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2024/09/13 13:27:57
木可合作社位于浙江德清县莫干山镇计庙坞村,是一栋曾经作为乡村信用社使用的四层办公楼。第一次的基地踏勘是在 2020 年 1 月,群山环绕中细雨迷蒙的村落很安静。不同年代的建筑使村庄环境显得有些驳杂无序。
MOOKE&CO is located in Jimiaowu Village, Moganshan Town, DeQing County, ZheJiang Province, the site is a four-story office building that was once used as a rural credit cooperative. Our first site survey was in January 2020, the village which surrounded by mountains was so quiet in the drizzling. The architecture of different eras makes the village environment seem a bit chaotic.
▼项目所在村庄鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view© YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼未改造前北立面鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view of the north facade before renovation © LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼改造前基地踏勘,Site survey before renovation ©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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When the project started, we never imagined it would be a four-year journey. There were many frustrating moments, as if navigating through an endless tunnel. After persevering, light finally appeared ahead. Ultimately, we obtained this brick-pink building.
▼鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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Beyond its primary function as a youth hostel, the owner also hopes it can become a small digital nomad community, providing an alternative rural lifestyle beyond just vacationing. Although labeled as a youth hostel, it’s not limited to young people; rather, the term “youth” refers to a lifestyle and mental state.
▼与周边建筑的空间关系,Spatial relationship with surrounding buildings ©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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The owner and we both hope this project can become a cultural catalyst in the quiet village, not just a commercial space. After nearly a year of operation, it has hosted various activities, such as salons, brand events, wellness activities, and kinds of gatherings, becoming an active spot for digital nomads and artists.
▼周边联动业态,Surrounding linkage business formats ©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼数字游民社区与街区共生关系,Symbiotic relationship between digital nomad community and neighborhood ©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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For rural redevelopment projects, it’s crucial to balance intervention with restraint. How much of the old should be erased and how much of the designer’s vision should be preserved to offer users a promising future is a challenge that requires continuous comparison and compromise.
▼村路看向建筑方向,Village road looking towards the building © LEL DESIGN.STUDIO
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材料与在地性 Materials and Locality 每个地区特有的土质在不同的配料和不同的环境影响下都会呈现不同的色调,而莫干山地区的土质就是一种柔和的淡粉色,因而当地建筑曾经很常见有温暖粉色的土墙。外墙设计采用的砖红色即源起于此。在地材料的运用有着更贴近当地生活的亲切感,随着时光流转色调仍在不断变化,是一种属于时间的智慧和美感。
The soil in each region presents different hues depending on its composition and environmental influences. The soil in the Moganshan area is a soft, light pink. Historically, Local buildings often featured warm pink earthen walls. The brick-red color used in the exterior design is derived from this tradition. Using local materials provides a more intimate connection to the area’s lifestyle. Over time, the color naturally evolves, embodying a form of wisdom and aesthetic that belongs to the passage of time.
▼莫干山当地看林小屋,Moganshan Forest Lodge ©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼水磨石材质反复调配打样试验,Repeated mixing and proofing test of terrazzo material ©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼外墙材质研究试验,External wall material research and test ©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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To recreate this local architectural hue, we conducted numerous tests and adjustments to achieve the brick-red color in an eco-friendly and cost-effective manner. We used crushed old red bricks recovered from the site as a natural, non-fading pigment. By mixing this with other binder materials in varying proportions, we created the exterior wall paint and terrazzo material for the project.
▼主入口前村庄旧路的保留,The old village road in front of the main entrance is preserved ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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The different proportions of brick powder create two tones of light and dark on the top and bottom ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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首层室内与场景 Ground Floor and Scene 室内一层大厅公区室内,以同样热烈的砖橘色调的涂料,与室外相呼应。室内水磨石地台中同样混入有回收废旧红砖颗粒,最终呈现的砖粉色调也非常令人满意。▼分解轴测图,axo©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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The lobby on the ground floor features a lively brick-orange paint, complementing the exterior hues. Recycled red brick particles are incorporated into the terrazzo flooring, resulting in a pleasing brick-pink shade.
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▼工作区场景,Workspace ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼沙发区,Sofa area©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼临窗座椅,Window seat ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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美中不足的是原本要预埋的地暖管最终没有实现。因为常规水磨石面层的厚度在 1cm 左右,埋设地暖管后应加厚面层来防止起鼓开裂,但因为地台上部的高度有限,已不具备增高修改的可能性,同时由于工期造价等制约,地台也不能再重新制作。些许遗憾。
Unfortunately, the planned underfloor heating couldn’t be installed. Due to the standard thickness of terrazzo layers being around 1 cm, the surface layer needs to be thickened after installing underfloor heating pipes to prevent bubbling and cracking. But because of the mezzanine height restrictions and the time constraints, we don’t have time to modify or rebuild the flooring, that is a small regret.
▼砖粉色水磨石地台,Brick pink terrazzo floor ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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Enter the more hidden mezzanine salon space through the thin steel staircase ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼共享厨房区,Shared kitchen area ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼夹层沙龙空间,Mezzanine Salon Space ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼夹层沙龙空间俯瞰沙发区,Mezzanine salon space overlook the sofa area ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼一层户外小庭院,Small outdoor courtyard on the first floor ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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Guest Rooms and Atmosphere
原始砖混结构的布局不易进行过多布局调整,因此 2-4 层客房延续了原有的房间分隔方式。
The structure of the original building is brick-concrete, so the room layout adjustments were limited. The guest rooms on floors 2-4 retained the original partitioning.
▼客房入口,Guest room entrance©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼客房概览,Overall view of guest room©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼采用丝绒,棉麻肌理织物,Made of velvet, cotton and linen fabric ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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The design is simple and inviting, featuring small ceramic tiles that complement the colors of the public areas. Wooden panels and vintage-style lamps highlight the unique Shanghai aesthetic. While marketed as a youth hostel, the goal is to achieve a timeless, durable quality that transcends age.
▼室内细节与场景,Interior detials©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼客房洗手台,Guest room sink ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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Terrace and Mountain View
The terrace is designed to offer a panoramic view of the village and accommodate outdoor activities. The enclosing walls obscure the more cluttered village buildings below, presenting a clearer, more expansive mountain view.
▼露台改造前后对比,Terrace renovation before and after comparison ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼水磨石台阶与入口前木屋平台,Terrazzo steps and wooden platform in front of the entrance©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼入口处完成前后比较,Before and after the entrance is completed ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼庭院完成前后比较,Before and after the garden is completed ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼一层公区完成前后比较,The first floor public area before and after completion ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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▼前厅完成前后比较,Front lobby before and after completion ©YUUUUN.STUDIO
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The objective extends beyond mere building renovation or the establishment of a youth hostel; it is to embody a forward-looking rural lifestyle. We hope this new mountain settlement will spark numerous stories and opportunities in the countryside.
▼一层平面图 F1,ground floor plan©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼二-三层平面图,2-3 floor plan©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼屋顶层平面图,roof plan©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼南立面图,south elevation©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼西立面图,west elevation©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼东立面图,east elevation©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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▼北立面图,north elevation©LELDESIGNSTUDIO
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占地面积:400 平方米
建筑面积:900 平方米
设计时间:2020 年 1 月-2022 年 10 月
建设时间:2022 年 10 月-2023 年 10 月
导视设计:changstudios 兰婧琦
Main Introduction
Project name: MOOKE&CO
Project type: Architecture renovation /Interior design
Project location: Jimiaowu Village, Moganshan Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province
Client: Zhejiang Deqing Qianxiyuan Tourism Development Co., Ltd
Project Status: Completed
Floor area: 400 square meters
Gross built area: 900 square meters
Design Year: 2020.01-2022.10
Completion Year: 2022.10-2023.10
Design Team
Design Consultant: LV Xiaohui
Lead Architect: LIU Lu
Architecture Design: LIU Lu, LV Qi, YU Kuai, LUO Sai
Interior Design: LIU Lu, WANG Jing, WANG Yiding, ZHANG Fan
Signage Design: changstudios, LAN Jingqi
Project Coordination: LIU Lu
Text: LIU Lu
Materials: Terrazzo, brick-powder paint (self-developed), solid wood
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