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岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计

2024/09/19 15:37:45
中标津町位于北海道东部,是日本数一数二的乳制品生产地区。近年来,IT/ICT 技术被引入了乳畜业的各个领域,如奶牛的健康管理和行走路线引导等。在当地政府和志愿者的支持下,由岩谷学园主导,日本首所“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校应运而生,旨在培养精通这些技术的人才。
Nakashibetsu Town, located in eastern Hokkaido, is one of Japan’s leading dairy production areas. In recent years, IT/ICT technologies have been introduced into various aspects of dairy farming, such as cattle health management and guidance on walking routes. Supported by the local government and volunteers, Iwatani Academy has spearheaded the establishment of Japan’s first “Dairy Farming × IT” specialized school, aimed at nurturing talents proficient in these technologies.
▼立面,从西北侧道路望去,Façade, view from the northwest side road ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-3
Students in the dairy farming program are required not only to complete normal lessons but also to engage in after-class group activities and internships, necessitating long hours on campus. Therefore, the school is designed to be a comforting place, reminiscent of home.
▼从东北侧道路看到的黄昏时分的外观,Exterior view from the northeast side road at dusk ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-7
▼从北侧道路看到的黄昏时分的外观,Exterior view from the north side road at dusk ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-9
▼从西北侧道路看到的黄昏时分的外观,Exterior view from the northwest side road at dusk ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-11
▼概念图,Concept ©Atelier MEME
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-14
Spaces such as classrooms, tech labs, and library corners were conceptualized as “homes” of various scales, from small to large, setting each area’s volume within this spectrum. These “homes” are staggered north to south along the site’s elongated east-west axis. Connecting these volumes with human-scale openings creates a comfortable distance between the houses, naturally generating students’ places. Progressing through the entrance, the journey across these openings unveils a tapestry of diverse activities, similar to the anticipation of walking through a lively street or tranquil path. Though the combination of classrooms and corridors is typical, controlling the scale and arrangement has created a vibrant space.
▼从北面鸟瞰,住宅区向西延伸,Aerial view from the north, with a residential area spreading to the west ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-17
▼外观,从北侧望去,Exterior, view from the north ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-19
Residential areas spread to the west and east sides of the site. The school’s stance, resembling a collective of homes, seamlessly connects with the residential neighborhood. The facade, resonating with the birch forest to the north, and a landscape without any fences, blends well into the tranquil town scenery. The partnership between the school’s founders and local authorities transforms tech labs into versatile community event spaces. Movable partitions and large sliding windows are thoughtfully incorporated to accommodate future events.
▼符合人体尺度的开口,Human-scale openings ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-23
▼从一般教室前面看向走廊深处,View down the corridor from in front of the classroom ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-25
View down the corridor from in front of the Tech Lab ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-28
▼一般教室内观,Interior of classroom ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-30
Nakashibetsu Town faces a declining population and the outflow of the younger generation. The lack of appealing industries and the perceived dairy farming as labor-intensive and inefficient have deterred youth. The school not only aims to cultivate a generation proficient in dairy farming information technologies but also encourages young people to stay and live in their hometown, ultimately revitalizing the local community.
▼从实习教室 1 望向走廊,View the corridor from the Tech Lab-1 ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-34
▼从实习教室 2 望向走廊,View the corridor from the Tech Lab-2 ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-36
Corridor, birch forest can be seen from the window ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-39
▼走廊,从出入口望去,Corridor, view from the entrance ©酒井广司 (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-41
▼总平面图,Site Plan ©Atelier MEME
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-43
▼总体剖面图,平面图,Section & Plan ©Atelier MEME
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-45
▼实习教室 2 剖面图,Section of Tech Lab-2 ©Atelier MEME
岩谷学园“奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校丨日本丨Atelier MEME,第一宅建设计,KEI 设计-47
项目名称:岩谷学园 “奶牛养殖业×IT”专门学校
建筑设计:Atelier MEME /八木敦之,李嘉欣,柳泽庆太
第一宅建设计 /青山新吾
KEI 设计 /日野泽让
构造设计:Soaps 一级建筑士事务所 /小山内博树,菅田祐子
项目设计:2022 年 4 月~2023 年 3 月
完成年份:2023 年 12 月
用地面积:2,689.02 m²
占地面积:872.51 m
Project name: Iwatani Academy “Dairy Farming × IT” Specialized School
Project location: Nakashibetsu Town, Shibetsu District, Hokkaido
Project type: Educational Architecture
Leader designer & Team: Atelier MEME Inc. /Atsuyuki Yagi, Jiaxin Li, Keita Yanagisawa
Daiichitakken sekkei Co., LTD /Shingo Aoyama
K architectural office Inc. /Yuzuru Hinosawa
Structural Engineer: Soaps Inc. /Hiroki Osanai, Yuko Sugeta
Construction: Inukai・ Hiroki Special Construction Joint Venture
Structure: Wood
Design year: April 2022 – March 2023
Completion Year: December 2023
Site area: 2,689.02 m²
Building area: 872.51 m²
Gross built area: 869.20 m²
Photo credit: ©Sakai Koji (GRAYTONE PHOTOGRAPHS)
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