

诺曼·福斯特和其事务所Foster + Partners新近举办的高层建筑展览《垂直城市》在新近翻新的泛美金字塔中心(Transamerica Pyramid)开幕。
The Vertical City, a new exhibition of tall buildings by Norman Foster and Foster + Partners, opened at the newly refurbished Transamerica Pyramid.
▼展览现场,exhibition images © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
The skyscraper is emblematic of the modern age city and is a reminder that the city is arguably civilization’s greatest invention. A vertical community, well served by public transport, can be a model of sustainability, especially when compared with a sprawling low-rise equivalent in a car-dependent suburb.
▼垂直社区作为可持续发展的典范,a vertical community as a model of sustainability © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
Foster + Partners创始人兼执行主席诺曼·福斯特说: “我们自己的塔楼设计史就是一部挑战传统的历史。我们最先质疑以机械设备、交通和结构为核心的传统塔楼,反之创造了开放、堆叠的空间,适应灵活变化,同时视野通透。我们随后又推出了前所未有的一系列“会呼吸”的塔楼。为了减少能源消耗,创造更健康、更理想的生活方式,我们展示了自然通风系统可以将大量新鲜、过滤的空气输送到室内,成为可控内部气候的一部分”。
Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners, said: “Our own design history of towers is one of challenging convention. We were the first to question the traditional tower, with its central core of mechanical plant, circulation and structure, and instead to create open, stacked spaces, flexible for change and with see-through views. This led to a further evolution with the first-ever series of “breathing” towers. In the quest to reduce energy consumption and create a healthier and more desirable lifestyle, we showed that a system of natural ventilation, moving large volumes of fresh, filtered air, could be part of a controlled internal climate.”
▼塔楼开放、堆叠的空间,towers with open, stacked spaces © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
随着标志性塔楼泛美金字塔中心的再生,我们的设计力图在旧金山市中心打造一个充满活力的目的地,同时尊重并弘扬该建筑的独特遗产,并恢复历史悠久的红杉公园(Redwood Park)。作为该建筑 50 年历史上最大的翻新项目,此次重建旨在为这座城市最知名的地标之一,也是这座城市的第二高楼注入新的活力。
With the revitalization of the iconic Transamerica Pyramid Center, our design seeks to create a vibrant destination in the heart of San Francisco while respecting and celebrating the unique heritage of the building and restoring the historic Redwood Park. The biggest renovation in the building’s 50-year history, this redevelopment seeks to give a new lease of life to one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks and the second tallest building in the city.
▼展览现场,exhibition images © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
▼天窗,skylight © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
List of projects on display:
Transamerica Pyramid Masterplan, San Francisco
Office building for New Haven (designed by Norman Foster at Yale)
Century Tower, Tokyo
Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong
Millennium Tower, Tokyo
Commerzbank Headquarters, Frankfurt
30 St Mary Axe, London
Hearst Tower, New York
Deutsche Bank Place, Sydney
National Bank of Kuwait, Kuwait City
425 Park Avenue, New York
Comcast Technology Centre, Philadelphia
Oceanwide, San Francisco
270 Park Avenue, New York