Tikhoye 湖生态修复丨俄罗斯丨Novascape+Brusnika Design

2024/09/02 15:32:17
Tikhoye lake is located in Russian town Tyumen, in Siberia, near a residential area project designed by the development company Brusnika. A small, shallow and boggy Tikhoye lake was much wider up to the 1970s, but affected by chaotic urban development, it gradually shrank. As a result, while working on the residential area, it was decided to restore the reservoir and landscape its shoreline, thus linking the new quarter to the lake shore.
▼项目概览,Overall of the project © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
Tikhoye 湖生态修复丨俄罗斯丨Novascape+Brusnika Design-3
▼鸟瞰湖泊,Aerial view of the lake © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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Tikhoye 湖生态修复丨俄罗斯丨Novascape+Brusnika Design-6
The project team divided the revitalisation process into several stages. The initial step comprised ecological evaluation of the lake, its water and soil. This was accomplished by Brusnika in collaboration with the The State Agrarian University of The Northern Trans-Urals, the Russian Ecology Society and ECOSTANDARD Group. Based on the results of the research, recommendations concerning biodiversity, shoreline stabilisation, dredging and fish stocking were formulated and a strategy to restore the natural site was developed.
▼第一阶段调研过程,Phase 1. Research process © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
Tikhoye 湖生态修复丨俄罗斯丨Novascape+Brusnika Design-10
▼第一阶段调研,Phase 1. Research © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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Tikhoye 湖生态修复丨俄罗斯丨Novascape+Brusnika Design-13
▼第一阶段调研 – 水质与湖中的鸭子,Phase 1. Research process – Water condition and ducks © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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The second phase of lake revitalization involves its afforestation. The lake’s area was filled with a variety of plants cascading down to the water’s edge—willows, elms, poplars, birches, barberries, elderberries, reeds, cane, brooklime, bulrushes, and sedges. Floating bio-platforms made of wetland plants are responsible for enriching the water with oxygen and maintaining the biodiversity of the natural site. These platforms will become nesting sites for birds and a food source for fish.
▼第二阶段,通过人工水坝抽水来清洁流域,Phase 2. Pumping water over a dam © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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Tikhoye 湖生态修复丨俄罗斯丨Novascape+Brusnika Design-20
The third stage of revitalisation involves the creation of a park with pedestrian and bicycle paths. Around the lake and on the territories adjacent to it, Brusnika projects will feature rain gardens (currently, specialists have laid the foundation for them). These gardens will filter stormwater runoff and direct it into the reservoir.
▼生态河岸,Ecological riverbank © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼亲水平台,Waterfront platform © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼钓鱼的游人,People fishing in the lake © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼水上走道,Water walkway © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼亲水平台成为市民的社交聚会场所,The platform became a social gathering place for citizens © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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Tikhoye 湖生态修复丨俄罗斯丨Novascape+Brusnika Design-35
The final stage of lake revitalization is fish stocking. In the spring of 2024, approximately 50 kg of carp and 100 kg each of silver carp and bighead carp were released into Tikhoye Lake. Prior to the fish stocking, specialists conducted relevant studies, measured the depth, created a lake map, collected water samples, and determined which species would best adapt to the conditions. Carp, silver carp, and bighead carp complement each other and aid in their survival. Carp digs the bottom and eats everything on it, uprooting vegetation. Silver carp, or water cow, eats grass and algae, picking up what the carp leaves behind. Bighead carp, the lake’s sanitation worker, swims with its mouth open, collects everything in the water column, and filters the water.
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view at dusk © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼夕阳中的水上走道,Water walkway in the sunset © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼夕阳中的亲水平台,The waterfront platform at dusk © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼修复后的湖泊为鸟类提供了生态栖息地,The restored lake provides an ecological habitat for birds © Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
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▼总体轴测图,Axonometric diagram © Brusnika
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▼Tikhoye湖域采用的植物修复技术,The technology of phytoremediation on Tikhoye Lake © Brusnika
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Surface area — 2700 m²
Water volume — 18 000 m³
Lake depth — 2,5 m
40 000 trees
100 000 shrubs
54 000 wetland plants
Project team
Ecological research — The State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, the Russian Ecology Society, ECOSTANDARD Group
Landscape design — Novascape, Brusnika Design
Development and landscape — Brusnika
Photo — Alexander Saskov, Maxim Loskutov
Research — 2020
Project — 2020-2021
Completion — 2021-2024
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