plan provides high flexibility and freedom for operators and airlines.
▲机场 T2 航站楼鸟瞰视角,与周边山势的关系©️404NF STUDIO
Adapt to the Terrain:During the initial planning stage, the team conducted an in-depth study of the terminal’s configuration, making full use of the existing terrain and adapting to the topography with a staggered design. The elevation of the landside arrival roadway was raised to match the level of the mezzanine in the reception hall, aiming to minimize site excavation as much as possible.
Design Inspiration
航站楼设计:T2 航站楼整体设计取意“烟海圣景,云上仙山”,灵感来自于海上仙山之祖之称的烟台昆嵛山,造型磅礴大气。与 T1 航站楼的“浪涌白沙”造型遥相呼应,完美的演绎出了烟台独特的山海文化;航站楼银色金属主屋面连绵起伏,如云蒸霞蔚般的仙山,轻盈飘逸。空侧港湾呈现烟台海岸蜿蜒的形态。指廊屋面采用混凝土屋面形式,节约造价、降低漏雨风险。控制屋面高度,获得适宜的室内净高,降低整体能耗。
Terminal Design:The overall design of the T2 terminal draws inspiration from the concept of “Yantai’s Sacred Scenic Beauty and the Celestial Mountains Above the Clouds,” inspired by the majestic Kunyu Mountain, known as the ancestor of sea mountains. Its grand and atmospheric form complements the “Surging White Sands” design of the T1 terminal, perfectly reflecting Yantai’s unique mountain-sea culture. The terminal’s silver metallic main roof undulates like the ethereal mountains, giving it a light and floating appearance. The airside harbor mimics the winding shape of Yantai’s coastline. The concourse roof utilizes a concrete structure to reduce costs and minimize the risk of leaks. By controlling the roof height, the design achieves an appropriate indoor clear height and reduces overall energy consumption.
▲T2 航站楼与 T1 航站楼的“浪涌白沙”造型呼应©️404NF STUDIO
Decoration Design: The terminal design concept reflects Yantai’s local culture. The check-in hall is inspired by the changing mountain landscapes, incorporating the gentle, ink-wash painting style into the architectural design. The design of the skylights follows the spatial form of the main roof, creating a dynamic interplay resembling cascading waves, and brings natural daylight into the interior, guiding passengers in the departure direction. The large ceiling integrates perfectly with the structure, utilizing the characteristics of perforated honeycomb aluminum panels. This design merges the rigidity, strength, three-dimensionality, and dynamism of the curved ceiling, achieving a blend of technology and aesthetics that presents a light and transparent interior space.
▲值机大厅天窗设计©️404NF STUDIO
The design creates a unique landmark space at the central node of the airside harbor, symbolizing the maritime culture of “working at sunrise and returning at sunset.” Both domestic and international passenger areas are arranged around this central space. Adhering to the principles of sustainable development, the design features triangular motorized shading curtains in the glass dome, addressing indoor shading needs while embodying the beautiful imagery of “blossoming harbor city, enchanting Yantai.” Additionally, the atrium ceiling is illuminated with point-like lighting. As night falls, the lights twinkle, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of a vast galaxy, and transforming the terminal into a fairyland for travelers, enhancing their memorable travel experience.
▲空侧港湾内部空间©️404NF STUDIO
The concourse is inspired by the rich and diverse island scenery. The ceiling features a wavy structure, while the commercial facade incorporates a unique island rock layer effect. The waiting area is equipped with various distinctive landscape leisure zones, allowing travelers to relax, businesspeople to work, and children to play.
The baggage claim hall is designed with a mast-like shape, symbolizing the millennia-old maritime Silk Road. The open upper space introduces natural daylight and scenic views. The full-height baggage claim atrium transforms what was originally a confined and oppressive space into an open, airy environment, allowing travelers to experience the harmonious coexistence of the building and its surroundings. The integration of advertising and greenery showcases Yantai’s local features and hospitality to the visitors.
▲行李提取厅©️404NF STUDIO
03. 设计亮点
Design Highlights
Gateway Hub: Yantai Penglai International Airport, as a regional hub and an important gateway to Northeast Asia, has incorporated features into its terminal to enhance operational efficiency. The concourse includes flexible gate arrangements to improve the efficiency of international gate operations and increase the attractiveness of the hub airport. Additionally, the terminal’s centralized and efficient transfer facilities provide an exceptionally convenient transfer experience for passengers. This supports Yantai Penglai International Airport in standing out as a regional aviation hub and delivering higher-quality services to travelers.
▲立面外观©️404NF STUDIO
Green Airport:The design adheres to principles of green ecology and low carbon energy efficiency. The terminal lobby features a truss structure with voids and unique sloping skylights that allow gentle natural light to flow in, creating a well-ventilated and comfortable environment for travelers. The concourse roof incorporates streamlined skylights that further optimize the indoor microclimate while controlling the ceiling height to effectively reduce energy consumption, reflecting the green ecological philosophy. In the baggage claim hall, the open upper space cleverly introduces natural daylight and views, creating a bright and comfortable waiting environment. The full-height design enhances the transparency and natural feel of the space, imbued with an ecological atmosphere.
▲机场通透环境©️404NF STUDIO
智慧机场:烟台蓬莱国际机场 T2 航站楼配备了先进的智能化设施,旨在为旅客提供更加便捷、高效的服务。自助值机和自助托运设备,使得旅客能够快速完成相关手续,避免了繁琐的排队等待;智慧安检系统的引入,通过高科技手段实现了安检流程的优化,缩短了旅客的等待时间。国际入境也采用了先期机检模式,利用智能判图设备进行行李查验,进一步提升了通关效率。
Smart Airport:The T2 terminal at Yantai Penglai International Airport is equipped with advanced smart technologies aimed at providing travelers with more convenient and efficient services. Self-check-in and self-bag-drop kiosks enable passengers to complete their procedures quickly, avoiding lengthy queues. The introduction of a smart security system optimizes the security screening process using high-tech methods, reducing wait times for travelers. Additionally, an early machine inspection model is used for international arrivals, with intelligent image recognition equipment for baggage inspection, further enhancing clearance efficiency.
▲流线型的顶面造型©️404NF STUDIO
Humanistic Airport:The terminal design is centered around the traveler, minimizing vertical changes in elevation to reduce the need for frequent floor transitions and alleviate travel fatigue. The design incorporates Yantai’s local characteristics, organizing passenger flows and showcasing indoor cultural displays that highlight Yantai’s rich cultural heritage. The terminal features exclusive VIP areas and business class lounges, offering high-end, personalized services for VIPs, business class passengers, and cardholders. Additionally, considering Yantai’s cold and snowy climate, indoor waiting areas for taxis and buses have been provided to enhance the comfort and satisfaction of travelers.
▲机场休息室空间©️404NF STUDIO
Distinctive Retail: The terminal is thoughtfully arranged with commercial resources to maximize commercial potential. It features two city exhibition halls, “Slightly Tipsy Yantai” and “Fresh Yantai,” to create opportunities for increasing non-aviation revenue. Along the passenger flow lines, a mixed-use commercial area integrates dining, retail, and entertainment, offering travelers a higher quality and more diverse travel experience.
▲机场整体内部空间©️404NF STUDIO
▲机场 T2 航站楼鸟瞰视角©️404NF STUDIO
项目:烟台蓬莱国际机场二期工程 T2 航站楼及航站区
建筑面积:17.2 万平方米
竣工年份:2023 年
Aedas 项目负责人:唐宙行
Project Information——
Project: Yantai Penglai International Airport Phase II Terminal 2 and Terminal Area
Location: Yantai, China
Lead Entity of the Consortium: China Southwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Consortium Members: Aedas, Shanghai Civil Aviation New Era Airport Design Research Institute
Owner: Shandong Airport Management Group Yantai International Airport Co., Ltd.
Building Area: 172,000 square meters
Completion Year: 2023
Project Team:
China Southwest Architecture Design and Research Institute
Project Leads: Chen Rongfeng, Pan Lei
Aedas Project Leader: Tang Zhouxing
Shanghai Civil Aviation New Era Airport Design Research Institute Project Leader: Ma Jingtiao
行李系统:北京艾福罗杰工程咨询有限公司 AIFLOG
照明设计:盖乐照明 Gala Lighting Design Studio
China Southwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. Specialist Leaders and Designers:
Authorize:Liu Yi
Architecture Specialists: Zhou Li, Xu Kaitian, Duan Fei, Liu Gang, Liu Wei, Xu Yanrui, Wang Jiuyan, Hou Yonglu, Zhou Fangfang, Hao Zhijin
Architecture Specialists: Zhou Li, Xu Kaitian, Duan Fei, Liu Wei, Xu Yanrui, Wang Jiuyan, Hou Yonglu, Zhou Fangfang, Hao Zhijin
Structural Specialists: Chen Zhiqiang, Xia Xun, Han Xia, Ma Yongxing, Hu Yang, Chen Haowei
HVAC Specialists: Hou Yubo, Liu Hai, Sun Haitao, Liu Zhaohai, Xu Shan, Rong Xiangyang, Yang Ling, Chen Tong
Plumbing and Drainage Specialists: Zhang Huidong, Li Haichun, Liu Peng, Guo Xianqiang, Zhang Jing, He Pengfei, Zhang Xunuo
Electrical Specialists: Hou Jian, He Jie, Hou Likui, Wang Zuowei, He Xishuo
Weak Current and Intelligent Systems Specialists: Yin Ruihong, Li Jiali, Zhou Hailin, Zou Xuan, Lu Jiaming
Facade Specialists: Dong Biao, Cai Honglin, Zhang Guoqing, Li Guo, Cheng Chao, Wang Jin
Decoration Specialists: Xu Wanquan, Qu Tao, Sun Kang, Li Yanjie, Sun Luyu, Xiang Gaoting
Landscape Specialists: Chen Tao, Ren Kunlun, Chu Fuyao, Zhao Jun
Municipal Specialists: Wang Weidong, Li Yinxiang, Sun Zhijie, Yan Jiedong, Wang Xiaojie, Chen Hongqing, Liu Chengqi, Fang Haoxing
Decoration Design Consultant: China National Petroleum Engineering Design Co., Ltd.
Baggage System: Beijing AIFLOG Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
Lighting Design: Gala Lighting Design Studio
Photography: 404NF STUDIO
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